Girl Guides of Canada - Nova Scotia Council



Position Description

Final July 2009, Rev Aug ’10, Rev Mar ‘15


Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada enables girls to be confident, resourceful and courageous, and to make a difference in the world.


Promote and administer the winter and summer provincial Kwahee camping experience for Guide and Pathfinder age members delivering a high standard of camping experience for all.


Provincial Camping Adviser


·  Plan the Provincial Winter and Summer Kwahee Camps, promoting the development of a positive camp program.

·  Promote outdoor activities, camping and acceptable environmental practices in a safe, fun girl focused setting.

·  Ensure the camps meet the standards as set out in Safe Guide.

·  Communicate proposal for location, theme and activities.

·  Recruit members for the Provincial Kwahee volunteer staff.

·  Assist the camp staff in the delivery of the event, including usage of provincial camping equipment.

·  Seek input from all camp committee members on issues involving their area of experience and expertise.

·  Maintain current knowledge of all camping and outdoor requirements in the girls programs in order to act as a resource person for the camps.

·  Promote participation in Kwahee camps via Coastlines and website articles.

·  Submit article for Coastlines to highlight event.

·  Maintain a Kwahee Resource Manual that contains all pertinent information with an up to date copy at the Provincial Office including recommendations for the next year.

·  Maintain an inventory of all camping supplies and ensure they are maintained for future use.

·  Attend the Provincial / Area Advisory Conference and submit reports as requested.

·  Attend trainings and workshops to keep skills up to date.

·  Prepare and submit an annual timeline and budget request forms and working papers in preparation for annual budget.

·  Promote and support two-way communication between all levels of Guiding.

·  Meet with a group from the Provincial Camping Advisory team or a regular basis.

Term of Office:

The term of office will be as outlined by the By-laws of Girl Guides of Canada (a three-year term with a possibility of a two-year extension).

H:\Common\Governance & Evaluation Advisery Committee\by Committee\Approved\as of July 2012\Camping\Current\March 23 2015\Kwahee Champion Mar 23 '15.doc