Fl RST Student Author Name______Phone______

FIRST Student Author E-Mail ______

Teacher's Name______Teacher's Phone ______

Teacher's E-Mail ______If you need more room, use separate white sheet, but be sure to include all information on this form. THIS ABSTRACT WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR PUBLICATION IN THE 2001 ISSUE OF THE JOURNAL OF STUDENT RESEARCH ABSTRACTS, unless it is already published in the 2000 issue.


1) Entire abstract must be typed beautifully, error free, in box above. Messy abstracts, those with errors or those not following proper format will be discarded and not included in the National Science Foundation Student Research Abstracts Volume Journal of Student Research Abstracts, Burgess.

2) Leave about 1/8 inch margins next to all boundary lines. Typing must not touch boundary lines.

3) Type title of abstract using all capital letters (see sample below).

4) Type names of student authors followed by name of teacher followed by ( teacher ) in parentheses ( see sample below) .

5) Type name and address of school (see sample below).

6) Single space all typing (see sample below).

7) Place entire abstract in one paragraph starting with 3-space indentation (as below).

8) Abstracts should generally begin with purpose of the study, followed by how it was done, the results and the conclusions.

EFFECTS OF SUGARS ON SEA URCHIN FERTILIZATION. J.B. Jones, M.L. Smith and H.K. Brown (teacher). John Morrows High School, 6464 Davis Road, Torrance, CA 91256.

This study examined the question of possible sugar involvement in sperm-egg interaction in the sea urchin Lvtechinus pictus. Eggs and sperm were incubated with or without 0.1M D-glucose, D-galactose or D-mannose for 10 minutes at 15 C in pH 8.0 artificial sea water and percent fertilization was recorded. Each experiment was repeated 6 times. D-galactose reduced the fertilization rate to 51%±4%, while control values were at 97%±3%. D-mannose and D-glucose reduced the fertilization rate to 82%±6% and 91%±2% respectively. The results suggest that D-galactose is the most likely of the 3 sugars tested to play a role in sperm-egg interaction in Lystechinus pictus.