Routine Administration Task Schedule (RATS)

Windows 2003 Server, ISAM – Symphony 3.3.1

UNC Greensboro, University Libraries


1.  Check Finished Daily Maintenance Reports in WorkFlows

a.  Add, Delete, Update Databases (adutext) – search for “error”, then search for “normal”

b.  Rebuild User Database (rebldusertext) – search for “error”, then search for “normal”

c.  Reorganize Text Dictionary-IND (reorgtext) – view log for irregularities

d.  Reorganize Text Dictionary-TXT (reorgtext) – view log for irregularities

e.  Consolidate Daily Logs (consolidate) – view log for irregularities

f.  Statistics Log (statlog) – view log for irregularities

g.  Update User Delinquency Status (setdelinq) – view log for irregularities

h.  Extract Director’s Station Dat (datainterchng) – search for “error”
(If it did not update, wait for next nightly run then report to Client Care if necessary)

i.  Prepare GUI Offline Data (prepstand) – view log for irregularities

j.  Remove Patron Favorites (remfavorites) – view log for irregularities

k.  Reset Checkout Tracking Report (resetmybistro) – view log for irregularities

2.  Check other routine administrative reports (notices, booking reports, new items lists, statistics reports, user loads, etc.)

3.  Check the Nightly Backup on ILS (in G:\SirsiBackups\) – compare the size of the latest backup file (*.bkf) with previous daily backups

Weekly (Monday)

1.  Check Finished Weekly Reports in WorkFlows

a.  Correct Hold Information (fixholdinfo) – review for errors

b.  Reorganize User Text Dictionary (reorgusertext) – review for errors

2.  Check available disk space on ILS (must be more than 10% free on C:\ and D:\)

3.  Check size of BRS files on ILS

a.  On the desktop, double-click the “Check BRS Size” shortcut

b.  Take note of the INV0, INV1 and INV2 lines – phone Client Care immediately if the INV2 file exceeds 1.6 billion (1600000000) in the Size column

c.  Take note of the TXT0 and TXT1 lines – phone Client Care immediately if the TXT1 file exceeds 1.6 billion (1600000000) in the Size column

4.  Check the Unicorn Error Log on ILS

a.  On the desktop, double-click the “Check Error Logs” shortcut

b.  Review any recent errors displayed in Notepad

c.  Report any unknown errors to Client Care

5.  Check Event Viewer on ILS for errors (Start-Programs-Admin Tools-Event Viewer)

6.  Remove and replace the current Weekly Backup tape

a.  Open Veritas Backup Exec

b.  Under Devices-ILS-Robotic Libraries-DELL 8-Slots, sort the list by Allocated Date. Note the Slot Number that contains the backup to tape allocated on today’s date (Monday) at approx. 7:00 AM

c.  Retrieve the oldest weekly backup tape from the tape storage area

d.  In the Server Room, remove the tape from the Slot Number noted from the Tape Drive (Enter-Enter-Next(Export)-Enter-SLOT #(use Previous/Next)-Enter)

e.  Replace the tape with the oldest weekly backup tape

f.  Label the current weekly backup tape and place in the tape storage area

g.  In Veritas, right-click on affected Slot#, select “Inventory”, and follow the prompts to inventory the replaced tape

Monthly (First Workday)

1.  Remove the current Monthly backup tape and replace with the Monthly tape from last year (see Weekly #6 above)

2.  Remove all reports older than one month

3.  Remove files older than one month from

a.  D:\Sirsi\unicorn\Marcimport\*

b.  \Bibbackup\*

c.  \Biberror\*

d.  \Bibwork\*

e.  D:\Sirsi\unicorn\Marcordimp\Bibs\Backup\*

f.  \Error\*

g.  \Work\*

h.  D:\Sirsi\unicorn\Marcordimp\Orders\Backup\*

i.  \Error\*

4.  Remove all text from the file D:\Sirsi\unicorn\Marcimport\Authtemp\newauthority

Semi & Annually (January & July)

1.  Update “Library Closed” dates within each Library policy (Configuration - General Configuration - Library)

2.  Run the “Shift Calendar Date” (calendarshift) Booking report

3.  Move older logs from “D:\Sirsi\unicorn\Logs” to “D:\Sirsi_Logs_Backup\unicorn\Logs” as necessary – keep at least the 12 previous months for statistical reporting and log searching

4.  January only – Remove the Dec 31 backup tape and replace with a new tape (see Weekly #6 above) - save indefinitely

Terry W. Brandsma – – 336.256.1218
