College Algebra

MAC 1105C Fall 2016 CRN 10785

Instructor: Marjorie Fernandez Karwowski

Office: Bldg. 7 room 161

Phone & Email: 407-582-2502



Class time: Monday and Wednesday 1:00 – 2:15 pm Building 2 room 111

Office Hours: Mon: 10:00 - 11:15 am, 2:30 - 3:30 pm Tues: 10:00 - 11:15 am

Wed: 10:00 - 11:15 am Thurs: 10:00 - 11:15 am

Online Hours: email me at

Mon: 6:00 – 8:00 pm

Tues - Fri: 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Required Materials: 1. See link below for textbook information. Purchase either the

hard copy or the eBook, both contain the online WebAssign code

which gives you access to the electronic copy. If you purchase the

book on this website you will have to pay for shipping and it may

take 5 days to arrive.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK USED OR RENT IT, BECAUSE IT WILL NOT CONTAIN THE NEW MATERIAL AND THE WEBASSIGN CODE WILL NOT BE VALID. An old WebAssign code from a difference course will not work for this class.

Both the hard copy and the elecctronic copy will give you online homework access in WebAssign.

Hard Copy ISBN: 978146520254 $93.00

eBook ISBN: 9781465262653 $74.40

2. Graphing Calculator: I will be using a TI 84 for classroom

demonstration. Only the TI 83 or 84 can be used on tests.

3. Quad ruled composition notebook or quad ruled paper for daily

note taking.

WebAssign Online Homework

Online homework is through WebAssign. The online homework will contain the even problems from the book itself along with algorithmic generated ones. Your access code is in the inside cover of the hard copy, if you purchase an eBook your access code will be emailed to you.

ATLAS EMAIL: Please note that any notifications of excessive absence or course progress is done through Atlas. Be sure to check your email every day. Only email me via Atlas since emails received from Yahoo etc usually go to my spam box. ALWAYS INDICATE THE CLASS (1105) AND THE DAY AND TIME YOUR CLASS MEETS WITHIN THE EMAIL.

Email Etiquette: Students please check spelling and grammar before sending an email.

Most importantly don’t use abbreviations or acronyms, bottom line is

don’t send text messaging style emails.

COMMUNICATION: Any materials/information will be posted in Webassign which is

where your online homework is through. The deadline for tests

will be given verbally in class and will be posted in Webassign.

Not showing up for class does not grant you an extension.

Course Description

MAT 1105 3 credit hours, presents algebraic, graphing and numerical skills. This course will completely integrate graphing technology towards topics presented along with the concepts and interpretation. Topics include linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, polynomial and rational functions including their graphs. Systems of equations, variation, linear regression and inverse functions will also be covered. The topics presented will be solved using symbolic, graphical and numerical approaches. Applications emphasizing connections with other disciplines and the real world will be included. A minimum grade of "C" is required to use this to satisfy the Gordon Rule and general education requirements.

Attendance, Tardiness, Walking out of Class

To be successful in any math course you must attend class regularly and complete all assignments on time. If you are unable to attend class for any reason it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you have missed. If you miss more than 3 classes you will be dropped from the course. Each 2 tardies will be counted as 1 absence. A tardy is considered arriving 10 minutes after start of the class. If your absences or tardies are excessive you will be notified through ATLAS and you may be withdrawn from the course.

Being late to class or leaving early is a disruption to the class and is discourteous to the professor and the other students. All students are expected to be on time to class and to stay for the entire period. If you need to leave early notify me before the start of class. Leaving early without prior notification to me will result in 5 pts. deducted from your test score. A second time will result in being withdrawn from the course.

Cell Phones

Cell phones are to be off while in class and during test time. Please be polite and also do not be using or handling your phone during class. ANY cell phone use during a test or quiz no matter the reason will be considered cheating and will result in a 0 on that test or quiz which may also result in being withdrawn from the course.

Disorderly Conduct

Disorderly conduct will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to leaving class early, cell phone use during class, excessive talking and or disruption. You may be notified once, if behavior persists then you will be withdrawn. Make every attempt to use the restroom before coming to class. Leaving during class is a disruption to the class. Leaving class early without notifying me will result in 5 points being deducted from a test score. Being late for class more than 3 times will also result in a 5 point deduction from a test.

Classroom Harassment

Classroom harassment will not be tolerated. If you feel that one of your classmates is harassing you let me know as soon as possible.

Academic Honesty

All students are expected to be in complete compliance with the policies on academic honesty (see the Valencia Community College website for details on this policy, 6Hx28-10-16 ). Cheating of any type will not be tolerated in this course. Students who plagiarize or cheat in any way will risk dismissal from class and/or expulsion from the college. If you are caught cheating by anyone in the testing center or any instructor, a ZERO will be counted for that test score and averaged into your grade. You may also be withdrawn from the class or receive an F. If you are caught using a cell phone in the testing center regardless of the reason it will be considered cheating.

Academic Support

In addition to the instructor’s guidance and assistance, there is the following academic support:

1. Math Support Center (walk in tutoring) à Great Help!

2. Math CDs, video tapes and tutorial software are available at the Academic Success Center.

Here is a link to Valencia’s tutoring services:

The following link will provide you with more information on our college’s math resources:

For Valencia’s computer lab hours, go here:

Testing center hours of operation:

Students must begin tests at least one hour before the Testing Center closes. Students must present a VCC ID, drivers license or any other form of identification will not be accepted.

