Anatomy Study Guide


Anatomical Positions: erect, arms at side, face and palms forward and feet together with toes forward

Planes and Axes:

Axes – lines through the body

·  Cranial-caudal (or longitudinal)

o  Straight down through the body

o  Vertical

·  Dorsal-ventral (anterior-posterior)

o  Straight through the heart

o  Front to back

·  Left-right

o  Through the shoulders

o  Side-to-side

Planes – imaginary flat surfaces formed by two intersecting ax

·  Sagittal

o  Vertical plane

o  Made by dorsal-ventral and cranial-caudal axes

o  Splits body into right and left sides

o  Movements in this plane

§  Flexion

§  Extension

·  Frontal

o  Splits body into front and back parts

o  Perpendicular to the sagittal plane

o  Made by cranial-caudal and left-right axes

o  Movements

§  Abduction

§  Adduction

·  Transverse

o  Splits body into upper and lower halves

o  Made by left-right and dorsal-ventral axes

o  Perpendicular to sagittal and frontal planes

o  Referred to as cross-sections

o  Movements

§  Pronation

§  Supination

§  Rotation (external and internal)

Skin: layers, thickness & fascia


·  Epidermis

o  Derived from embryonic ectoderm

o  Avascular -Depends on the blood supply from the dermis for oxygen and nutrients

o  Made of stratified squamous epithelium cells

§  Flattened in shape with many layers

§  Very impervious to outside substances

o  Stratum Germinativum (also stratum basale)

§  The deepest layer of the epidermis (closest to the blood supply)

§  Products of these cells are pushed towards the surface of the skin were they gradually lose blood supply, become keratinized (protein), and die

o  Stratum corneum

§  Outermost layer of dead, keratinized cells

·  Basement Membrane

o  Non-cellular layer of glycoproteins that separates the dermis and epidermis

·  Dermis

o  Dense, irregular, connective tissue – very tough

§  Bundles of fibers

·  Collagen fibers

·  Elasitc fibers

o  Scattered Cells

§  Fibrocytes

·  Secrete more collagen fibers

·  Maintain current collagen fibers

§  Macrophages

§  Melanocytes (produce pigment)

o  Capillary Plexus

§  Right below basement membrane

§  Temperature regulation

o  Glands and hair follicles extend into here for blood supply

Thickness – refer not to total thickness, but the structure of the epidermis

·  Thick skin – palms of hand and back

·  Thin skin – everywhere else


·  Superficial (subcutaneous fascia, hypodermis, subQ)

o  Lies underneath dermis

o  Contains and supports cutaneous nerves and blood vessels

o  Made of loose connective tissue

§  Loose bundles of fibers - Collagen fibers, Elasic fibers

o  Fat cells - Lipocytes

·  Deep

o  Lies under the superficial fascia

o  Consists of several thin layers of tough collagen material that adheres tightly to structures

o  Compartmentalizes muscles, neurovascular bundles, ligaments and tendons

Cutaneous Structures: Superficial veins/arteries, glands, hair follicles, superficial nerves/dermatomes

Superficial veins and arteries

·  Dermal capillary plexus

o  Provides nutrients and O2 to integumentary

o  Thermoregulation


·  Derive from the epidermis or mucosa (gut lining)

o  Grow down from epithelial surface into a connective tissue layer

o  Some stay connected to epithelial surface, other do not

o  Modes of secretion

§  Merocrine – secretory cell is not damaged

§  Holocrine – entire cell is secreted and new secretory cells are produced

§  Apocrine – lose distal end of cell in secretion but the rest remains intact

·  Exocrine glands

o  Retain connection to epithelium

o  Secrete onto surface or into body cavity

o  Types:

§  Sudoriferous – sweat glands

·  Tubular gland

·  Secretes water, salt and urea

·  Merocrine secretion

§  Sebaceous – oil glands associated with hair follicles

·  Holocrine secretion

§  Mammary

·  Modified sudoriferous with apocrine secretion

·  Endocrine glands

o  Lose connection with epithelial surface

o  Secrete into surrounding capillary beds

o  Secrete hormones

Hair follicles

·  Derived from the epidermis

·  Matrix

o  Mass of mitotic cells at the bottom of each follicle in the dermis

o  Vascular

o  As more cells produce, the others get pushed to the top, keritinize and die because of no blood supply. This forms hair shaft.

