Board Members / Officers Present: Dick White, Ed Springer, Morris Johnson, Cyndi Bergs, Harry Prosser, Howard Kanner, Michelle Smurl, Loran Serwin, Marisa Flint, Shane Streufert, Kaitlin Donner, and CCarol Ball, Ron Ritter, and Dick White, Shane Streufert, and and Bob Rall. Nancy Wingo, Loran Serwin,,Ron Ritter, Mary Ramba, Lisa Hamelin, and Bob Rall

Board Members / Officers Absent: Carol Ball, Michael Higgins, Harry Prosser, Kaitlyn DonnerKaitlin Donner, Carol Ball, Michelle Smurl, Loran Serwin, Marisa Flint, and, Ron RitterHarry Prosser, Dick White

I.  Meeting Called to Order: 7:030010 PM


III.  Review / Modify Agendaa: None.: 2015-2016 Board

IV.  Dick White-President Mary Ramba-Vice President

V. Carol Ball-Treasurer Cyndi Bergs- Secretary

VI.  Kaitlin Donner-returning Lisa Hamelin-new

VII.  Howard Kanner-returning Harry Prosser-returning

VIII.  Bob Rall-retuning Ron Ritter-returning

IX.  Loran Serwin-Ed made motion to donate SCR Membership for EOD door prize- Second-Dick. Approved. returning Shane Streufert-returning

X. Nancy Wingo-new

XI.  Changes to Last Month’s Minutes. None. Motion to approve-Bob. Second-HowardDick. Approved.



III.  Changes to Last Month’s Minutes: Motion to approve, EdMarisa.Carol Marisa. Second, Ed. Dick. Mo. Shane. Approved.

IV.  March Minutes: Motion to approve, Howard. Second, Dick. Approved.

V.  Treasurer’s Report: Motion to approve January Treasurer’s Report: Motion to approve-HowardMoShaneEdMo. Second- BobBobDickLoranDick. Approved.

A.  SCR CD Balance Jan 31MaApril 30February 28January November 310, 20164 Aug. 31, 2014: $20,173.661.5158. 90

B.  **moved $10,000 from checking when renewing CD** 10,157.5210, 154.101.14

C.  SCR Savings Account Balance Aug. 31, 2014:JanMayApril 310February 28DecemberNovember 310, 20164 $3,529.933,545392721028

D.  .

E.  92

F.  SCR Cash Balance Dec 31MarchJanuaryOctober 31, 20164 July 31, 2014: $41,977.8047,551.018,128.9967, 860.1139,257.463,065.021, 617.67

G.  SCR Deposits for JanMayApril February January November 220164Aug. 2014: $36,625.333,270.006,694.007,932.9836,645.8710,158.706,115.00

H.  SCR Disbursements for November 2014 Aug. 2014: ($4,098.88930.23)

I.  SCR Total Cash Balance as of JanMayApril 310February 28JanuaryNovember 301, 20164Aug. 31, 2014: $75,949.315,977.607,551.0154, 564.9367,860.11

J.  SCR Total Disbursements 39, 124.842, 802.44Jan 2016:April February: ($2,653.82)($7,271.9821,228.16)


L.  G. SCR Open Invoice Balance as of Jan 2016MayAprilFebruary JanuaryNovember4Aug. 31, 2014: $5250.001204. 00879.00483.00


VI.  Treasurer’s Report: December: Motion to approve-Mo. Second- Loran. Approved.

N.  SCR CD Balance December 31, 2014: $10, 156.23

O.  SCR Savings Account Balance December 31, 2014 $3,529.16

P.  SCR Cash Balance November 30, 2014 : $39,124.84

Q.  SCR Deposits for December 2014: $1,792.00

R.  SCR Disbursements for December 2014 : ($1,659.38)

S.  SCR Total Cash Balance as of December 31, 2014: $39,257.46

T.  SCR Open Invoice Balance as of December 2014 : $500.00


V.  700.00


Total All Accounts: $99,652.90

**CD matures 2/26/16 Move money from checking to longer term CD?

Motion made by Howard for Bob to review on-line accounts again for interest rate earnings. Second-Bob. Approved

VII.  Guests: Barbara Linton, Brittany Streufert, Marisa Flint, Marlene Nancy Wingo, Mary Ramba Marty Winkle, , LLinda Cowart, Mary Ramba, Lisa Hamelin, and Kristin KlineLinda Cowart, Mark Petrillo, Jerry Byrd, Barb Linton, Christy Zieres, Kimberly Prosser, Lisa Hamelin .

