SCM 450 Essay Grading Rubric

Student Name: ______Student ID: ______Date: ______

Course #: ______Section #: _____Paper Title/Topic: ______

Criteria / Unacceptable / Minimally Acceptable / Proficient / Advanced / Score
Content / Central idea/purpose is not stated; content is erroneous or irrelevant; support for assertions is largely absent.
0-27 points ___ / Central idea/purposeisstated; content is accurate but not always relevant; support is offered but inadequate for some assertions.
28-31 points ___ / Central idea/purpose is clearly stated; content is accurate and relevant; credible support is provided for each assertion.
32-35 points ___ / Central idea/purpose is vividly stated; content is accurate, thorough, and directly on point; strong support is provided for each assertion.
36-40 points ___ / Score: ___
(Intro, Body, Conclusion) / Little or no structure present. Paper is frequently confusing to the reader because of lack of organization.
0-13 points ___ / Identifiable structure is present but inconsistently executed; may contain several statements out of place and occasionally deviate from the topic.
14-15 points ___ / Identifiable structure is present and consistently executed with few statements out of place.
16-17 points ___ / Identifiable structure is presented in a purposeful, interesting, and effective sequence and remains focused.
18-20 points___ / Score: ___
Language / Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage are severely deficient.
0-13 points ___ / Isolated errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and/or usage reduce clarity and credibility.
14-15 points ___ / Free of serious errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage.
16-17 points ___ / Free of errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage. Word choice aids clarity, vividness, and credibility.
18-20 points ___ / Score: ___
Adaptation to Audience and Context / Content and/or style are frequently inappropriate to the author, audience and/or context.
0-6 points ___ / Content and/or style are occasionally inappropriate to the author, audience and/orcontext.
7 points ___ / Content and/or style are consistently appropriate to the author, audience, and/or context.
8 points ___ / Content and/or style are consistently appropriate and are targeted to the author, audience, and/or context.
9-10 points ___ / Score: ___
Adaptation to Assignment Requirements / Paper does not adhere to important aspects of the assignment.
0-6 points ___ / Paper adheres to all but a single guideline or constraint.
7 points ___ / Paper adheres to all aspects of the assignment.
8 points ___ / Paper meets or exceeds all aspects of the assignment.
9-10 points ___ / Score: ___
Comments: / Total Score: ___