Action Plan Ideas for Learning Spanish
1. Attend school every day because language learning is a skill - you learn more by classroom practice than by written work done at home.
2. Study nightly and in short amounts (a 2 hour cram really doesn’t last).
3. Copy by hand new vocabulary - you’ll be practicing spelling and accents.
4. Make and use flashcards - for vocabulary study, verb practice, almost everything! Remember, knowing a vocabulary item = its meaning, spelling, gender, and pronunciation.
5. Ask questions immediately in class before it’s too late, or you forget.
6. Pay attention in class. Don’t write when the class is working on oral drills or conversations.
7. Maintain a good notebook, and use it to review.
8. Constantly review old subject matter - learning a language is like building a wall ... a weak foundation will not support what’s on top.
9. Listen to the teacher and imitate her pronunciation with care.
10. Learn to take notes, practice listening and paying attention.
11. Picture new vocabulary words in your mind, understand the meaning in Spanish, not in English.
12. Keep up with assignments - have an area in your notebook to list them.
13. Concentrate on the verb - it is the center of the sentence.
14. Visit the SHAREfolder for grammar notes and practice exercises.
15. Keep notes on mistakes you’ve made on written work, and master the correct structures - make corrections for tests, quizzes and home/class exercises.
16. Practice on cassettes in order to hear yourself (record your homework).
17. Demonstrate pride in speaking - don’t settle for sloppy sounds.
18. Do not try to translate from one language to the other word for word.
19. Develop a respect for differences - in people and language sounds.
20. Don’t be embarrassed by making new sounds, have fun with pronunciation - try speaking English with the sounds of the language you’re trying to learn. Develop an adventurous attitude about exploring the unknown.
21. Try to imitate the Spanish intonation and rhythm (the “song” of Spanish).
22. Learn to sing in your new language.
23. Practice your new language with family or friends - you be their teacher.
24. Always speak and write using what you’ve learned and what you know.
25. Read selections aloud (maybe to your Teddy Bear) even written exercises.