Hilary Meirovitch

Title and Theme: Exploring the Elements of Art

UnitOverviewThis will be the first in a series of assignments that will explore the basic elements of art and principles of design. The elements of art are the basic building blocks of an artwork. (Line, shape, color, form, texture, value, and space) Students must be able to understand what these terms refer to and how artists use them in different ways to convey different meanings. The students will begin by completing a pre-assessment of the Element of Art (in their Student Activity Guides) and will work individually and then in pairs to complete the worksheet. The students will eventually create (performance assessment) an accordion book of drawings that demonstrates their understanding through a visual representation of the elements and their properties.

Rationale: To align with CCLS and the school’s focus on argumentation, this class will focus on honing and cultivating students skills in speaking and listening. The true focus will be around sustaining conversations around and based on works of art including the students own and master works. This unit will provide a foundation of vocabulary and will introduce them to the process. They will also be creating visual representations of the elements of art and participating in a culminating groundcritiqueafter the projects are complete.


The student will understand that:

  1. The elements of art are line, shape, color, space, form, texture and value.
  2. These are the basic building blocks of any work of art and can be used as a lens in which to view and analyze works of art.

The student will be able to:

1.Identify the elements of art and how an artist uses them in a particular artwork.

2.Create a folded paper book that illustrates visually the elements of art.

3.Participate in a group critiqueat the end of the assignment.

NYS Arts Standards:

Standard 1: Creating, Performing and Participating in the Arts.

Standard 2: Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources

NYC Benchmark for Learning

Students hone observation skills and discuss works of art; develop visual arts vocabulary to describe art making, the tools and techniques used to produce art, and the elements and principles of design; read and write about art to reinforce literacy skills; interpret artwork by providing evidence to support assertions; reflect on the process of making art.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 11–12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.9-10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

Materials: Various images of artworks, student activity guides. Textbooks, markers, colored pencils, pencils, erasers, paper.

Vocabulary: Elements of Art, line, shape, color, value, hue, texture, form, space, line weight, composition, and balance.

Knowledge of students: *because art is not a standardized tested subject, much of the data I can collect about students is related to their reading/writing abilities and not their knowledge of art. This will serve data for me to use in addition to their IEPs and information found on Skedula.

Day 1


1.The students will complete the Elements of Art pre-assessment worksheet.

2.The students will begin to “read” different images of artworks focusing on the elements of art

Materials: Element of Art SAG, images of artworks- ArtTalk textbook.

Vocabulary: Elements of Art-Line, shape, color, value, texture, space, form, critique.

Aim: How do artists use the elements of art?

Pre-assessment: Before any discussion, students will be given the student activity guide. They will be instructed to complete it to the best of their ability.

Pair Share: Once students have completed as much as they can of the worksheet, they will work in pairs to complete the missing information. At this point they will be allowed to use the textbook to look up any terms they are not familiar with.

Share out (teacher modeled example): Students will share out the definitions of the vocabulary terms. The teacher will ask the students to identify examples of each of the elements in an image that is presented on the board. As the students share their definition/explanation of the terns, they will cite examples from the image.

Introduction of Assignment: Students will view a completed example of a folded paper book. The teacher will demonstrate how to properly fold an accordion style book. Project requirement discussed- also listed in their SAG’s.

Closing Activity: Individual: Students will get a second image to observe and record examples of each of the elements in their SAG’s.

Intro to looking at art: teacher will discuss how the elements of art are used to interpret artworks and as a basis for discussion. Students will complete the first step in this process by DESCRIBING the artwork that they were given, using the terms and vocabulary we have discussed throughout the period.

Assessment: Teacher will circle the classroom and engage in individual conversations and give immediate feedback. (Formative) teacher will collect descriptions at the end of the period and provide written feedback.

Summary/Closure: Students will return their folders to their correct places and will return their materials.