Minutes of a Meeting of Brundall Parish Council
Held on Monday 27 February 2017 at 19:00 at the
Brundall Memorial Hall, Lounge
Present :Chairman: Cllr John Warne
Vice-Chairman:Cllr John Philp
Cllr Price, Cllr G Nurden, Cllr F Thorpe, Cllr K Wilkins,
Cllr I S Walters, Cllr P Taylor, Cllr M Russell, Cllr G Buckley
Parish Clerk: S Smyth
Cllr Andrew Proctor District and County Councillor for Brundall Ward
7 members of the public
Details / Action
The Chairman, advised everyone in attendance of the location of fire escapes and the procedure to be followed in the event of an evacuation.
The Chairman advised members of the public of the procedure for them speaking at Meetings of the Parish Council.
The Chairman advised members of the public that the Parish Council would be making a sound recording of the Meeting
2017-0001 / Apologies for Absence
Cllr J Mickelburgh Out of County, Cllr JJ Warns - Work
201-0002 / Declarations of Interest
Disclosable (DPI) or Non Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (NDPI)
Cllr G Nurden–Non DPIplanning items relating to Broadland DC
2017-0003 / Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s)
It was resolved by a unanimous decision that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council, as amended, held on23rd January 2017 be approved.
2017-0004 / Actions from the Minutes (Not on the Agenda)
2017-0005 / Public Participation (6 Members of the Public present)
It was resolved by a unanimous decision to adjourn the Meeting for Public Participation.
The Meeting was reconvened.
Cllr Proctor gave his District and County Reports.
Norfolk CC increase in Council Tax was 4.8% but 3% of this was for Social Care.BDC set an increase of £5 per annum per householder and the reasoning was to ensure a higher quality service. The success of the new build housing at Carrowbreck is a success and all 14 have now been sold at the full asking prices. The profit made goes back to Broadland DC. The developer was Broadland and NPS. The social value is an important component of this sort of housing. Broadland DC Cabinet has opted not to take on any new streetlights from new housing developments. It already is responsible for 5 parishes streetlights charged on special expense.
Nicola Millbank spoke about the Campaign to Protect Rural England and their petition to stop greenbelts being built on. She asked the Council to support this petition which now has 1000 signatures.
Derek Elms brought to the Council’s attention a large element of garden rubbish being dumped in pumping station land and also the Countryside Park. The Meeting was reconvened.
2017-0007 / Chairman’s report
On this occasion my report is somewhat shorter than usual due to my having been incapacitated over the last few weeks. However, the business of the council is still discharged irrespective of the absence of one of the elected representatives. I must express my appreciation to my colleagues on the CDROB sub group who have kept me informed of the important negotiations that have been happening during this period.
Whilst not having been actively involved in the council duties in the time period mentioned, I have been able to reflect on our aspirations for the village and give thought to the Norfolk County Council £1.48 million grant from the D.O.T. to promote more walking and cycling in Norwich and Gt Yarmouth. I do believe we must try to ensure that the rural areas and villages like ours do not lose out to the more densely populated urban areas. As a Parish Council we can be the local advocates for the facilitation of safe walking and cycling in our parish boundaries. As councillors, we can surely raise our profile through our district and county council representatives. Walking and cycling can be a very enjoyable experience when the roads and byways are safe to use. It can be a group or solo activity for pleasure or commuting and it is a fact that it can be health promoting irrespective of age.
I have to report that the disgusting amount of graffiti which has appeared on the youth shelter is not acceptable. Although the Clerk upon finding the graffiti immediately painted it out, this is not part of the Clerks job to do so. After notices have been erected warning those responsible that if this were to continue the Council would consider closing it for a period of time. These notices having been put up once again have been torn down in what I can only describe as an act of defiance. Unfortunately the Police have not been able to prevent this behaviour. My own view is to close the shelter temporarily.
The Meeting was opened up for discussion.
Cllr Price is in agreement and will support a closure and remembers that in his first Council Meeting this was discussed. Cllr Wilkins is disappointed about the comments regarding the Police and suggested that parties get together to try to sort out a period of active engagement.
