Boddam & Cruden Pool League Constitution
1. The name of the league shall be the "Boddam and Cruden Pool League", hereafter known as the League.
2. The League is formed for the purpose of promoting pool amongst all players in the League area. The League shall organise team competitions and individual and pairs competitions.
3. The League shall select a management committee to undertake all League business.
4. The Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Constitution/Rules advisor & SEPF Representative.
5. The five officers will be responsible for the finances of the League; all cheques must have two signatures in accordance with the bank mandate. The Treasurer will maintain adequate records of income and expenditure and at all times observe proper banking procedures. The accounting year shall end on the last day of the month immediately preceding that in which the AGM occurs.
6. The five officers will hold office for one year, with all the committee members elected each year. The retiring members will be eligible for re-election without nomination. The Committee will appoint any member of the incumbent committee to fill any vacancy that may occur. The Committee may also co-opt any person whose appointment would be beneficial to the Committee.
7. The Committee shall hold a meeting at intervals conducive to efficient management of League business. At all Committee meetings three members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of carrying on the business of the League.
8. Any member of the committee may call a meeting after giving 24 hours notice and reasons for doing so to the rest of the Committee.
9. Subject to this constitution (as amended at any General Meeting), the Committee shall have full authority, to make any decision that, in their opinion, is deemed necessary or beneficial to the League members.
10. The League will endeavor to reimburse all reasonable expenses incurred by any member of the Committee while conducting business on behalf of the League, such expenses to be approved by the Committee.
11. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held by the League, within each calendar year, at which the election of the Committee will be held, and at which any member can charge the committee to give full account of any action taken by the committee.
12. Any member wishing to add any item to the agenda, or make a nomination for the Committee, may do so at the meeting. Committee must inform members of the time and venue of the AGM in good time.
13. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be requested by any eight members of the League on application to the Committee. Any letter of request for an EGM must contain eight signatures of current members of the Boddam and Cruden Pool League. Such meeting should take place under the same conditions as for an AGM in rule 12. An EGM shall take place if at any time the Committee feels it necessary, or if circumstances reduce the committee such that a quorum cannot be achieved.
14. The following people will be entitled to one vote each at a General Meeting:
a. All elected members of Committee present.
b. All team representatives present.
In the event of a tie the Chairman shall have an additional casting vote.
15. Membership shall be open to all teams, clubs and public houses in the League area.
16. The Committee reserves the right to refuse membership to any team or individual if for any reason they consider that granting membership shall be detrimental to the league.
17. All teams shall pay fees as agreed at an AGM. Only fully paid up teams will be entitled to enter any competitions organised by the League.
18. All monies held by the League will, after deductions for legitimate expenses, be used for the benefit of all League members.
19. All competitions run under the auspices of the League will be played under either WEPF rules, as amended from time to time, and also under the League procedural rules. However the Committee shall have the right to alter any playing rule that they decide necessary. The Committee shall promulgate copies of all current relevant rules to member teams.
20. The Committee shall, at their discretion, organise one or more Interleague teams and appoint a committee memberto run any such team(s). Any expenses, other than annual subscriptions, incurred by any Interleague team shall not be paid by the League. Any player picked to represent the league must pay their entrance fee before the teams are selected. No refunds will be issued unless under exceptional circumstances.
21. All League matches must begin by 8.00pm & consist of firstly 6 Singles frames followed by 2 Doubles frames, then 6 Singles frames. The 8 man League Cup consists of firstly 6 singles frames followed by 3 doubles frames, then 6 singles frames.
22. Each team shall consist of 6 players plus a maximum of 6Substitutes. Teams are eligible to play with less than 6 players but will forfeit the respective frames.
23. The League requires all venue’s to have a suitable Pool Table, Proper Lighting and access to a Rest & Spider for all players.
24. Player Rankings will be based on 1 point for a Singles Frame Win. If tied on points then Percentages will come into consideration.
25. The League Title will be awarded to the team accumulating the most points during the course of the season. If tied on points then a play-off will ensue who finishes Winners & Runners up. The Rest of the League placings are decided on Frame difference if Teams are Level on points. In the event of a play off for the league title, the match will be played the following Thursday after the last round of league matches. Cup matches will be postponed to a later date.
26. Any Team failing to pay their League Fee’s in Full before the start of the season will incur a penalty fine decided upon by the committee.
27. All League & Cup results must be phoned in on the night the match is played. If a match is cancelled then this must also be notified on the night or before. Any team failing to do this by noon next day will incur a one point deduction.
28. All Score Sheets must be Posted or Emailed no later than the following Thursday after match is played. This will ensure Player Rankings are updated on a regular basis. Both the Home & Away captains shall complete a score sheet. In the event of the home teams score sheet going missing, the away team shall still hold a record of the score.
29. If any team withdraws from the league then their respective players can transfer to another team thereafter. A player can also transfer to another team once during the course of the season but only on approval from the committee & within the transfer window. The transfer window opensthe day after the last match of the first half of the season(December) & closes the day before the first match of the second half of the season(January). Written confirmation or email must be received by the chairman & approved by the majority of committee members before that player commences play for their new team.
30. To be eligible to enter the Singles, Doubles & Buchan Masters competitions, a player must have played a minimum of 10 singles frames during the course of the season up to the point of the tournament.
31. Open Score Sheets. Home team writes out their first 6 singles players then passes the open team sheet to the away team. Same rule applies to the Doubles frames. After the first 6 singles & doubles have been completed, the away team writes out their final 6 singles players then passes the open team sheet to the home team for completion.
32. All members shall endeavor at all times to abide by the rules of the League.
33. The Committee reserves the right to suspend, fine or expel any individual or team for breach of these rules or any other rule that the committee makes at any future time or for any act deemed to have brought the League into disrepute. Any member/team will be afforded every opportunity to defend themselves or explain themselves to the Committee.
34. Any team expelled from the League will forfeit the whole of any subscriptions paid for the current year, and any rights accorded to them as members of the League.
35. All arrears owed to the league must be paid by the commencement of a season for the team to be eligible to play in that season.
36. Any member may request the committee to mediate in any dispute they may have with any other member/team within the League. Any decisions reached by the Committee will be final and binding on all parties.
37. For any advice sought on the constitution or rules, please contact the constitution/rules advisor.