Standing Group Responsible for the Maintenance and Refurbishment of

Centrally Timetabled Rooms

Notes from the meeting of the Group held on Monday 19 September 2011

Present: Mr G Bennett (Chair), Mr J Buckingham, Ms B Lambert, Mr D Mace, Mr J Owen, Mr M Roberts.

Apologies: Mrs V Hill, Ms L Holland, Mr P Jones, Ms P Mealing.

01/11-12 Notes


The notes of the meeting held on 21 July 2011.


That the minutes be approved.

02/11-12 Matters Arising
(a) Clocks in CTTRs (note 53b/10-11 refers)


That asbestos surveys were still outstanding in relation to the installation of clocks in WT1.05, WLT, MS.01, S0.11, B2.04/05, and H3.05, as such the clocks would be installed as soon as possible following the completion of the surveys.

(b) F1.07, F1.10 & F1.11 (note 53c/10-11 refers)


That due to the relatively good condition of the curtains in rooms F1.07, F1.10 and F1.11, the replacement of the curtains has been postponed, noting that new curtains would cost c.£2k per room.


That the Assistant Secretary include new curtains for F1.07, F1.10 and F1.11 on the ‘works pending’ list for further consideration in due course. Mark

(c) Rooms B2.01, B2.02, B2.03 and B2.04/5 (note 53d/10-11 refers)


(i) An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist noting that:

(A) The chalk board surface in room B201 was in need of resurfacing, however all other B-room chalk boards were in good condition;

(B) Due to the age of the chalk board in B2.01 it was likely that an asbestos check would be required before the board could be replaced, as such there was likely to be a c. 7 week delay from the point of approval of the works.

(ii) An oral report from the Secretary noting that the Department of Maths were concerned at the lack of board space in the B-rooms when compared to the Zeeman rooms, and as such were reluctant to move bookings into the B-rooms.

REPORTED (by the Lead Technical Specialist):

(iii) That, given the investment in visualisers by the Group last year, it would be possible to install a number of visualisers in rooms traditionally used by the Department of Maths to introduce alternative technologies into their teaching methodologies;

(iv) That there was a double column board already installed in B2.02, and thus the available surface area was comparable to that available in Zeeman rooms.


(i) That the Lead Technical Specialist inform the Secretary of the cost for a new board in B2.01; Jon

(ii) That the Secretary continue to work with the Institute of Maths regarding the re-location of bookings from Zeeman into the B-rooms upon installation of the new boards. Becs

(d) H095c (New Hybrid Room – CTTR/Psychology) (note 53f/10-11 refers)


That the wording of the signage for room H095c had been agreed and the sign would be installed shortly, noting that the signage would be financed by the Department of Psychology.

(e) Westwood Lecture Theatre Works (note 53g/10-11 refers)


That the first booking of the academic year in the WLT was 3rd October 2011 at 9am.


(i) An oral report from the Small Works Manager noting that:

(A) The WLT re-roofing works had been postponed at the request of the Head of Estates Maintenance, until summer 2012;

(B) The majority of the WLT works have been completed; the only outstanding item was the installation of push-pad door access to the room.

(ii) An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist noting that the WLT network was not currently operational, however ITS have been contacted and it was expected that the issue would be resolved before the start of term.

(f) H0.51 & H0.52 (note 53i/10-11 refers)


(i)  That the Disability Coordinator had approved the Refurbishment scheme for H0.51 and H0.52;

(ii)  That all works have been completed in H0.51 and H0.52.

REPORTED (by the Lead Technical Specialist):

(iii) An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist noting that the cost of removing extraneous screens in both rooms would be approximately £980.

(g) CTT room allocation changes (note 53l/10-11 refers)


(i) That the Furniture and Equipment Officer had confirmed the following actions with regards the CTT room allocation changes, noting that these changes would be completed by the end of September:

(A) H401

(1) Retain as a CTTR with a capacity of 15 for the next academic year;

(2) Remove all extra furniture other than 15 writing tablet chairs and an additional chair for the lecturer, and order and install new red writing tablet chairs to match other CTTRs;

(3) Take down old curtains.

