BONNEVILLE HIGH: Lady Lakers, Admiralty, & Blue & Gold

Mrs. Kirby

Maximum # of participants: 120 Non-Auditioned Group


1. The development of life skills learned through performing art activities.

2. The development of skills related to singing through practice and general music knowledge.

3. To increase music reading skills and general music knowledge.

4. The study of selected musical works intended to build aesthetic appreciation toward music.


The Bonneville High Attendance Policy will be strictly enforced.


1. No food, drink or gum allowed.

2. Students must take care of personal needs (restroom, drinks, phone calls etc.) prior to class.

3. Students will bring to class materials necessary for class participation, including pencil, notebook, and music.


Performance attire will be best dress. Men – Slacks, Black shirt (button down or dress type) and a vest

and tie. Vest and tie will be provided. Ladies - Dress or Skirt (in white or black) and a scarf. Scarf will be provided.


Grades will be given based on the following criteria:

Participation (45%)10 pts. per day based on involvement in class.

(3 pts. for warmups & 7 pts. for rehearsal)

Concerts (30%)The concerts are the tests for this class. They are the culmination of all our hard work and practice. If

one person misses it affects the entire ensemble. Attendance at all

concerts is required.

Journals (5%)Once a week students will be given a journal. This consists of listening to a selection of music and writing a short essay on the characteristics of that piece.

Musical Questionnaire (5%)Students will be shown a musical each quarter and will take a short quiz in

class after watching the musical.

Concert Report (5%)Students will be required to attend one concert outside of school. The event must be approved by Mrs. Kirby prior to attendance. A program and one page report (typed) of what the student liked and disliked about the performance needs to be submitted in order to receive credit.

Quizzes/Assignments (10%) Quizzes & Assignments including the pre/post test will be given to

monitor student progress of topics and skills used in class.


100 - 94%=A76 - 73%=C

93 - 90%=A-72 - 70%=C-

89 - 87%=B+69 - 67%=D+

86 - 83%=B66 - 63%=D

82 - 80%=B-62 - 60%=D-

79 - 77%=C+59% - Below=F


The choir students participate in a fundraiser every year to raise money for the choral budget – busses, music etc. Students are asked to sell 5 gold cards. The cards sell for $20. There will be prizes distributed and free books/cards can be earned by selling 5 or more. There will be a Gold card blitz that all students will need to attend, it will also be a get to know you party for all choir students. Your help with this is greatly appreciated.


Each student will be required to pay a $15 participation fee by September 2nd.


I am excited for the upcoming year!! I look forward to working with your student. Music is a wonderful teaching tool. It builds self-esteem, character and dependability along with an understanding and development of musical knowledge. In order for your students to get the very most out of this class, it is necessary that you understand the commitment that it takes to have a successful performing group. Hours of rehearsal time go into a concert, and if students miss the concert, they have missed the final product that everyone is working for. Please check your students performing dates and note them on your calendar so you can arrange family activities at another time. If you have any questions or any ideas about the choir program, please feel free to call me @ 452-4081.


Mishy Kirby


September 8th (Thursday)Laker Gold Blitz Night/Get to know you party 5:00 – 8:30

October 25th (Tuesday)Fall Concert at B.H.S. Call 6:30 Concert 7:00

December 13th (Tuesday)Holiday Concert at B.H.S. Call 6:30 Concert 7:00

February 22nd (Wednesday)Training Choir Concert Bus leaves @4:00 Concert 5:00

Brigham City Tabernacle

May 2nd (Tuesday)Spring Concert at B.H.S. Call 6:30 Concert 7:00

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