Northamptonshire Amateur Swimming Association
(Affiliated to the ASA East Midlands Region)
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 3rd December 2014 at 7.30pm
at Old Grammarians, Oxford Street, Wellingborough
T Bream, I Manning, J Arnold, Y Bell, L Sharp, M Hemmings, M Richmond, J Thomas, C Brown, F Conway,
R Patrick.
S Binfield-Hill, CSDC, S Ward, J Peto, J Marshall, A Sharp, D Murphy, B Batson, R Sharp.
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2013:
Signed as correct. Proposed: T Bream Seconded: L Sharp
Matters Arising:
2013-15President’s Address: (Attached)
Ian presented his report detailing some of the highlights of his first year in office.
Please contact him if you would like him to attend an event or help out with a gala.
Hon. Secretary’s Report:
Marilyn thanked everyone who replied promptly to requests for information. Mayors and guests once again appeared at the County Championships, the paperwork for the 2014 Inter-Counties was completed and the pool booked for the 2015 County events.
Hon. Treasurer’s Report: (Copy Statements available on request)
Copies of the Association’s Financial Statements prepared by McShane Wright were available. Marilyn reported that there had been a net surplus of £562 on 30/9/14.In general, Income was up by £3206 – mainly consisting of £1080 funding from N’Sport & £1880 from increased competitor and door entry fees over the year. Expenditure was also up, by £5126 in real terms. The main increases were +£3038 in competition/gala costs & +£1986 for Funding, Courses & Training & Officials. The BG Sponsorship remained at £500.
At 30th September 2014 Members funds stood at £27,529.
MH stated that NASA had too much money and that more needs to be spent to benefit the swimmers.
FC will e-mail the Clubs for funding proposals and collate the information for the next meeting.
The accounts were proposed by M Hemmings and seconded by C Brown.
Hon. Swimming Secretary’s Report:
BC absent. MH proposed that NASA fund a meal for Mr & Mrs Collis. Seconded by IM.
TB to arrange and accompany them.
Hon. Championship Secretary’s Report: (Attached)
Ian presented his report. There followed a discussion about the new competition structure and its impact on the 2015 County events.
Hon. Officials Secretary’s Report: (Attached)
Terry presented his report detailing the current numbers of licensed officials and trainees within the County.
CPD & Fina update courses have been held within the County. The Contemporary Issues course is now available online.
MH asked ‘Where do the updates come from?’ TB advised that he needed to subscribe to the Update Service.
Team Manager’s Report: (Attached)
SB absent. TB read out Stephen’s report.
Water Polo Secretary’s Report: (Attached)
Roger presented both reports.
-KASC had competed in the Midland WPL Div. 3, finishing 3rd and the East Midlands WPL. Efforts were being made to increase membership to help fund the club’s activities. Swim 21 accreditation had been gained.
As part of KASC’s 100 year celebrations a match was held in the lake at the Wicksteed Park event.
-NWPC had entered the East Midlands WPL. The U16 team had entered the Regional Tournament. Currently have 32 members – mainly U18. Also coach 30 at Wellingborough.
Masters Secretary’s Reports: (Attached)
JP absent. TB read out Jim’s reports.
Diving Secretary’s Report:
No representation received.
2014-15 President Elect:
Election of Executive Officers:
NomineeProposed by:Seconded by:
ChairpersonTerry BreamM RichmondJ Thomas
TreasurerMarilyn RichmondJ ThomasT Bream
SecretaryMarilyn RichmondC BrownT Bream
Competitions SecretaryIan ManningM RichmondY Bell
Swimming SecretaryBrian CollisI ManningJ Arnold
Officials SecretaryTerry BreamI ManningY Bell
Election of Non-Executive Officers:
NomineeProposed by:Seconded by:
Team & Gala ManagerStephen WardJ ThomasM Richmond
Water Polo SecretaryRoger PatrickL SharpJ Arnold
Masters SecretaryJim PetoJ ThomasC Brown
Diving SecretaryVacant
Press & Public RelationsLesley SharpJ ThomasT Bream
Financial ExaminerMcShane & WrightT BreamJ Thomas
Welfare OfficerVacant
Records SecretaryJacquie MarshallT BreamY Bell
Disability OfficerVacant
Volunteer CoordinatorVacant
Further to the consultation with the Clubs in September/October the Constitution had been updated to meet current ASA guidelines. It was presented to the Meeting for adoption.
MH requested that an EGM be arranged to discuss any further comments, and its adoption deferred.
MR to arrange meeting for 2nd week in January at Daventry.
Affiliation Fees:
MR advised that NASA’s affiliation fees would be collected by EMASA.
TB explained that EMASA would collect a proposed flat rate fee of £3.00 per CAT 1 & CAT 2 member.
Based on the membership figures provided to us by EMASA, this would roughly equate to our 2014 income.
Clubs will be refunded the fees collected for any CAT 1 member under the age of 9yrs, upon application and
after receipt of funds from EMASA.
MH proposed the Affiliation fee for 2015 be set at £3.00. Seconded by LS.
1.LS advised that DDSC had been voted Daventry District Community Club of the Year.
2.LS congratulated NSC on finishing 3rd at the National Junior League Final.
3.JT advised that WASC’s ‘B’ Team had secured a place in the Leicester League Final.
4.CB advised that Jim Peto & Ian Manning had both received EMASA Aquaforce Awards.
5.CB – Queried difference in gala and Championships with regard to Age at & minimum age.
TB - Wilkinson Sword is a one-off gala with 8 or less clubs taking part. As such the minimum age
of a swimmer is 8yrs. As the event is not licensed then the County are free to set their own T&C as
long as they do not contravene the ASA rules.
The Championships are a licensed event which must follow the ASA Competition Pathway document, licensing conditions set by the ASA, & ASA rules – i.e When/Age at/Events swam/Finals/etc.
NASA agreed to adopt Age at 31/12/year of competition for all its events (3 x galas & short course
competition) at the meeting on October 28th.
Meeting closed at 2155 hrs.