Dear Faculty donor 2004,

Envelope will say “NAU NEEDS YOU!!!!”

Whether teaching a class, helping a student solve a problem, or assisting another faculty member to make their job easier, your contributions to the NAU community make a difference. A gift to the Annual Fund can help support programs that make NAU stronger, and help you and your students achieve even greater success.

We are very proud of the support that we receive from faculty at NAU. In fiscal year 2004, 29 percent of staff, faculty and administrators gave a total of $155,980.00 for various programs and scholarships. Our participation rate is higher than most of our peer institutions. Your generosity helps support critical aspects of our institution:

·  Programs like KNAU public radio continue to function all over northern Arizona because of private gifts.

·  Gifts to Cline library purchase movies, DVD’s, books, magazines and many other items that that can be borrowed by faculty and staff, as well as students.

·  New buildings like the School of Communication and the College of Business Administration are furnished and equipped through private dollars.

·  Of course, the majority of contributions fund scholarships which make it possible for students, like your own children, to attend a premier university like NAU.

Your contribution of $500.00 in FY 2004 made a difference to the success of these and other NAU programs. This year we are asking all faculty supporters of The Annual Fund to increase previous contributions by seven percent to strengthen their investment in NAU. This would add an additional $35.00 to your total annual contribution, or $1.46 for 24 pay periods. Most importantly, it would ensure NAU’s continued growth and success in the future.

Please contact either of us by email, or call Kathi Zahl Mayes at 928-523-5121, with any questions about the 2005 Campaign. A pledge form is attached to this letter and an envelope is enclosed for your convenience. All gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

As co-chairs of the 2005 Faculty Staff Administrators Campaign, we THANK YOU in advance for your continued support of NAU!


Judith B. Sellers, Chair Lee C. Drickamer, Chair

Department of Nursing Department of Biological Sciences

P.S. Please visit for a complete list of NAU Foundation funds.