DEED Grant Quarterly Report

April 1, 2007

Project Title: LED Streetlighting Pilot Project

Utility Name: Lansing Board of Water & Light (LBWL)

Address: 1232 Haco Drive P.O. Box 1307

Lansing, MI 48911

Key Personnel & Phone Numbers:

Sue Warren (517) 702-6585

Roger Adsit (517) 702-6085

Description for Scope of Project:

The proposed project will specify, purchase, and install LED streetlight products (LEDs) for use in the LBWL LED Streetlight Pilot Project (Project). Approximately 10-15 LEDs will be purchased and installed in a yet to be determined location. Preference in choosing a location will be given to residential locations where the existing lighting is ornamental and pole spacing is much closer than for other streetlight locations. In doing so, the LBWL hopes to compensate for the lower lumen/watt output of known LEDs in comparison with HPS fixtures. The Project will perform a comprehensive evaluation of the LEDs that will include, but not be limited to: cost of installation, energy consumption savings, foot-candle measurements, possible reduced O&M costs, longer planned maintenance cycles, color rendition evaluation, effects on security, public perception and possible effects on vehicle accident liability and personal liability. This evaluation will then be compared with evaluations for the standard HPS standard design.

Based on the above, conclusions and recommendations will be made on how to proceed with respect to the use of LEDs.

We anticipate this project to take 18-24 months. The first 8-10 months will be spent contacting vendors, determining the appropriate sites, ordering and installing the LED light fixtures. Once the LED lights are installed, we intend to collect 12 months of data on the LED performance under various weather conditions.

Dates for itemized tasks to be completed and proposed time schedule:

Task / Time Schedule
Research LED streetlight products available and contact vendors for product specifications. / Ongoing
Ordered 3 prototypes from two separate vendors / Completed (July 2006)
Ordered one more prototype from another vendor / Completed (November 2006)
Engineering of lights to be installed considering light levels, light patterns, mounting heights, etc. / Ongoing
BWL evaluation of prototypes to determine simplicity of both retrofit into standard fixtures and future maintenance if/when necessary / Complete, but open to future offerings
Determine which prototypes will be purchased for LED Project study. Vendors have been chosen. / Completed (March 2007)
Ordered 8 decorative lights and 6 cobra heads (will be ordering more in April) / Completed (March 2007)
Determine potential sites for LED fixtures to be installed. / Completed (5 sites identified)
Finalize site locations with governmental entities / April – May 2007
Install lights in designated Project area(s) / May 2007
Publicize and promote Project to area residents / May – June 2007
Monitor light levels and performance of LED lights under various weather conditions. / May 2007 -May 2008
Continue to monitor standards and requirements for roadway lighting under IES that are currently under review. / Ongoing
Develop survey evaluation tool / February 2008
Survey Pilot Project area(s) residents / March 2008
Evaluate survey results / April 2008
Calculate cost/benefit analysis / April 2008
Project evaluation and final report / May 2008

Results to Date:

After evaluating the various prototypes, the LBWL has chosen two vendors to provide the LED’s for the Project study. In March we ordered 4 decorative and 6 cobra head fixtures from Midwest Circuits and 4 decorative fixtures from Osram. However, due to the pricing offered by these vendors we are in the process of ordering several more fixtures which will allow us to expand the Project. Expected delivery and installation of these lights is May. Several site locations for the Project lights have been determined and work with the respective local governmental entities and community officials will begin this month. Development of the publicity and marketing plan to announce the Project has been started and will be finalize in May.

Future Plans:

Our goals for the next six months include the following:

Ø  Complete contacting local governmental entities and community officials for agreement of LED project installation locations.

Ø  Install the LED fixtures in the designated areas.

Ø  Finalize the publicity and marketing plan to announce the Project and solicit input from customers/community.

Ø  Start monitoring LED fixtures under field conditions.


The budgetary expenditures to date include the time spent by Roger Adsit

(Streetlight Technician) and Tom Pietruszka (Standards Engineer) who both have been meeting with vendors and working with the manufacturers for the prototype fixture specifications. Sue Warren (Marketing Specialist) has continued to update the project action plan, started the publicity and marketing plan and is responsible for the quarterly grant reports. The next quarterly report will have the purchase of the light fixtures included. Budget expenditures to date are as follows:

Total Budget expenditure to date = $2982*.

(*Labor costs are based on unburdened hourly rates)

Additional Notes:

As photometrics lumen output, power consumption and other technical data is provided by the manufacturers of each LED assembly, it will be included in future DEED grant quarterly reports. In addition, once the lights are installed pictures will be made available.