Cllr Nurden added that it is a shame that the actions of a few will punish the majority of well behaved youngsters. Cllr Buckley would like to see an element of restorative justice. Cllr Philp acknowledges it is very difficult for the Police to catch the culprits in the act and supports a short term closure.He proposed asking a local welder for a quote whilst engaging with the SNT team and putting up notices of intent.He proposed a period of 3 months. Cllr Buckley proposed an amendment for an indeterminate period Cllr Philp withdrew his motion for 3 months.
Agreed unanimously to seal the shelter for an indeterminate period in order to give time to act. / Cllr Philp/Clerk
2017-0008 / Calendar of Meetings for 2017-18
It wasresolved unanimously to approve the Calendar with all Monday dates.
LA Cluster Meeting
the planning application for a wedding venue in Postwick was approved. After a few issues with parking and noise there have been no significant problems.
The Brundall/Blofield Roundabout had been the subject of an EDP news article. The conditions imposed within the Smith development for 175 houses will not be required to be actioned as they regard they will have no significant benefit to traffic improvement.
The Postwick Interchange planning consultation for a new petrol station, restaurant hotel and fast food drive through was discussed. It was reported that the leaflets circulated were not received by all Postwick parishioners and when they were the notice given was far too late for a lot of people to attend, although it appears Brundall did get some in the western part of the village.
ANew joint Youth Council for our cluster villages was discussed. One member of each LA Council will try to attend and find out more information.
A47Roundabout at the Shell garage. The group discussed whether traffic lights be jointly lobbied by the LA Cluster. All agreed that Highways need to be jointly lobbied by the Cluster.
The GNLP call for sites was discussed which will take the District Council up to 2036. There are significant developments put forward in Brundall but all the Blofield ones have been approved now! Strumpshaw have 5 sites all of which have been dispelled by their Neighbourhood Plan.
The Meeting was updated with the latest large planning applications including Broom Boats whose application may be heard in March or April by the BDC Planning Committee.
Community Emergency planning - Brundall explained about the concept of Emergency Planning. Strumpshaw do not have one but Blofield, Brundall and Postwick do. It was agreed to share, where possible, Brundall’s contacts so as to share any local emergency numbers in the event of an emergency.
Blofield drew to the Meetings attention the moulds on the land behind McDonalds near Frogs Hole in Blofield where parties have dumped quite a lot of materials. Stella will pursue this with Petra Whitton in Planning Enforcement.
Land Management –New Sub Committee
The Chairman explained how this new Committee would enable the PC to control more effectively the roles the Council needs to carry out. The Clerks workloads are such that it would be very difficult for her to effectively manage all that the roles entail with the new land the Council has taken on. A draft document has been put before the Council for consideration which was composed by Cllr Buckley. The intention is to facilitate voluntary groups to do what they have to do to assist with land management but to enable them to raise issues whilst liaising with outside bodies. Ultimately the Council should be able to better manage its estate.
All agreed that the draft structure document was suitable for our needs.
The new Land Management subcommittee group was approved unanimously and Cllr Buckley was thanked for her efforts.
The Council was also informed of the letter of complaint by a resident which has been acknowledged. It was pointed out that the Council has noted the complaints and will bear in mind the points raised for the future and that it cannot please all people all of the time.
Battles over, the Nation’s tribute to end of WWI 2018 celebrations – initial proposals for Brundall
It was resolved unanimously to create a sub group to liaise with all organisations in the village to see how the end of WWI in 1918 can be best commemorated.
The sub group will consist of Cllrs Walters, Price, Philp and Mickelburgh (in her absence). / Cllrs Walters/
Price/Philp and Mickelburgh
2017-0009 / CDROB
Report on the status of the request to Broadland District Council Cabinet make a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for the land at Berryfields on behalf of Brundall Parish Council. (The land in question relates to the actual Site Allocations space on the land North of Berryfields adopted by Broadland District Council in May 2016).
