Teaching American HistoryOrientation Meeting

September 19, 2012

CCSD Boardroom

5:00 p.m. / Sign in and Refreshments / Pam Waters
5:15 p.m. / I. Welcome and Introductions
a. Dr. Nancy McGinley, CCSD Superintendent of Schools
  1. Dr. Larry Watson, Advising Historian, S.C. State University
  2. Dr. Jon Hale, Secondary Pedagogy Specialist,College of Charleston
  3. Dr. Renard Harris, Elementary Pedagogy Specialist, College of Charleston
  4. Dr. John White, Technology Instructor, TAH Webmaster, Director of Lowcountry Digital Library, College of Charleston
  5. Dr. Joe Renouard, Content Professor, The Citadel
  6. Dr. Lisa Herring, CCSDAssociate Superintendent of Academics and Instructional Support
  7. Jennifer Graham, Master Teacher / Content Advisor
  8. Pam Waters, Technician for TAH Grant
/ Barbara
5:40 p.m. / II. The Palmetto Program Overview / Barbara Hairfield
6:00p.m. / III. Packet Materials:
  1. Year 3Program Overview
  2. Calendar of Events2012-13
  3. Portable Electronic Equipment Agreement
  4. iPad2 Set Up Information
  5. College of Charleston Course Registration Information
  6. Course Syllabus
  7. TAH Website access
  8. Teacher Tool-Box Access Information
  9. Expectations for Participants
/ Barbara Hairfield
6:15 – 6:45 p.m. / IV. Evaluations
  1. Pre-Lesson Plan Requirement & Submission (due Oct.1st )
/ Mark Peterson
6:45 – 7:00
p.m. / V. Meet the Professors:
a. Course syllabus: EDPD 816-Y61(secondary)
EDPD 816-Y60 (elementary)
b. Textbook Distribution / Dr. Harris
Dr. Hale
Dr. Renouard
Dr. Watson
Dr. White
6:45 – 7:00
p.m. / VI. Technology Check-out for TAH Participants
  1. CCSD accountability i-Pad2check out form & signature
  2. Directions for initial iPad set-up (additional self-help on U-drive)
  3. OPTIONAL: Monday, Sept. 24thiPad Set Up Session and IPad2 Basics sign-up (4:00 – 6:00 p.m. @ Drayton Hall Elementary – bring laptop and iPad2 with you to sync with iTunes account
/ Pam Waters
6:45 – 7:00
p.m. / VII. Required Paperwork
  1. copy of teaching certificate
  2. copy of driver’s license
  3. personal information sheet
  4. SIGNED Letter of Commitment from principal
  5. Pre-Assessment Test (turn in to Mark Peterson)
/ Pam Waters
p.m. / Next Meeting
What: Colloquium # 1
When: Saturday, October 13, 2012 @ 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Where: TBA
What to Bring: iPad2
pre-reading assignment / Barbara Hairfield


***SCCSS (South Carolina Council for the Social Studies) annual Conference -

Sept. 2628th @ Greenville Hyatt. Thursday session is dedicated to DBQ process. If you want to attend, send me your paperwork ASAP (registration information form and Request to Attend form signed by your principal.)

(Keep receipts for hotel, meals and mileage and fill out reimbursement form when you return – MAXIMUM $500 per teacher.)

Barbara Hairfield, Project Director

Teaching American History Grant

September 12, 2012