Table of Contents


Description of the P4P

NOHP Organizational Performance Assessment

Step-by-step Process

Get agreement of the NOHP

Update Desktop Review

Engage Partners

Conduct Orientation for Government Facilitators

Finalize Workshop Preparations


P4P Workshop Sample Agenda

Day 1

Day 2

Micro Agenda

Day 1

Day 2

References – Additional Resources


The One Health Planning for Performance (OH P4P) is P & R’s technical strategy for countries to annually measure and benchmark their coordination mechanism’s organizational and performance capacity and inform planning and development assistance.

Description of the P4P

The OH P4P is both a process and a tool for a country-led and participatory assessment of capacity and performance of the NOHPs. Its results inform the NOHP’s annual work plan, capacity development interventions and technical assistance. The tool complements existing global instruments (e.g. WHO Joint External Evaluation) and applies a ‘One Health lens’ to better align P&R interventions to the needs of national governments – all in service to advancing a multi-sectoral One Health agenda.

The OH P4P Process is administered in three modules over the course of a two-day workshop: NOHP organizational capacity assessment, OH organizational performance assessment, and prioritization and planning.

The Capacity Assessment focuses on the outputs of capacity development, the shorter-term internal changes in organizational policies, skills, procedures and practices. The Capacity Assessment answers the question: “What are the organizational needs of the platform?” and over time, measures progress of NOHPs organizational capacity.

The NOHP Organizational Capacity Assessment focuses on the outputs of capacity development, the shorter-term internal changes in organizational policies, skills, procedures and practices. P4P examines six broad organizational capacity categories:

OH Organizational Capacity Assessment Categories of Inquiry
  • Structure, ToR and MoU – Does the platform have an agreed upon structure, Terms of Reference (TOR) and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)?
  • Leadership – Is there a designated chair of the platform with clearly defined responsibilities?
  • Composition – What is the composition of the platform? How is equitable participation ensured?
  • Communications and information exchange– Is there a method of internal communication exchange? Is there access to public health, animal health and environmental data for review and analysis? Is there an external communications protocol?
  • Monitoring & evaluation (M & E)- Is there an M & E plan and a budget for M & E?
  • Funding sources- Does the platform have financial resources to sustain operations?

NOHP Organizational Performance Assessment

The performance module focuses on capacity development outcomes, and measures organizational performance areas specific to the functions of the National One Health Platform.

The organizational performance assessment module also includes optional measures from the WHO Joint External Assessment (JEE) tool, looking specifically at action packages and technical areas that are relevant to the platform.

NOHP Organizational Performance Assessment Categories of Inquiry
  • Engaging stakeholders – Is the platform strategically engaging stakeholders outside of the Ministries of Public Health, Agriculture, and Wildlife/Environment? How effective is the platform in convening partners? How inclusive and equitable is participation in the platform?
  • Coordinating & collaborating – To what extent is collaboration fostered through the platform? Has the platform supported integration of OH into policies, protocols and SOPs? Is the platform coordinating with sub-national structures?
  • Advocating OH to decision/policy makers – Does the platform advocate for the integration of OH?
  • Joint planning– Is there an agreed OH Strategy? A workplan? A plan for preparedness and response to outbreaks of unknown etiology? Multi-sectoral preparedness and response plans for prioritized diseases? Is the platform supporting joint activities such as simulations and risk assessments?
  • Facilitating data analysis and use in decision making -Does the platform review and analyze to public health, animal health, and environmental data? Does the platform conduct/coordinate outbreak AARs to review and inform activities and planning?
  • Mobilizing & optimizing resources- Does the platform have a stable and diverse funding base? Does the platform facilitate sharing of resources to implement activities?

The third and final module, Prioritization and Planning,is a chance to review organizational and performance gaps, enable prioritization of areas for capacity building and performance support and plan their implementation for the next year.

Step-by-step Process

  1. Preparation

Careful preparation for a OH P4P is essential to ensuring a successful P4P that yields credible results. This phase consists primarily of four key activities: getting NOHP buy-in, updating the desktop review, holding partner meetings and conducting

Get agreement of the NOHP

As a country-led process, the NOHP must be fully supportive of undertaking the assessment. This is critical to ensuring their engagement and ownership of the P4P’s results. A two-page job aid is provided to NOHTAs to support discussions on the P4P with the NOHP.

