
Roger Bonnet Louise Price Jan Gouldthorpe Callum Lester


Steven Hayton Steve Johnston Vicky Roberts Sean Clixby David Heathcote Neil Simpson Ann Wood. Martyn Harris (l.i.v.e.s)

Matters arising from last meeting:

Paul Senior missed off 'welcome meeting'

Youth club is thriving and hopefully will be moving into the 'Well-being hub' in September.

Logo competition. Some of the guides did do a logo and Louise emailed Sean the best entrant.

Facebook is still going strong with football, cricket and l.i.v.e.s adding some information. New members are not as frequent now.

Sports equipment.

Sean picked up some more equipment from 3 'b's Lacrosse set, cricket pads and helmets. Golf training nets.


Sean gave a short speech about Sue Mumby's involvement in funding. One of the first things that needs doing is setting up a constitution for our group. The one Sue suggested was one called Witham St Hughes Management Group.

A bank account needs to be set up and we need to get funds. Sean and Steve J volunteered to write up the constitution and email out to the committee members so that it can be discussed at next meeting.

Vicky spoke about the questionnaire that she had got from members of the public. It was obvious that people in Broughton was not aware of what was available in our small town. A lot of Broughton people went to other towns and villages to do crafts and activities that they enjoy doing.

We need to make sure we do promote our association along with what group activities are available.

The association will help to promote groups in Broughton and try and see what new activities the public would like. Broughton may have many talented men/women who would like to set up a day/night class in the "Well-being hub" Phil Grundy Centre or Village Hall.

Martyn went onto say that Broughton Club was not just catering for the older generation. They had a lot of younger members now who will be the club's future. On Bank Holiday Monday the club had an entertainer and played bingo. The entertainer made animals out of balloons and sang. This was attended by single people, couples and families. The Club provides a fishing club, pigeon club, 7 pool teams, darts team, 2 football teams, Monday games night playing dominoes 5 and 3s, whist and darts. They have monthly kid’s discos.

Broughton in the park:

The date for this showcase will be September 20th 2015. The council will support this event by giving us a grant. We will keep the council updated of our plans.

Free entry for residents. It was suggested that perhaps Lives, Scouts and other groups would like stall to raise some funds.

These are some of the things which we could have during the day.

Football early morning to promote Broughton Ravers.

20/20 cricket match to help raise funds for Charlie Challenge.

Kwik cricket for the children.

Red Lion outside Bar. - We would need to purchase a licence.

Could get a lorry trailer so local bands and singers could come along and entertain the crowd.

Bouncy castle

Local fitness group could hold a free trial session .



Broughton Drama Group a quick short play.

Walking football

We would have to make that all groups had public liability insurance.

We would need to promote by posters and a leaflet drop off. If we all did a small area we could cover most properties.

It would be nice to get the older groups from the Scout and guide association to help at the Showcase.


Short term Start the constitution. Spread the word and do a leaflet drop off.

Medium term. Broughton in the Park.

Long term. Ongoing setting up the group and getting more activities.


Callum no longer doing his football in Broughton. It seems the council are under the impression he's running a business and not providing a service to Broughton. Callum now goes to Brigg and Scawby. Ann going to write to the council explaining the situation.

The cricket club are going to try and apply for funds to have an all weather training pitch. This would provide a service for other groups.

Date of next meeting:

Tuesday June 16th at Broughton Club. 8.00pm