MAMS – Helpful Information for General Practitioners
What are we offering?
The Newcastle Memory Assessment and ManagementService (MAMS) offers assessment, diagnosis and treatment for older peoplewho present with memory problems and may have a dementia illness. In most cases the referral is made through a GP; we do not accept self-referrals.
Who should you refer to MAMS?
Patients with memory problems for whom you have completed a
basic dementia screen. This should consist of the following:
- Brief description of the history and impact of thememory problem
- Blood and urine testing as per dementia screening protocol
- Patient’s consent to the referral as well as named carer, if available.
- Physical examination with ECG if Pulse < 60bpm
- Cognitive testing (e.g. MMSE, 6CIT, GP-COG)
- Mental health check(e.g.PHQ9 asany depression should be treated)
- Medical history and current medications
- Known risks (e.g. driving)
- Communication needs (e.g. if English not first language)
- Neuroimaging from the last 12 months if available
When to refer to MAMS or the CMHT?
In MAMS, we see patients where mild to moderate memory problems are the main issue. We work closely with our colleagues in the CMHT who will assess andmanage patients with dementia who have greater complexity, urgency,and/or risks. Also, patients in nursing care and more advanced dementia are likely to beseen by the CMHT, or Challenging Behaviour Team. We recognise it canbe difficult to determine which part of the service to refer to, so if you areuncertainplease refer indicating this and we will allocate accordingly.
Additional pointers / tips
Possible scenarios / Suggestion/sPatients with delirium /
- Always consider acute medical admission.
- Consider deferring referral of patients with delirium to give adequate time for symptoms to resolve (3months).
Alcoholdependence /
- Current alcohol dependence: please refer to local addition service.
- Past dependence: allow for 3-6 months abstinence prior to referral for accurate assessment.
Atypical presentations especially with neurological symptoms / Neurological disorders – prominent motor or neurological symptoms are more appropriate for Neurology
Patients with head injury / Head Injury – please consider referring to specialist head injury service (NeuropsychiatryWalkergatePark)
Patients with unstable/multiple medical conditions requiring ongoing monitoring / Consider referral to geriatric clinic: referral to Melville Day Unit (FRH) for North/East patients; referral to Belsay Day Unit (CAV) for West patients.
MAMS July 2015v2