Botanist: ______

Date: ______

Plant Organs Microviewer Activity

For each of the following,

·  draw a proper biological drawing (refer to handout “Biological Drawings”) & label important components and organelles

·  Answer the questions (hint: it may help to read the booklets!)

The Root: (set 77)

Slide 1: Cross-section of a root. Label the epidermis (dermal tissue), cortex (ground tissue), and inner central cylinder (vascular tissue)

Slide 2: This is a magnified view of the central cylinder of the root. The central cylinder contains the vascular tissues (xylem and phloem). The surrounding ground tissue (cortex) is for storage. Describe the roles of each of these tissues in the root?

Slide 4-6: The root tip.

What are meristematic cells? What cellular process is occurring at a high rate in the meristematic region. Explain.

What is the role of the root cap? Describe the structure of these cells.

What is happening to the shape and type of cells in the zone of elongation and zone of maturation

Slide 7 & 8: The root hairs. What is the role of the root hairs?

The Stem: (Set 78)

Slide 1: Identify and label the dermal tissue (epidermal cells), vascular bundles, and ground tissue (pith) in the corn stem.

Slide 3: Identify and label the dermal tissue (epidermal cells), vascular bundles (xylem & phloem, and ground tissue (pith) in the red clover stem.

Compare the stem of the corn (a monocot) and the clover (a dicot). Describe some important differences.

Slide 5: Examine the rings in the 2 year old a 3 year old basswood stems.

What does each ring represent?

Examine the tree sample. Try to count the number of annual rings. Why might the thickness of the rings be different from year to year? (Slide 6)

The Leaf: (Set 79)

Slide 2: Identify and label the epidermal layers, the palisade layer, and the spongy layer.

Describe the role each layer plays in photosynthesis? Relate the structure and organization of the cells to the roles they play.

Top epidermal layer:

Palisade mesophyll layer:

Spongy mesophyll layer:

Bottom epidermal layer:

Slide 6: Label the stomata and its guard cells.

Is the stomata open or closed? Describe the role of the stomata in photosynthesis?

At what time of day would stomata most likely be closed and why?

What would a larger number of leaf stomata indicate about the growing climate of a plant?

The Flower: (Set 80)

Slide 4: The pistil is the female reproductive part of the flower. Label the stigma, style, and ova


Use 1 (or 2) words to describe the main function of each plant organ.

Root: ______Stem: ______

Leaf: ______Flower: ______