Gates County Planning & Development Services

PO Box 411 • Gatesville, NC 27938

(252) 357-2411 Ext. 1702



2:00 PM – January 20, 2015

Members Present:Chuck Brothers-Chairman

Brenda Felton – Vice Chairman

Sherwood Eason

John Carter, II

Wade Askew

Members Absent: Phyllis Hobbs

Also Present:Jennifer C Baptiste, County Planner

Pastor Eric Earhart

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Chuck Brothers at 2:00 p.m. in the NC Cooperative Extension Conference Room. Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.

Approval of Agenda

Motion to accept the agenda as presented was made by Mr. Carter and seconded by Mr. Eason. Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes for the December 16, 2014 meeting were reviewed and one error was noted. Mrs. Felton and Mr. Carter concurred that there was an error in the order in which a motion was made. Both stated that the motion made by Mr. Carter to recommend “.75 spaces per bed and 1 space per every two employee at the largest shift” was made before Mrs. Felton’s motion to recommend “1 space per bed and 1.5 spaces per every two employees.”

Motion to accept the minutes with the above correction was made by Mrs. Felton and seconded by Mr. Carter. Motion passed unanimously.

Old Business

New Business

Jennifer Baptiste, County Planner, introduced the Major Subdivision from Ashley and Gloria Taylor for board consideration. Ms. Baptiste reminded the board that the Sketch Plan was approved by the board on November 18, 2014. Since this was a one (1) lot Major Subdivision, the applicants requested that the Preliminary and the Final Plats be considered in one meeting instead of at two separate hearings.

Mr. Brothers inquired if all applicable fees and taxes had been satisfied for the property. Ms. Baptiste stated that they had been paid. Mr. Brothers then asked which items from the Preliminary Plat requirements would not be applicable to this subdivision.

From the Preliminary Plat section of the Subdivision Ordinance, it was identified that items 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, and 22 would not be considered for this plat.

1)Thepreliminaryplatshallbeatascaleofonehundredfeettooneinchor larger and 18” x 24” in size.

Plat meets requirement.

2)Thelocationofexistingandplatted property lines, streets and street names,buildings,watercourses,railroads,transmissionlines,sewers, bridges, culverts and drain pipes, water mains, existing fire hydrant location nearesttosite,cityandcountylines(ifadjoining)andanypublicutility easements.

Plat meets requirement. Surveyor needs to identify the name of the Private Road.

3)Boundariesof tract shownwith bearings and distances.

Plat meets requirement.

4)Wooded areas, marshes, and any other conditions affecting the site.

Plat meets requirement.

5)Names of adjoining property owners or subdivisions.

Plat meets requirement.

6)Zoningclassificationbothofthelandtobesubdividedandonadjoining land.

Plat meets requirement.

7)Proposedstreets,streetnames,rights-of-way,roadwaywidths,and approximate grades.

Not applicable.

8)Theplansforproposedutilitylayouts(sewer, water, gas, electricity) showingconnectionstoexistingsystemsor plansforindividualwater supply,sewagedisposal,stormdrainage,etc.Utilityplansareencouraged to be a separate drawing(s) from the preliminary plat.

Not applicable.

9)Otherproposedright-of-way oreasements; locations, widths, and purposes.

Plat meets requirement.

10)Proposed lot lines, lot and block numbers, and approximate dimensions.

Not applicable.

11)Proposed minimum building setback lines.

Not applicable.

12)Contourlineswithelevationintervalsofonefoot(appliestosubdivisions with proposed streets).

Not applicable

13)The100-yearfloodplaincontourshallbelabeledandclearlyindicatedwith a bolder thicker line.

Not applicable.

14)Wetland certification where needed basedon inclusions of hydric soils.

Not applicable.

15)Proposed parks, school sites, or other public opens spaces, if any.

Not applicable.

17)Title, date,north point and graphic scale.

Plat meets requirement.

18)Names,addresses,andphonenumbersofownerandsurveyororland planner.

Plat meets requirement.

19)Site Data

a)Acreage in total tract

b)Acreage in parks or other land usage

c)Total number of lots

d)Lineal feet in streets

Plat meets all requirements.