Cllr Wilkins updated the Meeting on the CPO whereby a letter was issued to Broadland DC on 9th February 2017 requesting they make a CPO on the Council’s behalf. With the support of our solicitors and NPS we are making the preparations for a statement of case. Preceding this process the sub group had analysed the possible risk and costs. These having been tested and having satisfied themselves that it was feasible to go forward and ask for a CPO, the next stage is in process of making the case to Broadland’s Cabinet. It was emphasised that the Council can halt the process at any time should the need arise. The land in question is subject to a planning application for 192 houses and as such our timescales and processes are not the same, so this makes the project complex.
Report on the project on the land east of Brundall Memorial Hall
It was reported that there is a scheduled meeting with QL for 10th March. Until this meeting there is nothing further to report. / Clerk and sub group
2017-0012 / Planning
20161483 –Broom Boats Land at Yarmouth Road/Postwick – The position with this application is made more complex due to the fact that the Council has now issued a CPO request.
20170095 – Full Planning Application for the proposed development of 1 No. petrol filling station, 2 No. drive through restaurants and 24 space HGV parking with various infrastructure and landscaping works. Land south Broadland Gate, Adjacent to Postwick Interchange, NR13 5NP – Monte Blackburn Ltd. & Pigeon Investments Ltd.
Since the application was consulted upon it was noted that the Hotel element was withdrawn.
It was resolved with a majority decision and 1 abstention to Support the application due to the fact that an HGV lorry park would be needed as lorries visiting the Shell garage have hardly any room to fill up and in the area there are no suitable lorry parks for drivers to use and rest up.
20161959 – variation of planning condition 20151138. Lindon House, 17 East Avenue, NR13 5PB - C Hesketh.
Support with a majority decision and 1 abstention.
2017-0013 / Finance
Finance –The bills for payment for February 2017 totalling £9277.94 plus vat were approved unanimously.
Broadland District Council request for the Parish Council to accept responsibility to take on the footway lighting for new developments
The Council felt that if no other authority were going to take on the streetlights, then it had a responsibility to ensure lighting on the footways for health and safety reasons. As the village grows in size and population it is vital that footways have sufficient lighting. As the funding will come out of the precept, somewhere on the bills this amount will be figured in.
However, the Council wanted to ensure that if taking on any new lighting, there must be authority for them to have a say in how many lights per street and of which type.
It was resolved for the Council to take on any new footway lighting arising from new developments with a proviso that it has a say in the type of head and also the amount being installed.
Review of Cemetery Charges
It was resolved to keep the Fees unchanged for this year but to look at these charges at the time of considering the Budget Precept for the year 2018-19. / Parish Clerk
2017-0014 / Clerk’s Correspondence
The Clerk read out the latest correspondence
2017-0015 / Items for the next Agenda 27 February 2017 (Main meeting date)
CPRE petition re greenbelts
Youth Shelter feedback
Land Management subcommittee – next stages.
Before the close of the Meeting Cllr Buckley wanted to thank Greg Chandler for helping with his 4 x 4 vehicle in Cremer’s Meadow. The Friends group wanted to thank him and presented him with a bottle of wine with their thanks and appreciation.
2017-00016 / Date, time and venue of next Parish Council Meeting
27 March 2017(Main meeting date)
7pm Lounge Brundall Memorial Hall
Meeting closed at 9.45pm
Signed as a true record ……………………………………………..…….. Date …………………………
Brundall Parish Council
Payments for February 17
Parish clerk costs / 3,408.44
Grass cutting monthly contract / £529.02
Cemetery / £978.00
Chairman / £53.18
Annual Fees / 1,939.83
S106 reserves / £669.00
Street Lighting / £628.69
Handyman / £480.00
Church Fen / £230.00
Telephone / £91.42
Office expense / £244.80
Chairman's Expenses / 25.56
Total expenditure / £9,277.94
RECEIPTS FOR February 17
Cemetery Fees / £725.00
Allotments / £43.75
Cemetery wayleave / £118.25
Total Income February 17 / £887.00
Minutes of the Meeting of Brundall Parish Council Held 27 February 2017 at Memorial Hall Lounge, Brundall