How to prepare an abstract to ISDS’07(example of abstract title)

A.B. First1,C.D. Second2

1Laboratory, and/orInstitute,and/or University, and/or Company, ZIP code,City, Country
E-mail, web site

2Laboratory, and/or Institute, and/or University, and/or Company, ZIP code, City, Country

Here we summarize our recommendations for abstract preparation to ISDS’07.

Choose the page size A4 and set the top, bottom, left and right page margins equal to 2 cm.Your abstract should not exceed 1 page.

Use Times New Roman font; font size 11pt everywhere in the abstract except affiliation and figure captions (10pt). Use bold typeface for abstract title. Underline the presenting author. Use italic typeface for affiliation. Do not forget to write your e-mail and you may also put the address of your web site.

Figures should be prepared in grayscale format. Size of the figure labels should not exceed 11pt at the final figure size (not to be bigger than the text size).

(Example of the figure siting in the text.) Figure 1 shows the emblem of ISDS’07. Your can see the small lizard sitting on the mountain ridge consisting of nanodomain chains (Fig. 1). Lizards were the servants of the Mistress of the CopperMountain in the famous Ural tales by Pavel Bazhov. So it symbolizes the Ural region.Nanodomain chains were obtained during backswitched periodical domain patterning in congruent lithium niobate.

Figure1.Emblem of the International symposium "Micro- and nano-scale domain structuring in ferroelectrics".

Use the following format for References (Authors, Journal title, volume number, page, year; Authors, Book title, Publisher, page, year):

  1. A.B.Black, C.D.White, Journal title1, 1 (2007).
  2. E.F.Green, G.H.Brown, Book title (Publisher), 123 (2007).

Indicate what kind of presentation do you prefer oral or poster?

Put the section number (choose one or two from the list).

  1. Physical basis of domain engineering.
  2. Periodical poling in LN, LT and KTP family crystals.
  3. Modern achievements in application of domain patterned ferroelectrics.
  4. Submicron and nano-scale domain structuring by SPM.
  5. Creation and properties of nano-scale ferroelectrics.
  6. Testing and characterization of domain patterns.
  7. Modeling and theory.
  8. Single crystals: growth and characterization.
  9. Self-assembled nano-scale domain structures.
  10. Relaxors and polar nano-domains.
  11. Domains in multiferroics.

Use this file as the abstract example;it contains all text styles necessary for abstract preparation.

Please, send the *.DOC file with your abstract to before March, 31.

I prefer oral/poster presentation

Section #