Math Science Partnerships 2013


Mathematics and Science Partnerships Applications

If interested in reviewing Mathematics and Science Partnerships applications, please mail or email the attached application with current resume or vita to Jason Kendall (see page 2) by

4:00 pm (EST) on Tuesday, November 20, 2012.

KDE will notify reviewers of their selection as soon as possible.

The Kentucky Department of Education is seeking qualified individuals to review Mathematics and Science Partnerships applications. Partnerships involving Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Mathematics faculty from institutions of higher education and high needs schools/districts are eligible to apply for these funds. The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) anticipates funding approximately 5 applications.

Reviewer Qualifications

For this review, we seek persons with an in-depth understanding of research-based practices and professional development in mathematics and/or science. We desire representation from educators who have a background in teaching, administration, or higher education and have experience working with P-12 teachers/students.

Reviewer Requirements

In addition to the specified experience and background, reviewers must:

1.  Attend a reviewer training via WebEx on Tuesday, December 4, 2012 from 3 pm to 5 pm (EST).

2.  Have the knowledge and capacity to receive and read applications submitted in compact disk formats.

3.  Have access to word processing and spreadsheet programs compatible with Microsoft Word and Excel.

4.  Have the capacity to complete Microsoft Excel score sheets electronically and return to KDE as e-mail attachments.

Reviewer Compensation

Persons selected for this review will receive $100.00 per application. Reviewers will also receive $75.00 for participating in the reviewer training on Tuesday, December 4, 2012.

These reviewers are neither employees nor contractors of KDE, and as such, cannot be paid through the payroll system. The KDE will continue to inform all reviewers that if they are KTRS retired members, then they have the responsibility to seek an exemption from the KTRS for return to work and to report earnings appropriately to the KTRS.

Note: KDE is prohibited from compensating state employees (excluding district and school staff) for reviewing these applications. These individuals may request that their employers allow them to accrue compensation time for participating in the review.

Reviewer Timeline

Reviewers will receive applications electronically following the reviewer training. Reviewers must return all score sheets, including comments, to KDE no later than Tuesday, December 18, 2012.




The Kentucky Department of Education is seeking qualified persons to review competitive grant applications. Depending on availability of funding, reviewers may receive a stipend for these services. If the review occurs during normal work hours, districts may receive reimbursement for substitute costs for teachers in lieu of the teacher stipend.

We will place qualified persons in a pool from which we will select reviewers based on the needs of the grant competition.


At minimum, reviewers must possess:

1.  Bachelor’s degree in one or more of these areas:

·  Mathematics
·  Science
·  Primary and Intermediate (elementary) Education
·  Middle School Education
·  Secondary Education
·  Special Education
·  Early Childhood Education

2.  Five years of experience in education or in one of the specified areas.

We will give preference to individuals with advanced degrees and/or experience in mathematics/science grant writing or application review.


Qualified individuals may submit an application at any time. To apply, complete the application cover sheet on page two and send it and a recent resume or vita to:

Jason Kendall

Kentucky Department of Education

Capital Plaza Tower, Room 1632

500 Mero Street

Frankfort, KY 40601


Fax: 502-564-6771

Phone: 502-564-2351

Math Science Partnerships 2013



Social Security No:
City: / State: / Zip:
Home Telephone: / Business Telephone:
Home E-Mail: / Business E-Mail:
Business Name and Address:
If you have received compensation from the Kentucky Department of Education since January 1, 2012, how
much, excluding travel reimbursement, did you receive and what services did you provide?
Please identify any times of the year for which you are unavailable to serve as a reviewer.
Are you KTRS retired? ______Yes ______No
Highest Degree Received:
Do you have any experience in reviewing local, state or federal competitive applications? / q  YES / q  NO
Have you been involved in writing any local, state or federal competitive applications? / q  YES / q  NO
Please check any of the following grants that you have reviewed or helped write.
q  Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant
q  Even Start Family Literacy Grant
q  Early Reading Incentive Grant
q  Reading First Grant
q  21st Century Community Learning Center Grant
q  Dropout Prevention Grant
q  Comprehensive School Reform (CSR) Grant
q  Family Resource/Youth Services Center Grant / q  Kentucky Teacher Academy in the content area of ______
q  Reading/Mathematics Mentor Grants
q  Arts Grant (any)
q  Technology Grant (any)
q  Substance Abuse/Prevention Grant (any)
q  Mentoring Grant (any)
q  Other ______
Check the category(ies) for which you feel qualified to review.
q  Reading/Writing/Language Arts
q  Family Literacy
q  Mathematics
q  Science (List Area(s))
q  Social Studies/History/Economics
q  Health/Physical Education
q  Career/Technical Education
q  Humanities/Foreign Language
q  Arts - Visual and/or Performing
q  Educational Technology
q  Professional Development
q  School Reform
q  After-School Programs
q  Educational Leadership
q  Community Education
q  Other (Specify in box at right.) / Check the level(s) at which you have experience and the number of years of experience at that level.
Level / Number of
Early Childhood/Preschool
Primary (K-3)
List Other Areas of Expertise.

___ Please check here if you are assisting with writing a MSP grant application(s) and list school(s)/district(s) in the space below.