Preliminary Syllabus – Fall 2005

Class 1 – Defining the Problem

Deloitte & Touche Case Study

Harvard Business School case (Parts A and B), Course Materials, Volume I, pp.

Greensboro Case Study

Penda D. Hair, Louder than Words: Lawyers, Communities and the Struggle for Justice, Chapter 5 (Prayer and Protest), Volume I,

Rev. Nelson Johnson, Reflections on an Attempt to Build “Authentic Community” in the Greensboro Kmart Labor Struggle,

Benjamin Hensler, Building a Coalition for Workers’ Rights at Kmart,

Class 2 – Framing a Field Research Project in the Locations of Innovation

Stacy Laira Lozner, Note: Diffusion of Local Regulatory Innovations: The San Francisco CEDAW Ordinance and the New York City Human Rights Initiative

Jason Parkin, Constructing Meaningful Access to Work: Lessons from the Port of Oakland Project Labor Agreement

Susan Sturm and Kati Daffan, Gender Equity As Institutional Transformation: The Pivotal Role of “Systems Integrators”

Morningside Human Subjects Training Course,

Learning from Strangers, Chapters 1 and 2

Class 3 –How Law Defines Discrimination/Bias: The Prevailing Framework

Susan Sturm, Equality and Inequality,

Amartya Sen, Inequality Re-examined, Chapter 1, Vol. I,

Excerpt from Iris Marion Young, Inclusion and Democracy

Title VII, 42 U.S.C. § 703,

Hazen Paper Co. v. Biggins.

Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins,

Teamsters v. United States,

Griggs v. Duke Power Co.,

Washington v. Davis,

Vande Zande v. State of Wisconsin Department of Administration,

Class 4 - Rethinking Intent: Cognitive and Implicit Bias

Linda Krieger, The Content of Our Categories

Claude Steele, Stereotype Threat

Virginia Valian, Why So Slow

Implicit Attribution Test, Implicit Attribution Tests,

Class 5 – Political Autobiographies – Field Research

Class 6 - The Role of Institutional Culture in Shaping Racial and Gender Patterns: The Example of the Corporate Law Firm

Donald Schon, Understanding Organizational Culture

David Wilkins, Why Are There So Few Blacks in Corporate Law Firms: An Institutional Analysis

Robin Ely and Debra Meyerson, Theories of Gender in Organization: A New Approach to Organizational Analysis and Change

Class 7 - Methodologies of Field Research/Interviewing/Analyzing Data

(1) Donald Schon, The Reflective Practitioner, pp. 307-325

(2) Weiss, Learning From Robert Strangers (excerpt)

(3) Strauss and Corbin: Basics of Qualitative Research (excerpt)

Class 8. Law, Organizing and Low Wage Work

Jennifer Gordon, Suburban Sweatshops: The Fight for Immigrant Rights (2005), selected excerpts

Steve Jenkins, “Organizing, Advocacy and Member Power: A Critical Reflection,” WorkingUSA, Fall 2002, pp. 56 – 73 (top)

Class 9 - Emerging Structural Approaches

Susan Sturm, From Affirmative Action to Institutional Transformation: The Power of Mobilizing Knowledge

Susan Sturm, Second Generation Employment Discrimination

Class 10 – Global Labor Monitoring, Equity and Democracy

Mark Barenberg, Global Labor Rights: From Private Monitoring to Public Law

Class 11 – Transformative Leadership and Legal Practice

Debra Meyerson, Tempered Radicals

Cornell West, Audacious Democrats

Class 12. Rethinking Civil Rights Advocacy

Sturm, From Gladiators to Problem Solvers: Connecting Conversations about Women, the Legal Academy, and the Legal Profession

Louder Than Words: Lawyers, Communities, and the Struggle for Justice: The LA Mass Transit Example

Louise Trubek, Lawyering for a New Democrary: Public Interest Lawyers and New Governance: Advocating for Health Care

Class 13 - Conflict Resolution and Structural Change

Howard Gadlin, Conflict Resolution, Cultural Differences, and the Culture of Racism

Carol Liebman and Chris Stern Hyman, A Mediation Skills Model to Manage Disclosure of Errors and Adverse Events to Patients