(B) H305

(1) To leave as unallocated for next academic year;

(2) Remove all furniture.

(C) H103

(1) Install furniture from H305;

(2) Order and install new whiteboards.

(ii) That the Timetabling team were aware of the CTTR changes and have updated the timetable accordingly.


An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist noting that there was currently no cost associated with the CTT move into room H103, however, the installation of a new ceiling bracket may be required, although there was potential for the cost to be covered externally.

(h) L4 disabled access (note 34c/10-11 refers)


That the issue surrounding disability access into the ground floor lobby of L4 had been resolved, noting that:

(i) The programming of student cards would be operated through a demand-led process to be administered by department timetabling representatives;

(ii) Correspondence had been sent to all timetabling representatives informing them of the process along with the contact details for the Access Systems Administrator.

(i) Film Society Screen (note 53a/10-11 refers)


An oral report from the Secretary noting that a meeting would take place today with the Deputy Registrar to discuss the location of the Film Society Screen, it being noted that the proposed location in the library foyer outside library café had been deemed unsuitable by the Society.

(j) 2009-10 Programme of Works (note 53e/10-11 refers)

Budget Position and Agreed/Pending Works


That following comments from the Estates Finance Office there was no underspend on the CIF1 CTTR funding.

(k) 2010-11 Programme of Works (note 54/10-11 refers)

Budget Position and Agreed/Pending Works


That an additional £50k was granted to the Refurbishment Group at the end of the 10-11 financial year, and was allocated for the purchase of the following equipment:

(i) 2 new projectors for room R0.21 [£10k]

(ii) 15 new Visualizers [£34k]


(iii) An oral report from the Secretary noting that some seminar rooms in the Humanities building would benefit from having new visualizers installed;

(iv) An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist noting that any lecterns installed before the last academic year would need to be modified to accommodate the new visualizers.


That the Lead Technical Specialist would send a list to the Secretary of rooms in which visualizers could be installed. Jon

(l) Docket Monitoring


An oral report from the Secretary noting that:

(i) Discussions have taken place with the Estates Office regarding the production of monthly reports to show the history, cost, progress and notes of docket works in CTTRs;

(ii) It was unlikely that in the short-term a report detailing feedback on dockets raised would be available, however it was likely that an interim report showing basic docket details could be produced, however there was as yet no agreement on how the reports should be administered.


(i)  That the Secretary continue discussions with the Estates Offices regarding docket reporting; Becs

(ii) That all members of the Group should ensure that when dockets are raised, a ‘CTTR’ pre-fix is requested to be added to the reference number to ensure adequate report filtering. Jon/Dave/Vicky/Lisa

03/11-12 2011-2012 Programme of Works

Budget Position and Agreed/Pending Works


(i) A summary of the current budget position for University Funds (paper CTTR.1/11-12_August);

(ii) An updated programme of works (paper CTTR.2/11-12).


An oral report from the Chair noting that a decision was expected ahead of the next meeting of the Group regarding the 11-12 budget figure.

04/11-12 IATL Teaching Space Event (note 55/10-11 refers)


An oral report from the Chair updating the Group on the £2 million CIF2 bid submitted jointly by Space Management and IATL, noting that after the first screening of applications, the bid was still being considered and further details have been requested by the CIF2 committee to help inform the decision-making process;


That the Chair keep the Group updated on the progress of the CIF2 bid.05/-11-12 Gareth

05/11-12 Asbestos Checks.

REPORTED (by the Small Works Manager)

That the leadtimes for asbestos surveys were now reaching 8-9 weeks, therefore this should be taken into consideration for any future CTTR works that may require an asbestos check.

06/11-12 Date of the Next Meeting


That the next meeting of the Refurb Group would be arranged for October.