Predation experience homogenizes consistent inter-individual differences in predator avoidance
Sommer-Trembo et al.
Online supplementary material
Table S1
Download information of images used to generate animations of (a) Amatitlanianigrofasciata, (b) Anablepsoideshartii, (c) Andinoacarapulcher, (d) Crenicichlaalta, (e) Poecilia mexicana, and (f) Squaliuscephalus. Numbers (No.) refer to the respective image number in Table S1.
No. / Source / Copyright / Date of download(a)
1 / / 9-20-2011
2 / / / 9-20-2011
3 / / Fish Tank Forum / 9-20-2011
4 / / Paul Marek / 9-20-2011
5 / / Aqualog / 9-20-2011
6 / / / 9-20-2011
7 / / J. Koralewski / 9-20-2011
8 / / S. Olkowicz / 9-27-2011
9 / / 9-27-2011
10 / / George F. Smith, III / 9-27-2011
1 / / Douglas Rodríguez Olarte & Donald TaphornBaechle / 9-20-2011
2 / / Pierson Hill / 9-20-2011
3 / / Per Olav Talåsen / 9-20-2011
4 / / Pierson Hill / 9-20-2011
5 / / / 9-20-2011
6 / / Pierson Hill / 9-27-2011
7 / / / 9-27-2011
8 / htpp:// / waynepel / 9-27-2011
9 / htpp:// / / 9-27-2011
10 / htpp:// / 9-27-2011
1 / / / 9-20-2011
2 / / 2HD, s.r.o. / 9-20-2011
3 / / / 9-20-2011
4 / / / 9-20-2011
5 / / J. Vierke / 9-20-2011
6 / / Dr. JörgVierke / 9-27-2011
7 / / / 9-27-2011
8 / / Paul Wheeler / 9-27-2011
9 / / Dr. JörgVierke / 9-27-2011
10 / / Jens Gottwald
1 / / DietmarGottwald / 9-20-2011
2 / / Jens Gottwald / 9-20-2011
3 / htpp:// / Jens Hoffstadt / 9-20-2011
4 / / FishWise Professional / 9-20-2011
5 / htpp:// / / 9-20-2011
6 / htpp:// / V. Kutty / 9-27-2011
7 / htpp:// / Martin Brummell / 9-27-2011
8 / htpp:// / Cláudio D. Timm / 9-27-2011
9 / htpp:// / Ribstick’s Website / 9-27-2011
10 / htpp:// / V. Kutty / 9-20-2011
1 / / Michael Kwist / 9-20-2011
2 / ownfoto / Claudia Zimmer
3 / / MichiTobler / 9-27-2011
4 / / / 9-27-2011
5 / / Hermes / 9-27-2011
6 / / G. McCormack / 9-10-2011
7 / htpp:// / RüdigerRiesch / 9-10-2011
8 / htpp:// / MichiTobler / 9-10-2011
9 / ownfoto / Claudia Zimmer
10 / ownfoto / Claudia Zimmer
1 / / Johnny Jensen / 9-20-2011
2 / / / 9-20-2011
3 / / AcquarioCivio Milano / 9-20-2011
4 / htpp:// / / 9-20-2011
5 / htpp:// / FischereiverbandOberbayerne.V. / 9-20-2011
6 / htpp:// / phoxinellus / 9-27-2011
7 / htpp:// / Encyclopaedia Britannica / 9-27-2011
8 / htpp://
9 / htpp:// / / 9-27.2011
10 / Htpp:// / / 9-27-2011
Table S2
Standard (ST) or total length (TL) estimates of fish species used in our computer animations (in which their TL was standardized to 100 mm).
Fish species / SL or TL [mm] / ReferenceAmatitlanianigrofasciata / 85 (TL) /
Anablepsoideshartii / 54 -69 (TL) / Oufiero et al. 2011
Andinoacarapulcher / 65 (SL) / Godin and Davis 1995
Crenicichlaalta / 140 (SL) / Mattingly and Butler 1994
Poecilia mexicana / 29 ± 6 (SL, mean ± SD) / Riesch et al. 2011
Squaliuscephalus / 300 (SL) / Muus and Dahlström 1968
Poecilia mexicana
Figure S1
Photos used to generate animations of the different predator species. Numbers refer to the respective source in Table S2.
Figure S2
Illustration of our heavily skewed raw data. Depicted are avoidance scores defined as the time spent in the avoidance zone – time spent in inspect zone, such that high values indicate strong predator avoidance. Each individual was measured six times (with six different predator animations) for its avoidance behavior (wild-caught fish: 186 data points from N = 31 individuals, lab-reared fish: 240 data points from N = 40 individuals). Most individuals showed high avoidance responses towards all predators, which introduced a ‘ceiling effect’ to the data-set that could not be improved by any transformation.