Monday - Thursday
7:00 AM - 9:00 PM (last test given at 8 PM) Friday 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM (last test given at 5 PM)

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM (last test given at 2 PM)

Course Evaluation: Your over grade will consist of the following


You will have 6 tests throughout the semester. There are no makeup tests under any circumstances unless for jury duty. If needed, a test can be taken prior to the scheduled day. The lowest test will be dropped, Chapter 6 test will not be dropped.. If a test is missed then it will be the test that is dropped. If 2 tests are missed then a “zero” will be counted as one test score. Phone use during test taking will be considered cheating. This will result in a zero on that test. All tests will contain 2 parts, the first part of every test will always be non-calculator, the second part calculator, give yourself ample time when taking your test since both parts must be taken back to back. ALL TESTS WILL BE TAKEN IN THE TESTING CENTER, this will provide us time to review in the classroom. Understand it is your responsibility to find time outside of class to take the test in the testing center.


Homework will be worth 100 points. If for any reason you decide not to do the homework you will have a zero averaged into your overall average. The due dates in WebAssign will fall on the last day in which the test is available. Always check the due dates.


There will be a quiz on each chapter. There are no makeup quizzes. Each quiz is worth 10 points. ALL QUIZZES ARE NON-CALCULATOR and will be taken in the classroom.

Final Exam

Your final exam which will be taken in your regular classroom during final exam week. The final exam will be comprehensive. Due to Valencia’s policy, this test during finals week is mandatory, if you haven’t withdrawn and do not show up, a grade of F must be given as your final grade, regardless of your overall class average.

Misc. Info

*There is no extra credit given in this class no matter the circumstance. Understand all students must be treated equally.

**It is expected that you have basic knowledge with the graphing calculator along with basic graphing skills with and without a calculator. Seek help outside from the classroom with myself or with the tutoring center if you feel you need additional calculator assistance. Yes adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions is expected knowledge and know how without a calculator.

***College students, especially College Algebra students should be able to compute their overall class average, see course progress sheet on page 6. Please keep track of your own grades. I will post an excel spreadsheet on my website for you to enter your own grades and keep track of your average.
Grading Policy: A: 90% - 100%, B: 80% - 89% C: 70% - 79%
D: 60% - 69% * F: below 60% *
*These grades will require you to repeat MAT 1105 before continuing
in your math courses.

Withdrawal Policy: A grade of W will be assigned if you withdraw from the course before or

on Nov 11th .

Note: There no longer exists WP or WF at Valencia, therefore if you do not withdraw by

April 1st you will be given a letter grade based on your overall average.

Please note: Always seek advice and guidance from myself and from your counselor before withdrawing from the class. See your counselor in how doing so impacts any financial aid or Bright Futures that you may be receiving.

Important Classes do not meet: Sept. 5th, Oct. 6th, Nov. 23-27th

Dates: Withdrawal deadline to receive a “W” is Nov. 11th

Final Exam: TBA, or see link below. The final exam is in the regular


Please note the final exam is mandatory, if a student (who hasn’t withdrawn) does not show up for the final exam than an F is given as the final grade regardless of class average, this is Valencia’s policy.

This is a “tentative” schedule. Therefore if you miss class email me to make sure you know what we covered and if and when a test or quiz is due. The schedule may change slightly during the semester.

Tentative Course Schedule

Week Dates (beginning) Sections Covered/Tests

1 Aug 29th 2.1 – 2.2


2 Sept 6th 2.3 – 2.4


3 Sept 12th Quiz on chapter 2; (Chapter 2 test) 3.1 – 3.2


4 Sept 19th 3.3 – 3.4 Quiz on chapter 3


5 Sept 26th (Chapter 3 test); 4.1 – 4.2


6 Oct 3rd 4.3 – 4.4


7 Oct 10th 4.5 Quiz on chapter 4 (Chapter 4 Test);


8. Oct 17th 5.1–- 5.2 Quiz on chapter 5


9. Oct 24th (Chapter 5 test) 7.1–7.2,


10. Oct 31st t 7.4 Quiz on chapter 7 (Chapter 7 Test) 6.1


11. Nov 7th 6.1– 6.2


12. Nov 14th 6.3


13. Nov 21st 6.4


14. Nov 28th Quiz on chapter 6 (Chapter 6 test)


15. Dec 5th Review for final exam


16. Dec 12th Final exam Monday Dec. 12th 1-3:30 pm in the classroom

Disclaimer:Changes in the evaluation procedure may be made at the discretion of the instructor.

Helpful Links :)


Math Center Hours:

Course Progress Sheet

Your grade will consist of the following, please keep track of all your scores and know how to compute your average at any time during the progress of the course. Your average can be found by taking your total points and dividing by the total possible points at that time.

Tests (100 pts. each)

Ch. 2 (100 pts.) ______Ch. 3 (100 pts.) ______Ch. 4 (100 pts.) ______

Ch. 5 (100 pts.) ______Ch. 6 (100 pts.) ______Ch. 7 (100 pts.) ______

Online Homework (100 pts. total) ______

Quizzes (10 pts. each)

Quiz ch. 2 ______Quiz ch. 3 ______Quiz ch. 4 _____

Quiz ch. 5 ______Quiz ch. 6 ______Quiz ch. 7 ______

(Final exam) (100 pts.) ______


Free tutoring services are provided on Valencia College’s East campus at the Academic Success Center in Building