At this time, the NOHTA also agrees on who will participate in assessment. As the OH P4P is a self-assessment of the NOHP, participation of NOHP members is expected. In order that the assessment be as accurate as possible, participants should be knowledgeable of their ministry’s engagement in One Health. Participation should also be representative all relevant sectors. The Participation Matrix will guide selection of participants to ensure adequate and equitable representation of key One Health ministries and partners. The box at the right highlights additional gender considerations for participant selection.

Once the NOHTA and NOHP reach agreement on who will participate, a date is selected that accommodates the majority of intended participants. The NOHTA then develops an Activity Scope of Work. TRG selects a facilitator and agrees the Facilitator SOW.

Update Desktop Review

The desktop review yields supporting information for capacity and performance assessment areas. The reviews developed earlier in the project are shared with the facilitator and, where appropriate, updated by the NOHTA. Updates may take up to three days once relevant documents have been gathered. A checklist of the documents to be reviewed are included in the Desktop Review Document Checklist.

Based on the desktop review, the NOHTA makes notations in the comments section of the P4P instrument to indicate where supporting documentation may inform the assessment at the P4P workshop.

Engage Partners

It is critical that partners are informed about the P4P Process. This will help ensure their understanding of the process, acknowledgement of the results and consideration of requests for support arising during the Prioritization and Planning session of the P4P workshop. As the OH P4P is a self-assessment, partners are invited to either participate in the workshop as an observer or join on the second day of the workshop to hear the assessment findings and take part in the Prioritization and Planning session. See Guidance on the Observer Role for partners present during the assessment discussions.

Conduct Orientation for Government Facilitators

The OH P4P is intended to be conducted annually thus it is critical that the NOHP have the capacity to administer it. For this reason, an orientation of government facilitators is held before the OH P4P workshop to prepare government facilitators to take on facilitation roles. The one-day orientation explores the tool, its application and the methodology for facilitating multi-stakeholder meetings and collaborative decision-making. Roles and responsibilities are agreed for workshop co-facilitation and logistical arrangements are reviewed.

Finalize Workshop Preparations

Three Weeks Before the OH P4P Workshop
  • NOHP identifies list of workshop participants.
  • NOHP agrees on a workshop date.
  • TRG engages a facilitator.

Two Weeks Before the OH P4P Workshop
  • NOHP sends out invitations.
  • NOHTA engages partner.
  • NOHTA updates the desktop review.
  • TRG and regional operations staff make travel arrangements for any travelers.
  • NOHTA and facilitator consult with NOHP to agree the workshop agenda and report format.

One Week Before the OH P4P Workshop
  • NOHTA and facilitator conduct orientation for government facilitators.
  • NOHTA and facilitator finalize workshop agenda and slides.
  • Facilitator visits the venue, ensures proper room setup, and tests equipment.
  • NOHTA and regional operations staff print reference documents from the desktop review and other relevant materials for distribution and obtain supplies.

  1. Self-assessment

The first part of the OH P4P workshop consists of the NOHP self-assessment which contains the Organizational Capacity Assessment and the Performance Assessment.

The Organizational Capacity Assessment focuses on the outputs of capacity development, the shorter-term internal changes in organizational policies, skills, procedures and practices. The Capacity Assessment answers the question: “What are the organizational needs of the platform?” and over time, measures progress of NOHPs organizational capacity.

  1. Next steps

The second part of the OH P4P workshop focuses on using the assessment results to inform next steps. In the prioritization and planning module, participants review identified organizational and performance gaps and prioritize areas for inclusion in the NOHP work plan, and for capacity building interventions and technical assistance over the next 12 months.

Following the workshop, the facilitator conducts an AAR with the NOHTA and government facilitators to review what happened and what was learned. The facilitator is responsible for the overall management of the AAR, ensuring inclusive participation for a balanced and comprehensive outcome. A note taker may assist the facilitator during the event to record discussions, including important timelines, lessons learned, and agreements.

After the workshop, the facilitator drafts a report which captures the self-assessment results and agreed next steps. The NOHTA circulates the report to the NOHP for their review before the report is finalized and shared with EPT2/GHSA partners.