·  Each type of hair has a specific cycle of growing and resting phases

Superficial Nerves (Cutaneous)

·  Carry somatic sensory information

o  Touch, pressure, pain, tickle, itch, fine touch

Organization of the Human Skeletal System:

·  Axial Skeleton

·  Appendicular Skeleton

Functions of the skeletal tissue (5)

Structure and protection

Muscle attachment

Leverage for movement


Calcium and phosphate reservoir

Classification of Bones: Long, Short, Flat, Irregular, Sesamoid


·  Upper and lower limbs

·  Diaphysis and epiphysis

·  Ephiphyseal plate

o  Proliferating hyaline cartilage

·  Medullary cavity

·  Periosteum

o  Fibrous connective tissue membrane surrounding bone

o  Contains blood vessels and nerves

o  Continuous with ligaments and tendons

·  Endosteum

o  Lines medullary cavity

o  Single layer of osteoblasts and clasts

·  Articular cartilage at end of each epiphysis


·  Cube shaped or round

·  Carpals and tarsals


·  Skill bones, ribs and scapulae


·  Vertebrae and facial


·  Commonly found where tendons cross at the ends of long bones in the limbs to give a greater mechanical advantage

·  Patella

Gross Bone Structure

Compact bone

·  Densely packed parallel layers (lamina) with lacunae compressed between the layers


·  Cancellous

·  Hydroxyapatite in the form of strands of bone that fuse together

·  Found in epiphyses or medullary cavity


·  Yellow is fatty and associated with distal ends of long bones

·  Red is associated with axial skeleton and girdles and with proximal ends of long bones

·  Children have more red than adults

Bone Markings (pg. 16-17 of supplemental notes)

Microscopic Anatomy of Support Tissues

Introduction and cell types

·  (fibro,chondro,osteo)Blast – secrete more cells

·  Cyte – maintains matrix in which it is embedded

·  Osteoclast – destroys bone matrix, releasing calcium salts

·  Connective tissue supports and protects the remainder of the body

o  Acellular material secreted by cells

o  Cells are embedded here

o  Three types

§  Fibrous (collagen and elasic fibers)

§  Cartilaginous

§  Hydroxyapatite (calcium carbonates and phosphates as in the bone matrix)

Tendons and ligaments


·  Bundles of collagen fibers

·  Few nerves and blood vessels

·  Merge with periosteum, into compact bone or even into cancellous

Hyaline cartilage

·  Matrix

o  Secreted by chondroblasts

o  Bundles of cartilage surrounded by proteoglycans (bottle brushes)

o  Proteoglycans take up volume and oppose pressure put on cartilage

o  Chondrocytes lie within the matrix in cavities called lacunae

o  Nutrients and Blood supply get to matrix by diffusion

·  Perichondrium

o  Connective tissue membrane surrounding a mass of cartilage

o  Outer layer has fibroblasts

§  Contains blood vessels and nerves

o  Inner layer has chondroblasts

o  Not around articular cartilage


·  Matrix

o  Secreted by osteoblasts

o  35% organic material

§  glycoproteins and collagen (osteoid) – soft gel

o  65% inorganic material

§  hydroxyapatites (calcium salts and phosphate)

§  make it hard

o  Organized into trabeculae (irregular-shaped rods/spongy) or lamellae (parallel layers/compact)

·  Compact Bone design (lamellae matrix)

o  Formation of an Osteon

§  Several concentric layers of lamellae around a Haversian canal

§  Volkmann’s Canals

·  Network of vessels that connect the Haversian canals along the long axis of the bone

§  Lacunae

·  lie between adjacent lamellae in an osteon and contain osteocytes of maintenance

§  Canaliculi

·  connect lacunae with other lacunae and the Haversian canal (divides the lamellae into little squares)

·  Spongy Bone design (trabeculae matrix)

o  Each trabecula has lamellae with osteocytes and canaliculi but no Haverian canal

o  Trabeculae are nourished from blood circulating through medullary cavities from blood vessels that penetrate the compact bone into the spongy

Ossification Centers

·  Primary – diaphysis

o  Prenatal

·  Secondary – epiphyses

o  First two years after birth

o  Pressure epiphyses – due to weight bearing (hips/knees)

o  Traction epiphyses – associated with attachment of muscles and tendons (tubercles and tuberosities)

·  Synostosis

o  Bony union of diaphysis and epiphyses

Blood Supply to the Bone

·  Periosteal arteries

o  Enter bone at numerous points, Supply compact bone

·  Nutrient artery

o  Near center of bone

o  Passes through compact, divides longitudinally and supplies spongy bone and red marrow

·  Metaphyseal and epiphyseal arteries

o  Supply ends of bone

o  Arise from arteries that supply the associated joint

o  Supply growth plates

·  Avascular necrosis -Death of bone tissue due to loss of arterial supply

·  Osteochondroses -Clinical disorders of epiphyses in children because of avascular necrosis

Bone and Cartilage Development and Growth


·  Begins with mesenchymal cells that secrete the matrix and then become trapped in lacunae

·  The perichondrium is a cellular membrane that surrounds the mass consisting of chondroblasts that secrete additional matrix on the growing mass

