DIT Social Media Policy

Updated: April 2017


This policy advises the reader on the use of social media at DIT. Social media consists of various online user-driven channels. One principle feature of social media is that it is interactive, i.e. users can respond to content in a quick and visible manner.

Official social media currently in use at DIT includes:

  • Facebook -
  • Twitter -
  • DIT LinkedIn -
  • DIT Instagram -
  • Graduate Network LinkedIn -
  • Campus Life Youtube -
  • DIT Public Affairs Youtube -

These channels are maintained by the Public Affairs Office, the Campus Life Office, and the Graduate Network Office.

There are numerous other facebook, twitter, and other accounts representing DIT colleges, schools, research centres, departments, and so on.


The following legislation should be taken into account when using social media:

  • Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act 1989
  • Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003
  • The Child Trafficking and Pornography Acts 1998 and 2004
  • Copyright and Related Rights Acts 2000, 2004 and 2007
  • Defamation Act 2009

You must also follow these terms of service:

  • Facebook -
  • Twitter -
  • LinkedIn -
  • Youtube -
  • Instagram -

In short, content posted by DIT representatives should not:

  • Be libellous
  • Be indecent
  • Be plagiarised
  • Use imagery under copyright
  • Incite others to hatred


Content should also be:

  • Relevant
  • Authentic
  • Well-researched
  • Transparent – mention that you are representing DIT
  • Helpful
  • In keeping with DIT branding – see for details

Remember that anything posted online can be shared or retweeted – so even if you delete a post, it may remain online somewhere. Be sure before you post.


Social Media has the following uses for an educational institute:

  • Promotional – tell your users about services you provide, or events you are running
  • Support – users can raise issues and get responses
  • Reputational – you can make other bodies aware of your activities


Many student queries now come to DIT via Social Media – it is important that these queries are:

  • Acknowledged – let the user know you have seen their query
  • Researched – if you do not know the answer to a user’s query, contact the relevant department in DIT
  • Answered – respond to the user via the same medium

It is important to be prompt in responding to these queries - otherwise it reflects badly on DIT. If you feel you cannot devote time to social media, do not use it.


Different sections at DIT may have different audiences, and a single section may have a number of different audiences. Recognise who you are speaking to, and tailor your content to them. Do not exclude any part of your audience.


Users on social media often feel that no-one is listening, and they can say whatever they wish. Carry out regular searches and see what people are saying about your section or department. If they are criticising you, respond in a helpful manner. The user will often be surprised and impressed that they received a response.

If the user persists with criticism, and there is nothing you or anyone else in DIT could do to help, cease communication with the user.

Inappropriate content

The official DIT social media channels are monitored frequently within working hours. We would encourage users to report any inappropriate content, and we will investigate and take action. DIT is responsible only for content posted via official DIT social media channels, content directed to those channels is the responsibility of the creator.


Be human, not academic in tone. The majority of DIT social media users are students and prospective students, who respond well to personality.

It’s fine to be chatty, once you know what you are chatting about!


When representing DIT on social media:

  • Use correct branding
  • Promote DIT services
  • Be sure of what you are saying before you post it
  • Be prompt, helpful and accurate
  • Follow current legislation as detailed above
  • Acknowledge that you are affiliated with DIT
  • Enjoy!