This document is subject to Council adoptionat the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Wednesday, 26 April 2017
booyeembara park
Working Group
The Council of the City of Fremantle (the "Council") establishes this committee under the powers given in Section 5.8 of the Local Government Act 1995, the working group is to be known as the Booyeembara Park Working Group, (the "Working Group").
The Working Group shall act on behalf of the Council in accordance with provisions of the Local Government Act 1995, for the purpose as outlined within these terms of reference.
The name of the Working Group is the BooyeembaraParkWorking Group and reports to the Finance, Policy, Operations and Legislation Committee (FPOL).
3.1Review and update the Masterplan for Booyeembara Park, including a revised Stage 4;
3.2Develop a realistic long-term maintenance and development strategy in the context of the Masterplan and the Site Management Plan.
3.3Support community engagement in the delivery of the management plan; and
3.4Facilitate new community involvement in the Park.
The Council shall appoint members of the Working Group, as follows;
- Mayor (ex-officio);
- Two Elected members;
- Two community representatives with an Aboriginal interest; and
- Up to fivelocal community representatives.
Membership of the Working Group shall, unless otherwise specified, be for a term ceasing on the first Saturday in October in the year the City’s local government elections are held, after which time the Council may appoint members for a further term.
In making their selection for the committee, Council shall take into account the following:
- interest, knowledge or experience in landscape master planning, environmental science or natural areas;
- knowledge and interest in the history and development of Booyeembara Park;
- keen interest in promoting community participation, involvement and activation in the Park;
- Good community networks and/or good local knowledge of the Booyeembara Park area; and/or
- Demonstrated ability to work in a team environment.
The Working Group shall appoint a Presiding Member and Deputy Presiding Member to conduct its business. The Presiding Member shall ensure that minutes of the proceedings are kept and that business is conducted in accordance with the City of Fremantle Standing Orders. The CEO or delegated nominee will attend the first meeting to conduct the election of the Presiding Member or at a subsequent meeting if a new Presiding Member is to be elected.
7.1The Working Group shall meet as required.
7.2Notice of meetings including an agenda shall be given to members at least 7 days prior to each meeting.
7.3If any member is absent from 3 consecutive meetings without leave of the Working Group, they shall forfeit their position on such Working Group. The Council shall be informed, and the Council may appoint a replacement for the balance of the term of appointment.
7.4The Presiding member shall ensure that detailed minutes of all meetings are kept and shall, not later than 5 days after each meeting, provide the Working Group members and Council with a copy of such minutes.Minutes shall record all decisions and actions of the working group.
7.5All members of the Working Group shall have one vote. If the votes of the members present are equally divided, the person presiding mayexercise the right to use a‘casting vote’in accordance with the City of Fremantle Standing Orders.
Quorum for a meeting shall be at least 50% of the number of offices, whether vacant or not. A decision of the Working Group does not have effect unless it has been made by a simple majority.
(Note – Council may, at the request of the Working Group, agree to set the quorum at a lesser number. However in such circumstances any recommendation on expenditure of monies or on forming policy positions that is being made to Council or the CEO, the Working Group must have at least 50% of the members present to make a valid recommendation/s.)
9.1General Powers
The Working Group has the power to co-opt persons to attend the Working Group meetings from time to time to assist the in its functions, but does not have the power to appoint members to the Working Group. Co-opted persons do not have voting rights.
9.2Specific Powers
The Working Group has no delegated powers under the Local Government Act and is to advise and make recommendations only.
Termination of the Working Group shall be:
10.1in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995; or
10.2at the direction of Council.
This document may be altered at any time by the Council.
Working Group decisions shall not be binding on Council.
13.0History of Council Resolutions
SGS0803-1426 March 2008
14.0Officer(s) Responsible for Management of theWorking Group
The following officers of the City of Fremantle are appointed by the CEO to be responsible for the administration of this Working Group:
Executive Officer:Director Infrastructure and Projects
Deputy Executive Officer:ManagerParks andLandscapes