FHS Girl’s Volleyball Player/Parent Rules and Guidelines 2015

*Subject to revision before tryouts

*The signed, perforated portion of the guidelines must be handed in at tryouts

  1. Items Issued to Players
  2. Two game jerseys
  3. Game spandex
  4. One athletic bag
  5. Items to be Purchased
  6. Practice spandex
  7. Solid navy blue or black only
  8. Players who already have spandex do not need to buy new ones unless they want to.
  9. Active ankles
  10. Players may use active ankles from a previous season and do not need to replace them unless they are old enough to pose a safety hazard. We will review options with players needing to purchase active ankles for the first time.
  11. Spirit Pack
  12. Includes: 1 Program T-shirt, 2 Practice Shirts, team jacket/pants, 5 pairs of crew socks and team head band
  13. Prices are still TBD (will range between 100.00-150.00)
  14. Attendance
  15. Intramurals are not required to try out for the 2015 season. They are highly recommended in an effort to provide training that will be useful for success in tryouts.
  16. By choosing to participate in this program, you have committed yourself to attending every volleyball function for the 2015 season. The 2015 season begins on August 13th. Practice Schedules will be issued after tryouts have completed and may be different for the different teams involved.
  17. You may not miss practice, tournament obligations or competition for any other reason than family emergency or illness. In the case of repeated absences due to illness (more than twice), you must provide a doctor’s note clearing you to play. If you are healthy enough to attend school, it will be expected that you are healthy enough to attend practice. The amount of physical exertion during practice will be determined by the sick player and the coach. If you miss school due to illness, you may not attend practice.
  18. If you have already committed yourself to a club program for another sport, we encourage you to continue in this sport, however, you may not miss any volleyball practices, competitions or team functions, for another sport during the 2015 season. The regular season beginsSaturday, August 15, 2015 and will end Thursday, October 29, 2015 (for players not competing in post-season competition). Players competing in post-season competition may not compete in any other pre-season sports intramurals.
  19. You may not attend pre-season intramurals for another sport at FHS during the volleyball season. This includes all Varsity members and JV/B players who are moved to the Varsity team for post-season competition (regardless of playing time). Post-season competition begins Thursday, October 30, 2015.
  20. 3 unapproved absences will result in removal from the program.
  21. Late arrival to practice, without notifying your coach, may result in unapproved absences A No Call – No Show will result in immediate removal (coach’s discretion may be necessary in some cases)
  22. Practice
  23. Players must wear the appropriate practice attire at all times
  24. Spandex, issued practice shirt, issued white crew socks, active ankles and knee pads.
  25. Practice will begin at the scheduled time each day. We ask that players arrive in the gym 15 minutes prior to start time, dressed and ready to practice, in order to set up the proper practice equipment. If the proper equipment is not set up by the start of practice, this will take away practice time and consequences will be issued to the entire program.
  26. Hair must be dyed a natural color. Hair must be pulled back out of the face and jewelry is not permitted.
  27. All practices are closed to spectators.
  28. Notify your coach (not teammates) if you feel you will be late for any reason.
  29. Test re-takes must be scheduled on match days only. If any player has an issue with a class or teacher regarding this matter, tell Coach Ortiz so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
  1. Matches
  2. On match days, players on the Freshmen and JV teams will participate in mandatory study hall. Players will not be permitted to loiter outside of the athletic office or in the quad area. Players will be notified of the times and locations of study hall, once the season begins.
  3. All players must be present and on time for all pre-game activities as specified by the coach.
  4. Players must ride the school bus to and from each away match and must remain at Foothill to support the Varsity team and clean up the gym during home games.
  5. B and JV players may not sit with friends or parents while supporting the Varsity team. Players must sit together in the area designated by their coaches for the entirety of the Match.
  6. Varsity players will be responsible for gym set-up before home matches, B and JV will be responsible for tear-down.
  7. Parents should meet the players at FHS after away matches to pick them up. Players may not travel home with their parents after an away match unless there is an emergency situation. In this case, players will be released ONLY to their own parent or guardian with a note written and signed by that parent or guardian.
  8. Coaches will not meet to discuss any problems that parents may have on the day of a match. If any parent has an issue that they feel needs discussion, that parent should set up a meeting with the athletic office and the coaches will reserve time to speak with them. Playing time will never be discussed and is at the coach’s discretion. Players will not receive equal playing time. It is the philosophy of the program that playing time is a privilege and not a right.
  9. Emails from parents may be forwarded to the athletic office.
  10. Tournaments
  11. All players are required to participate in and work at all season tournaments. This includes set-up and tear-down procedures. Tournaments are our main source of fundraising for volleyball.
  12. Failure to attend tournaments, fundraisers or team events will result in unapproved absences and may result in removal from the program.
  13. Student-Athlete
  14. All players must adhere to all school policies, to include behavior and dress-code, in order to remain a part of the program.
  15. Students must attend ALL classes on the day of a Match to be eligible to play and must provide a doctor’s note describing the nature of the absence, to the attendance office, if they left campus for any reason.
  16. Any absence from school, even for a doctor’s appointment, must be pre-arranged in advance with the attendance office unless there has been an emergency situation.
  17. Players must maintain a 2.0 GPA to remain in the program.
  18. If an athlete appears on the academic watch list, she will have one week to bring up her grades or will become ineligible to compete in competition, but must still attend all practices. If the grades are not improved after the week of ineligibility, she will be removed from the program.
  19. If a player is deemed INELIGIBLE twice, she will be removed from the program.
  20. Players must be able to handle the stresses of balancing sports with academics. Players will not be allowed to skip practice to study unless they have been deemed INELIGIBLE.
  1. Social Media
  2. Cell Phones
  3. Keep them out of sight during all volleyball functions; to include: sitting in the bleachers during home and away games.
  4. iPOD’s
  5. Players may listen to their iPOD’s on the bus quietly to themselves. If you distract other players, coaches or the bus drivers, this privilege will be taken away. iPOD’s must be put away upon entering any gym for practice and/or competition.
  6. If a player is having trouble following this rule, their iPOD or cell phone will be taken and given to the athletic office, where a parent can then pick it up.
  7. Internet Use
  8. Do not conduct yourselves in a manner which will reflect discredit on yourselves, your peers, the FHS Volleyball Program (its coaches and affiliates) and/or your school. If it is deemed by the coaching staff that your actions on the internet, and/or social media websites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), will reflect discredit to any of these groups, you will be subject to removal from the program. Coaches discretion will be used in all instances after consulting with the Dean’s office and your parent(s) and/or guardian(s)
  9. NIAA Clearinghouse
  10. Be sure to register for the Clearinghouse with your counselor at the beginning of your Junior year, in order to receive scholarships and/or accept any offer to compete in sports at the collegiate level.
  11. If you are interested in playing volleyball at the college level, please inform your coaches so we can guide you in the process.
  12. Contact Information
  13. If you have any additional questions and/or concerns about participation in the 2012 season, please contact Krysta Ortiz at


Detach and Return

I have read and will adhere to the guidelines set forth in the “FHS Girls Volleyball Player/Parent Rules and Guidelines 2015” document. I agree to conduct myself in a manner that positively represents myself, peers, the FHS Women’s Volleyball Program (its coaches and affiliates) and my school. I understand that tobacco use, alcohol use, stealing, vandalism, the use of drugs other than prescribed by a physician, violation of team attendance and training and violation of the guidelines in this contract, will result in removal from the program (in accordance with FHS and NIAA guidelines for student athletes). I understand that situations may arise in which the coaches may utilize their own discretion to solve problems that could be considered detrimental to the program.


Parent SignatureDatePlayer SignatureDate