The suite of P4Ptools includes:

Tools / Description
Job aid / Two-page document explaining the P4P process, how it will be implemented and the expected outputs
P4PExcel file / Excel document formatted with assessment measures and visualization tools
P4P facilitator’s guide / Guide detailing the steps to facilitating this process, including guidance for updating the desktop review, sample workshop agenda and facilitator instruction for facilitating the P4P workshop
P4P workshop PowerPoint Presentation / Slide deck to support facilitation of the P4P workshop
Packet of participant worksheets / Worksheets to be copied for participants of the P4P workshop
SOW for facilitators / Statement of work for engaging facilitators to facilitate the P4P workshop
P4P event planner / Excel document detailing the event requirements, offering a planning checklist and a supplies/equipment list
Draft invitation / Suggested language for invitations to participate in the P4P workshop
P4P evaluation / Brief evaluation to be conducted at the end of the 2-day workshop
Desktop review / Summary done by the NOHTA of the progress made by the NOHP
Engagement Meetings PPT / Slide deck that can be used for facilitating engagement meetings with partners on P4P
AAR agenda / Agenda for conducting the AAR following the workshop
AAR PPT / Slide deck to support facilitation of the AAR


P4PWorkshop Sample Agenda[1]

Day 1

8:00 / Registration
8:30 / Official Welcome
8:45 / Getting Started (objectives, agenda overview, housekeeping, introductions)
9:00 / Status of One Health in the Country
JEE Results (where applicable)
10:30 / One Health P4P Process & Tools Overview
11:00 / NOHPOrganizational Capacity Assessment, Part I
12:30 / Lunch
1:30 / NOHPOrganizational Capacity Assessment, Part II
2:30 / Break
3:00 / NOHPOrganizational Performance Assessment, Part I
5:00 / Close

Day 2

8:00 / Registration
8:30 / Recap of Day 1
8:45 / NOHPOrganizational Performance Assessment, Part II
10:00 / Break
11:30 / Self- Assessment Results
Prioritization and Planning, Part I
12:30 / Lunch
1:30 / Prioritization and Planning, Part II
3:00 / Next Steps
3:30 / Close

Micro Agenda

Day 1

Time / Step / Notes
Before starting / Preparing the Room
  • Round tables, 5-6 chairs at each table (depending on number of participants)
  • Copies of the agenda, pens and markers on tables
  • Flipchart stands around the perimeter of the room (one per table, if possible)
  • LCD projector, laptop, extension cord
  • PPT on first slide
  • Tape
  • Post-it notes (one pad per table)
  • Registration table with sign-in sheet and pens
  • Participant worksheets
  • Prepared flipchart with timeline: 3 mos, 4- mos, 7-12 mos

