The Routledge/ALT Teaching with Technology Prize
Guidelines for Entrants
Overview of the Prize
Routledge and the Association of Law Teachers are delighted to offer the Teaching Law with Technology Prize in order to recognize, reward and champion innovation in teaching and learning. The competition is open to all law teachers engaged in higher education in the UK, including those at private institutions.
All prize entries are considered under the following criteria:
- Demonstrating a use of technology that has influenced and enhanced learning
- Demonstrating a use of technology that has improved student engagement and performance
- Using technology to advance practical legal skills
- Promoting technology within the department or in the context of a research study
Not all criteria need to be met by each individual entry, and entries may choose to emphasise one dominant theme for their project.
Prize Committee
The prize will be judged by the Routledge/ALT committee, consisting of:
- Caroline Strevens, Head of Law School and Reader in Legal Education, University of Portsmouth and ALT Committee Member
- Emily Allbon, Lecturer in Legal Skills and Method, City University, London and Winner of the 2013 prize
- Katie Carpenter, Publisher, Routledge
How do I Submit an Entry?
Entering the Routledge/ALT Teaching with Technology Prize is simple. If you or someone you know is making a difference through technology, we want to hear from you! We welcome nominations from students, academics and department heads. We will ask that you submit a brief sample of the project or materials for the Judges’ consideration. If the materials are open access this could be as straightforward as providing a link to the relevant website, and if password protected, could either be temporary access to the materials (if appropriate) or screen shots showcasing their organisation and functionality. The sample should be concise and straightforward to provide, as it is intended to be a supplement to the main substantive entry; e.g. were this provided as a document with screen shots, it should be no more than two pages.
How to enter:
1. Download the submission form.
2. Compile your sample materials for consideration by the Judges.
3. Return your completed submission form, together with the sample materials by email to
, using the subject line ‘ALT/Routledge Teaching Law with Technology
Prize’ no later than 5th March 2018.
Shortlisted Entries – The ALT Conference
Shortlisted entrants must be prepared to attend the ALT Conference at Keele University (25-27 March 2018), where they will be asked to contribute to a plenary presentation (time and date to beconfirmed). All shortlisted entrants will need to attend the ALT at their own expense.
At the ALT, the shortlisted entrants will each take part in a plenary session on Teaching Law with
Technology, and will attend the annual conference dinner, where the winner of the prize will be
- Plenary Session:
The Teaching Law with Technology plenary session will take place during the conference (precise
date and time to be confirmed once the conference schedule has been finalised).
The shortlisted entrants are asked to give a brief 10 minute presentation as part of this plenary,
focusing on how their experience of using technology in teaching has improved student outcomes
and engagement, and considering any wider issues or questions raised by their experience of
teaching with technology.
An audience Q&A session will follow, led by the panel chair.
The Judges will assess each shortlisted presentation, based on the following criteria:
- Originality
- Scalability (including cost to implement)
- Pedagogical Principles
- Outcomes
- Commonality
- Live Audience Vote
- Conference Dinner:
The award and a cash prize of £1,200 will be awarded to the winning entry at the ALT conference