Recovery IntegrationPlan (RIP) Template
< Insert your organisation logo and name>
Recovery Integration Plan - <insert dates the plan will cover e.g. 2016-2017
Over the next year, our organisation commits to:
Domain 1 / Capabilities / Our Recovery Activities<Insert details of the activities you will commit to for organisation>This template includes examplesactivities (in italics)to give you ideas on what to include in your RIP activities. Refer to the New England PIR “How to Develop your RIP” guide for more activity ideas. / Timeline / Responsible Manager
1.Promoting a culture and
language of hope and optimism / 1a) The culture and language of a recovery-oriented mental health service communicates positive expectations, promotes hope and optimism and results in a person feeling valued, important, welcome and safe. / 1a) Promote recovery-oriented language
- Example - Provide Mental Health Coordinating Council’s (MHCC) Recovery-oriented language guide to all internal stakeholders.
- Example - Include a Recovery culture commitment in your organisations vision/mission document.
- Example - Support the development of peer-produced resources that share and celebrate recovery stories.
Domain 2 / Capability / Our Recovery Activities<Insert details of the activities you will commit to for organisation> / Timeline / Responsible Manager
2. Person 1st and holistic / 2a) Recovery-oriented mental health practice and service delivery acknowledges the range of influences
that affect a person’s mental health and wellbeing and provides a range of treatment, rehabilitation,
psycho-social and recovery support. / 2a) Develop holistic and person-led services.
- Example - Ensure our services to ensure they are flexible enough to be tailored to people’s preferences, life circumstances and aspirations, and to their family and personal supports.
2b) Recovery-oriented practice and service delivery with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must recognise the resilience, strengths & creativity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,
understand Indigenous cultural perspectives, acknowledge collective experiences of racism & disempowerment, and understand the legacy of colonisation and policies that separated people from their families, culture, language and land. / 2b) Be responsive to Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people
- Example - XX number of managers and staff to complete Aboriginal Mental Health First Aid or Cultural Awareness training for mental health professionals.
Domain 2
Cont. / Capability / Our Recovery Activities<Insert details of the activities you will commit to for organisation> / Timeline / Responsible Manager
2.Person 1st and holistic (cont.) / 2c) Recovery-oriented mental health practice and service delivery addresses barriers to services encountered by people from immigrant and refugee backgrounds including people seeking asylum. / 2c) Be responsive to people from immigrant and refugee backgrounds, their families and communities
- Example - Make translation services available to support the needs of your local community.
2d) Recovery-oriented mental health practice and service delivery is respectful of and responsive to diversity in the community. / 2d) Be responsive to gender, age, culture, spirituality and other diversity
- Example - Set diversity recruitment targets for age, gender, culture etc. diversity areas.
2e) Recovery-oriented mental health practice and service delivery recognises and affirms sexuality, sex or gender diversity / 2e) Be responsive to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and intersex people.
- Example - Undertake the Rainbow Tick process: an accreditation process for inclusive practice with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people in Australia
2f) Recovery-oriented practice and service delivery recognises the unique role of personal and family relationships in promoting wellbeing, providing care, and fostering recovery across the life span, and recognises the needs of families and support givers themselves. / 2f) Be responsive to families, carers and support people
- Example - Engage carers and families in designing a carer and family support program.
Domain 3 / Capability / Our Recovery Activities<Insert details of the activities you will commit to for organisation> / Timeline / Responsible Manager
3. Supporting personal recovery / 3a) Promoting autonomy and self-determination. Recovery-oriented mental health practice and service delivery affirms a person’s right to exercise self-determination, to exercise personal control, to make decisions and to learn and grow through experience. Personal safety is upheld and service models are implemented that reduce if not eliminate the need for coercion. / 3a) Promoting autonomy and self-determination
- Example - Include consumers in all planning and decision-making meetings about their own care and support.
3b) Recovery-oriented mental health care focuses on people’s strengths and supports resilience and capacity for personal responsibility, self-advocacy and positive change. / 3b) Focusing on strengths and personal responsibility
- Example - Use self-stigma reduction resources.
