
The last major project will be the gutter cleaning of all units. Technicians will arrive on Tuesday, December 12, weather permitting, at 8:30 a.m. to begin work. It will take most of the day to get completely through the neighborhood. I will be monitoring their progress and will remind them to clean up after themselves and to avoid marring the look of our freshly painted gutters! J

2018 Budget

The Board voted on the budget for 2018 and everyone should have received a copy. The monthly HOA Assessment was increased to $290 a month. I would like to point out that, even with this increase, our amount is still below the average for all Orchard properties. I would also like to mention that the 2018 budget will allow the sewer lift station expense (~$72,000) to be paid off in four (4) years. While this is aggressive, it enables us to put this chapter behind us as soon as possible. Because we borrowed this money against the general reserve fund, it also allows that fund to grow back to recommended levels at an increased rate. I should also point out that we eliminated or reduced several budget items for 2018. The Clubhouse WiFi ($1080 annually) has been removed as it was only being used by one person on an occasional basis. That is nothing against that person, of course, but that is an enormous amount of money for something that just isn’t used by the community. We have also started printing in black and white only to significantly reduce office supply costs. For example, I’m not sure many people realize that at $.50 per page, the calendar was costing ($.50 x 12 x 92) = $552 per year in color ink alone. While color looks great, this is a significant amount to spend on something that gets tossed out every four weeks. We are also getting on a 24-month fixed contract for natural gas for the Clubhouse that takes advantage of unusually low rates. There are many other examples, but I want to stress that the Board attempts to be very good stewards with HOA funds.

2018 Board Elections and Volunteers

All Board positions will be up for election, so I would like to encourage everyone to consider running. Since the inception of the HOA, we have been very fortunate to have had many talented and hard-working residents step up and accept this responsibility. I, as well as everyone else, appreciated those efforts. I would ask that some new faces join the “fun” so that those that have already gone above and beyond over the years can enjoy the action from the sidelines. Just as important are the many volunteer opportunities on the various committees. Having multiple people “divide and conquer” the work makes it easier for everyone involved, so please consider sticking your toe in the water.

Bill Duffin HOA President


We are moving from summer to winter in duties which will include the following in months to come.

* Irrigation shut off by the end of month and system drained and serviced.

* Asolidpruning in the garden area along the walk next to the gate. Winter pruning of the Loropetalum, India Hawthorne, and Foster Hollies. The goal is to keep shrub height at window level or below.(Remember they will grow back!)

* RLG has taken soil samples and will be recommending a lime application.

We still are ahead YTD on rainfall of 48.10" compared to 2016 of 35.66" for a net gain of 12.4".

In closing we would like to thank you for your help this past year informing us of your concerns.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Kathy Brinson and Charlie MacWilliams, Co-Chairs


The highlight of our busy season was the Holiday Celebration on December 7 with 50 plus residents in attendance. The evening began by remembering those we lost this year: Jewel Bolton, Lucy Boze, Ellie Katz, Bill Newman, Juanita Powell and Kurt and Doris Schweitzer.

The Clubhouse was decorated for the holidays and the dinnerware was festive. Mary Jane Keating created the beautiful center pieces and BJ Joseph provided some delicious chocolates. A sumptuous turkey dinner with all the trimmings was catered by Kroger on Mansell Road and served by several of our community residents. Between the main course and dessert, each table was presented with a ‘weird’ word and everyone participated in attempting to define the word. The meanings were hilarious and the true meanings even more humorous.

Our thanks to all who made the evening such a success – those who set up the room, the servers, runners and the clean-up crew.

Roz and I wish the new Social Committee co-chairs, Bonnie Collart and Ann House, the very best for 2018. Please support these excellent volunteers with your continued assistance at community events.

As the year draws to a close, our wish for you is a safe and happy Holiday Season with friends and family. We are so fortunate to live in this dynamic community of Sweet Apple. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

NOTE: Ladies Lunch will not meet in January. Check the next newsletter for details on their get-together in February.

Elaine Coulter and Roz Venti, Co-chairs

Memories of a beautiful December snowfall


You will shortly be mailed a ballot with the names of the three residents who, as of today, are running for election to our Board of Directors. Be aware that the Board of Directors must consist of at least three but no more than five members.

The candidates were asked to submit a statement describing their qualifications, background, and reasons for wanting to be a candidate. Bring your ballot to the Quarterly Meeting scheduled for January 16, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. If you cannot attend the meeting, you may fill out the proxy and place it in the mailbox of the Board’s secretary (Barbara Lundberg, box 1502).

Michael Keating

As my tenure at the Orchards of Sweet Apple is not as long as many residents, allow me to tell you a little about myself.

I retired last April from the University of Tennessee Medical Center as Vice President of Risk Management. The vast majority of my career experience is in healthcare risk management. This included placement of property, casualty and professional liability insurance coverages, handling the associated claims, coordinating self-insured workers compensation and safety management programs. My career also included forming three insurance companies and representing my employer on the Board of Directors.

With my wife of 38 years, Mary Jane, we moved to Georgia to be closer to our daughter, son-in-law and (more importantly) our twin 5-year-old grandchildren. We are originally from Ohio and other than our daughter we have two sons who live in Tucson, Arizona and Columbus, Ohio.

If fortunate enough to represent my neighbors on the Board, I believe that all Board members have a fiduciary responsibility to be good stewards of our financial and physical resources. I also believe that our By-Laws and Rules and Regulations are living documents and they should be reflective of an active and diverse community.

Ron Katz

Past president of association. Candevote time in view of my present life demands. Can be of help in filling the board needs for our community. Thanks for the opportunity to serve on the board.

Ted Jacobson

I was president twice and know the history of Sweet Apple from the start. I want to keep Sweet Apple the number one Orchards in Atlanta. My occupation was a member of the Security and Protection Division of the state of Israel (body guard). I am an army vet and proud to live at Sweet Apple.


It’s almost impossible to give enough thanks to all our volunteers who helped out in so many ways this past year. We are grateful for their contributions to the smooth operation of our Sweet Apple Orchards.

Starting with Bill Duffin, who gave countless hours towards leading the many projects that keep our community one of the most desirable places in which to live, thanks are also due to our Board members, committee chairpersons and the residents who served on the committees. Naming them all would take up a whole page and we would be delinquent if we left someone out. Volunteers are the life blood of a neighborhood and we trust that next year even more involvement will be the key that celebrates the success of our dynamic community.


Anna Medintz, Mary Jane Keating, Walta Butler, Mike Keating, Josetta Yanik, Diane and Roger Seagraves

“The Brainless” team can now change their name to “The Brains” after coming in first recently at Moe’s Barbecue on Trivia Night. Congrats!