20)Sketchvicinitymapshowingrelationshipbetweensubdivisionsurrounding area, 100-year floodplain, and Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC).

Not applicable.

21)Environmental ImpactStatement, when required

PursuanttoChapter113A-8thru113A-10oftheNorthCarolinaGeneral Statutes,thePlanningBoardmayrequirethedevelopertosubmitan environmental impact statement with his preliminary plat if:

a)The development exceeds 10 acres in area, and

b)IftheBoarddeemsitnecessaryduetothenatureofthelandtobe subdivided,or peculiarities in the proposed layout.

Not applicable.

22)Providealetterfromtheappropriateelectricutilitycompanycertifyingthat the utilities will be installed underground.

Not applicable

Based on the above evaluation, the Preliminary Plat met the essential elements of the Subdivision Ordinance. A motion was made by Mr. Carter and seconded by Mr. Eason to submit the Preliminary Plat to the Board of County Commissioners for approval with the condition that the Private Drive be identified on the plat. Motion passed with Mrs. Felton abstaining from the vote.

After Preliminary Plat approval, the plat was then considered for Final Plat approval. Mr. Brothers asked which items from the Final Plat requirements would not be applicable to this subdivision.

From the Final Plat section of the Subdivision Ordinance, it was identified that items 4, 5, 13, and 14 would not be considered for this plat.

1)The lines of all streets and roads.

Plat meets requirement.

2)Lot lines and lot numbers.

Plat meets requirement.

3)Minimum building setback lines.

Plat meets requirement.

4)Reservations,easements,alleysandanyareastobededicatedtopublic useorsitesforotherthanresidentialusewithnotesstatingtheirpurpose and any limitations.

Not applicable.

5)Sufficientdatatodeterminereadilyandreproduceontheground,the location,bearingandlengthofeverystreetline,lotline,boundaryline, blocklineandbuildingline,whethercurvedorstraight,andincludingtrue northpoint.Thisshouldincludetheradius,centerangle,andtangent distanceforthecenterlineofcurvedstreetsandcurvedpropertylines that are not the boundary of curved streets.

Plat meets requirement.

6)Alldimensionsshouldbetothenearestone-tenth(1/10)ofafootand angles to the nearest minute.

Plat meets requirement.

7)Accuratelocationanddescriptionofall permanent monuments and stakes.

Plat meets requirement.

8)Theproposedutilitysystem:water,gas,sewers,stormdrainage,electric utilities

Not applicable.

9)Thenamesandlocationsofadjoiningsubdivisions,andstreets,andthe location and ownership of adjoining properties.

Plat meets requirement.

10)Title,date,nameandlocationofsubdivision,graphicscaleandnorth point(indicateiftruenorth,magneticnorthorN.C.StateGridSystemis used).

Plat meets requirement.

11)Name,address,andphonenumberofowner andsurveyororlandplanner.

Plat meets requirement.

12)Sketchvicinitymapshowingrelationshipbetweensubdivisionand surrounding area.

Plat meets requirement.

13)ProvideguaranteeforstreetmaintenanceuntilacceptancebytheNorth CarolinaDepartmentofTransportation;StreetMaintenanceDisclosure Statement as set forth in Article VI, Section 604-H.

Not applicable.

14)Paymentoffeesforwaterlateralsandmetersinareasservedbythe GatesCountyWaterSystem.ThefeeshallbepaidtotheGatesCounty WaterDepartmentinaccordancewithafeescheduleestablishedbythe Gates County Board of Commissioners.

Not applicable.

Motion to recommend approving the Final Plat made by Mr. Askew and seconded by Mr. Carter. Motion passed with Mrs. Felton abstaining from voting.

Ms. Baptiste informed Pastor Earhart that the subdivision would have to go to the County Commissioners for final approval and he would receive another letter announcing the hearing.


Ms. Baptiste informed the Board that the Assisted Living Facility Text Amendment was approved by the Board of County Commissioners at the January 7, 2015 meeting.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Askew and seconded by Mr. Carter. Motion passed unanimously.


Charles Brothers, ChairmanMelissa Lawrence, Clerk