3c) Recovery-oriented mental health practitioners demonstrate reflective practice and build collaborative, mutually respectful, partnership-based relationships with people to support them to build their lives in the ways that they wish to. / 3c) Collaborative relationships and reflective practice
- Example - Establish a consumer representative group to involve mental health consumer advocates in service delivery, reflective practice and decision-making.
Domain 4 / Capability / Our Recovery Activities<Insert details of the activities you will commit to for organisation> / Timeline / Responsible Manager
4.Organisational commitment
and workforce development / 4a) A recovery orientation emanates from the vision, mission and culture of a mental health service. / 4a) Recovery commitment, vision and culture
- Example - Make a plan to raise awareness across the organisation about our organisations commitment to a Recovery-oriented culture, language, practice and service delivery.
- Example - Communicate RIP commitment and vision to all relevant areas of our business to ensure they have an understanding of how their area will contribute to achieving our RIP activities.
- Example - Measure our RIP progress and review the RIP at least annually.
- Example - Form a RIP Working Group and to support the development and ongoing management of our RIP, comprising of key senior management staff and people with a lived experience of mental health challenges and their carers/families.
4b) Recovery-oriented mental health services value, respect and draw upon the lived experience of mental health issues of consumers, their families and friends, staff and the local community. / 4b) Acknowledging, valuing and learning from lived experience
- Example - Implement processes to include feedback from people with lived experience and their carers in policy and practice development.
4c) A recovery-oriented mental health service establishes partnerships with other organisations both within and outside of the mental health sector. / 4c) Recovery-promoting service partnerships
- Example - Sign up to the New England Mental Health Recovery Charter.
- Example - Participate in NEPIR co-ordinated research activities to identify current service gaps, best practice, map referral pathways.
Domain 4
(cont.) / Capability / Our Recovery Activities<Insert details of the activities you will commit to for organisation> / Timeline / Responsible Manager
4.Organisational commitment
and workforce development / 4d) Recovery-oriented mental health services prioritise building a workforce that is knowledgeable, compassionate, collaborative, skilled, diverse and committed to supporting personal recovery first and foremost. / 4d) Workforce development and planning
- Example - Complete a business case for employment of people with lived experience within our organisation and set targets.
Domain 5 / Capability / Our Recovery Activities<Insert details of the activities you will commit to for organisation> / Timeline / Responsible Manager
5. Action on social inclusion and the
social determinants of health, mental
health and wellbeing / 5a) Recovery-oriented practice and service delivery advocates to address poor and unequal living circumstances that adversely impact personal recovery. / 5a) Supporting social inclusion and advocacy on social determinants
- Example - Use our social media to promote community resource directories and information on community events, clubs, associations and services.
5b) Recovery-oriented practice and service delivery promotes positive understandings of mental health issues and challenges stigma and discrimination / 5b) Challenging stigmatising attitudes and discrimination
- Example - Run or sponsor a local awards and competitions that seek to address stigma by promoting positive messages.
5c) Recovery-oriented practice and service delivery seek to maximise personal recovery by working in partnerships with local communities. / 5c) Developing partnerships with communities
- Example - Hold an event to celebrate National Mental Health Week and ‘piggy back’ on other national weeks and days, for example, National Heart Week.
The domains and capabilities are taken directly from the National Framework for Recovery Oriented Mental Health Services published by the Australian Government Department of Health. The RIP template has been developed as a planning tool to assist organisations to implement the Framework, with support from the New England Partners in Recovery initiative.
This RIP template is based on Reconciliation Australia’s - Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) template. the Reconciliation Australia’s RAP program over 400 organisations have made commitments to support Reconciliation and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We are hopeful that this Recovery Integration Plan program will have similar success to support organisations in improving outcomes for people living with mental health issues.You can include an action to complete a RAP in your Recovery Integration Plan (Capability 2b) to further develop your organisations supports for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. More information on RAPs visit Reconciliation Australia’s RAP hub - Partners in Recovery is an Australian Government funded initiative.