Question 1

Globalizations and information technology advances are primary reasons why supply chain management has become a competitive priority for companies.


Question 2

A supply chain can be viewed as an integrated group of processes to source, make, and deliver products


Question 3

The primary negative effects of uncertainty and variability in the supply chain are in incomplete and late orders.



Question 4

One way to cope with the bullwhip effect is for supply chain members to share demand forecasts.


Question 5

Which of the following is not a key to effective supply chain management

communication among members
independence among members
collaboration among members
trust among members

Question 6

Increased uncertainty and variability in a supply chain typically results in

faster deliveries
more accurate order fulfillment
larger inventories
lower costs


The effect whereby slight demand variability is magnified as it moves back upstream in the supply chain is known as

the bullwhip effect
collaborative replenishment
direct-response delivery

Question 8

A computer-to-computer exchange of business documents in a standard format is known as

electronic data interchange (EDI)
radio frequency identification (RFID)
point-of-sale data

Question 9

Software that helps integrate the components of a company by sharing and organizing information and data among supply chain members is known as

warehouse management systems
transactional database system
module systems
enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Question 10

The cost of goods sold value used in computing the inventory turnover is

the cost of goods sold for finished goods only, valued at the final sale price
the cost of goods sold for finished goods only, valued at cost
the cost of goods sold for all individual inventory items, including raw materials and work-in-process, valued at cost
the cost of goods sold for all individual inventory items, including raw materials and work-in-process, valued at the final sale price