8:00 / Registration
As participants arrive, INTRODUCE self and informally welcome them. GUIDE them to sit in any open seat.
15 min / Official Welcome
ANNOUNCE that we are ready to begin and INVITE the person(s) who will be giving the official welcome.
NOTE: follow customary rules related to prayer.
15min / Getting started
1. REVIEW the workshop objectives and agenda. MAKE any necessary housekeeping announcements related to:
  • Nametags
  • Location of bathrooms
  • Putting phones on silent; taking calls in the hallway
  • Wi-fi password
2. INVITE everyone to participate in the introductions activity.
ASK each person to introduce themselves to everyone at their table saying their name, position and ministry/department/organization they represent.ASK that the table nominate one person who will introduce the name and ministry/department/organization of each tablemate to the larger group.
60 min / Status of One Health in the Country
INVITE the NOHTAto provide an overview of the status of OH approach in the country; including who are the major players and their key responsibilities; key OH activities; major findings from the desk top review; and reference materials available for participants.
ALLOWbrief discussion.
[Where applicable] TRANSITION to the JEE Results
EXPLAIN that P4P directly pertains to P.4.3 of the JEE (mechanisms for responding to zoonoses and potential zoonoses are established and functional) and that assessing and developing capacities of the NOHP will contribute to the country’s performance as measured in P.4.3.
GUIDE everyone to the relevant worksheet where they can see the complete list of JEE capacity areas and associated indicators. EXPLAIN that our first workshop task is to agree the capacity areas for which the NOHP is directly responsible. INVITE participants to call out their responses and RECORD them on a flipchart. SEEK agreement on the final list.
30 min / One Health P4P Process & Tools Overview
INVITE the NOHTA/ROHTA to provide an overview of the P4P, noting that:
  • The results of the self-assessment will be provided to the NOHP.
  • The intent is to conduct the self- assessment annually to document progress.
  • The tools to be used: The language used (categories, scores, sub-categories); categories under each section; the scaling e.g., only whole numbers; how the tool is to be used and how it should not be used and why.
FACILITATE a brief Q & A, as needed.
EXPLAIN Fist to Five: a technique that is used to facilitate reaching agreement and which they will use to move through each assessment component:
5 fingers: “Yes” I can say an unqualified “yes” to the decision
4 fingers: “Yes, but...” I find the decision perfectly acceptable.
3 fingers: “OK” I can and will live with the decision even though I’m not enthusiastic about it.
2 fingers: “OK, but...” but with minor tweaks.
1 finger: “NO.” I do not agree with the decision and cannot move forward until larger concerns are addressed.
30 min / Break
90 min / NOHP organizational Capacity Assessment, Part I
  1. EXPLAIN that we will start with an assessment of the organizational structure of the NOHP. Each table will work on different sections, but all will have an opportunity to comment/contribute to the assessment scores.
Note: each table should have a diverse array of participants (e.g., public health, animal health, agriculture, others). Facilitators can choose to use an activity to mix the groups or prescribe the table membership using the participant list before the start of the workshop.
  1. GIVE out the participant worksheets for recording scores and responses.
  2. CLARIFY the different roles to be played within the table teams:
  3. Team leader – responsible for ensuring that each team member is participating; delivery of the results as set; time management.
  4. Scribe – documenting the agreed scores and explanations / comments / queries in the worksheets. Handing over a completed worksheet to the facilitator after presentation.
  5. Observer (P&R and USAID participants) – should not offer opinions on the assignment but may give guidance on process; alert the team leader in case the team is derailing from the assignment; and inform the facilitator in case the team needs support.
  1. CLARIFY the process that participants are to take:
  2. Read one question at a time
  3. Discuss the status of the country with regard to the question.
  4. Note down key points to summarize insights from the discussion.
  5. Read the 4 levels that correspond to the question raised.
  6. Considering the status as discussed, select the most suitable score – ONLY whole numbers are allowed. In case the country seems to fall in-between scores, take the lower score.
  7. Add any remarks to justify or explain the score.
INFORM they have 30 min.
  1. After 30 min,ASK everyone to silently read all the categories. ThenINVITE the first table to provide their assessment. For each measurement, INVITE questions from other participants. Where needed, CLARIFY rationale. USE Fist to Five to reach agreement. CONTINUE to seek clarity if anyone objects to moving ahead. Where necessary to the process, RECORD the disagreement.REPEAT process for each next category.

60min / Lunch
60 min / NOHPOrganizationalCapacity Assessment, Part II
CONTINUE with table presentations and discussions until all categories have been completed.
30 min / Break
90 min / NOHPOrganizational Performance Assessment, Part I
  1. INTRODUCE the performance assessment and EXPLAIN that all tables will work through all categories. EXPLAIN that each table will be assigned a category to begin with. After 15 min, they will rotate to a different table where they will review the work of the preceding group and add their inputs. They will rotate until they have reviewed and provided input to all 4 categories.
  2. DISTRIBUTEthe participant worksheets for recording scores and responses.
  3. CLARIFY the different roles to be played within the table teams during the exercise (as in the organizational capacity session).
  4. ASK participants to clear their tables in preparation for the rotational exercise.
  5. CLARIFY the process that participants are to take (as in the organizational capacity session).
  6. After review and input rotation is complete, PROVIDE clean sheets and EXPLAINthe process:
  7. Read through all submissions from the other groups.
  8. Agree and document (using a clean sheet) the final score taking into consideration additional information from other groups.
  9. Agree the comments and justifications to include in the final position.
  10. Prepare for presentation tomorrow for final agreement with the larger group.