To: Registered Companies in Scotland; Defra ; WAG;
/ SEED CERT: EC13028 September 2007
UK Triticale Seed Derogation
1. Adverse growing conditions in the UK this year have resulted in a high proportion of triticale seeds failing to achieve the minimum germination level required for certification. Because of the consequential shortage of certified seed for sowing, Defra on behalf of the UK, has requested a temporary marketing derogation from the European Commission to permit the marketing of 950 tonnes of triticale seed of the following variety types at a reduced germination level of 70%: Fidelio; Benetto; Ego; Sw Fargo; Purdy; Tremplin; Agrano and Trilogy.
2.If the UK derogation request is successful, the Commission will authorise the marketing of a specified quantity of seed which will take into account suitable offers of surplus seed from other Member States. The purpose of this letter is to invite interested parties to bid for a proportion of the specified quantity. Defra and DARD will be issuing their own Seed Certification Information letters but AIC will coordinate allocations on a UK basis and will of course treat bids from AIC and non-AIC members alike. If total bids exceed the available quantity, pro-rata reduction will be applied across the board.
3.All bids should be directed to Paul Rooke at AIC stating company name and quantity required. Company names and allocations will be included in a schedule to the General Licence and only those companies named in the schedule will be authorised to place on the market for the first time the allocated quantities of derogated seed. Bids must reach AIC bye-mail, fax or in writing by no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday 10 October 2007:
Paul Rooke
Policy Director
Confederation House
East of England Showground
Peterborough PE2 6XE
Tel:01733 385271
Fax:01733 385270
4.Applications for quantities should be accompanied by crop identity numbers. To avoid duplication (and to limit the possibility of having to scale back the final allocation amount), applications should be made by the seed business which has assigned the identity number to the crop from which the seed will be produced.
5.No triticale seed may be marketed below the minimum germination capacity of 80%, as prescribed in the Regulations, until a General Licence has been issued. The General Licence will specify conditions for marketing, including labelling requirements. AIC will aim to inform companies of their allocations, and to provide information about the General Licence conditions on 10 October.
G P Hall
Tel: 0131 244 8856
Fax: 0131 244 8966