·  Nutrients, oxygen and waste products diffuse through the chondroitin sulfate between the chondrocytes on the interiror and vessels on the outside


·  Membranous bone – forms in the dermis of the skin (include flat bones of the head)

o  Mesenchymal cells develop into osteoblasts in areas of the body where the carbon dioxide concentration is higher

o  Osteoblasts lay down hydroxyapatitie – this is called ossification

·  Endochondral bone – forms all of the long bones and most of the irregular bones. Preceded by cartilage and REPLACED by bone

o  Start out as cartilage framework in the embryo

o  The chondrocytes arrange themselves in longitudinal rows

o  Vascular tissue from the perochondrium penetrate through the matrix bringing in osteoblasts

o  Osteoblasts break down the cartilaginous matrix and begin to deposit calcium salts (this is called calcification)

o  Then the osteoblasts lay down hydroxyapatite to ossify the bone and a trabecular framework is formed

o  The periosteum of the bone is derived from the perichondrium of the cartilage and begins to lay down layers of compact bone around the diaphysis.

o  The epiphyses form additional ossification centers later on leaving cartilaginous plates in between the epiphyses and the diaphysis for growth.

o  Osteoclasts break down the center of the diaphysis to form a medullary cavity which may be filled with red marrow

o  Appositional growth – compact bone increasing in diameter beneath the periosteum

o  Interstitial growth – cartilage being replaced by bone, increasing length

Joint Classification

Amphiarthrosis (cartilaginous) – slightly moveable with hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage as the joining material

·  Synchondrosis – held together with hyaline cartilage (i.e. epiphyseal plate)

·  Symphysis – held together with fibrocartilage. Allows very little movement. (i.e. pubic symphysis)

Synarthrosis (fibrous) – held together with dense collagen and some fibroelastic tissue.

·  Suture (skull)

·  Gomphosis (tooth and socket)- Periodontal ligaments hold it together

·  Syndesmosis (tibia and fibula)- Interosseous membrane holds these joints together

Diarthrosis (synovial) – synovial fluid, articular cartilage, joint capsule (outer layer is highly innervated and poorly vascularized), synovial membrane (poorly innervated and highly vascularized) and ligaments – designed for movement

·  Uniaxial – move through one plane around one axis (flex/ext)

o  Hinge joints (elbow and interphalangeals)

o  Pivot (atalntoaxial and radioulnar)

·  Biaxial – two planes around two axes (flex/ext & abd/add)

o  Condyloid (ellipsoid) – concave/convex surfaces – (MCP’s)

o  Saddle (sellaris) – (thumb joint) – both surfaces are saddle shaped

·  Triaxial – all three planes (flex/ext, abd/add & rotation)

o  Ball – and – socket

·  Nonaxial – sliding

o  Plane – joints between carpals

Organization and Microscopic Structure of the Skeletal Muscle

Structural hierarchy

·  Myofilament – (actin and myosin) organized into arrangements called sarcomeres

·  Myofibrl – chain of sarcomeres

·  Myofiber – the muscle cell

o  Bundle of myofibrils

o  Contains myoblasts

o  Multinucleated

o  Sarcolemma – cell membrane around each myofiber

o  Endomysium – delicate connective tissue layer surrounding the myofibers in a fasicle

·  Fasicles - Bundles of myofibers surrounded by perimysium

·  Muscle

o  Bundles of fasicles

o  Epimysium – connective tissue layer that surrounds the muscle


·  Actin and myosin (thin and thick)

·  Tropomyosin and troponin

·  Sliding filament theory

·  Uses ATP

Sarcomere organization

·  Z-band – plate of z-actin where the actin filaments attach and is perpendicular. Seperates two sarcomeres.

·  A-band – myosin and actin over lapping

·  I-band – actin filaments

·  H-band – only myosin, no actin overlap

·  Sarcoplasmic reticulum

·  T-tubles – communication between sarcoplasmic reticulum and sarcolemma

·  Cisternae – sacs in the SR that hold calcium for a muscle contraction

Nerve Supply to Skeletal muscles and Motor Units

·  Neuromuscular junction

o  Post and presynaptic membranes and synaptic cleft

o  Neurotransmitter (activating chemical agent)

o  All –or-none principle – fiber will contract completely or not at all

·  Motor unit

o  Motor axon and all of the myofibers is innervates

Muscle Classification and Nomenclature

·  Unipennate, bipennate, multipennate

Muscle function

·  Contractions

o  Isometric

o  Isotonic

§  Eccentric

§  Concentric

·  Actions

o  Agonist – prime muscle of an action

o  Antagonist – inactive with agonist is working

o  Synergists –if the agonist crosses two joints, these muscles prevent movement in the joint that is not in use.

o  Fixators – stabilize the base of attachment for other muscles

The Neuron