VIII.  arty Winkel White, Marty Winkel, Matt Mahoney


X.  Old Business:

A.  The Driven/New SCR website (Brittany)

B.  Previewed the new SCR website

C.  Timeline for ‘go live’ is March

D.  Volunteer Program (Barbara)

E.  Working on data from all races

F.  Matching list to race results; converting html to excel

G.  Space Coast Challenge (Lisa/Dick)

H.  Medals on display—generating a lot of interest

I.  RRCA Convention –March 17-20 Dallas

J.  Carol, Barb, and Brittany (?)

K.  Winter Social Feedback (Nancy)

L.  Ideas to improve—more space and help; bigger venue; better control

M.  Pot luck—to socialize; Wickham Park fun run prior

N.  Races since last meeting (Howard)

O.  1/16 Harris family medical center 5K 452 finishers

P.  1/17 World of Beer 5k 243 finishers; 10k 126 finishers

Q.  1/23 Fly Fish 5k 162 finishers

R.  1/24 Bayfront K9 193 finishers

S.  1/30 Tooth Trot 5k walk 46 finishers; 5k run 269 finishers

T.  1/30 Light the Way 5K 130 finishers

U.  2/6 Superhero 1 mile run/walk 78 finishers; 5k run 343 finishers

V.  2/6 Florida Today 5k 290 finishers; 8k 201 finishers

W.  2/6 Lindsay Brown Winter Blast 5k 79 finishers

X.  2/7 Publix Marathon 213 finishers; Half Marathon 951 finishers; Relay 85 finishers

Y.  2/13 Brevard Zoo Sloth Skedaddle 3K 1106 finishers

Z.  2/13 5K on the Parkway 141 finishers


BB.  New Business

CC.  Races since last meeting Special Olympics Appreciation Picnic (Bob)

DD.  Volunteer appreciation picnic-SCR invited

EE. SCR Scholarship Essays (Marisa)

FF. 2 scholarships of $1500 each

GG.  Applicants must be in CC or track; write an essay

HH.  Committee to read essays: Bob, Cyndi, Nancy, Carol

II.  2016/2017 ROY survey (Dick)

JJ.  Survey out to members to get feedback on ROY series

KK.  Additional question, “why don’t you participate” to be added

LL. Board Elections (Cyndi)

MM.  9 out of 14 current Board members responded to question if they are interested in continuing on the Board/Serve as officers

NN.  Eblast out to SCR members to solicit others interest

OO.  ROY Awards event 6/4/16 -planning (Loran)

PP. a Is Gleason park big enough? Last year was tight

QQ.  b Look at other venues for next year

RR.  Summer Social Planning (Carol, Brittany)

SS. a Indian Harbor Beach/Satellite Beach area

TT. b Looking at two dates June/July

UU.  2016/2017 SCR Race Team (Chairperson)

VV.  a Motion made by Dick for an elite team. Second-Howard. Approved.

WW.  b Shane, Bob, and Matt Mahoney to explore

XX.  Newsletter update ( Lisa)

YY.  a. No updates

ZZ. Storage Unit

AAA.  a. unit identified at Airport Storage-Merritt Island


CCC.  a. Store closing 2/29/16

DDD.  b. Motion made by Howard to host last fun run 2/24/16 as a Thank you

EEE.  to Hernan and Linda. Second-Cyndi. Approved.

FFF.  Cyndi to reach out to Hernan to gather “OK” and provide feedback to Brittany and Bob to post on social media


HHH.  Corporate 5K Update 3/10/16

III.  Slots still open

JJJ. Joan Crawford-Captain

KKK.  EOD Update (Barb)

LLL.  Name the Dragon—winner is “Draco”

MMM. 625 registered so far; need more volunteers to help with awards, registration; Jesse to work the PA system


OOO.  SWOF 8K (Marty)

PPP.  Medals ordered

QQQ.  $100 City permit/$25 park use fees

RRR.  138 registered to date

SSS.  Downtown Melbourne (Mary)

TTT.  New focus on the race; new logo; new marketing strategy with RZ; improve quality of the shirts and awards; new school competition


VVV.  1. 9/20 Eagle Pride 5K & 1M

2. 9/20 Ryan’s Hope 5K

3. 9/20 Panthers on the Prowl 5K

4. 9/21 The Missing Peace 5K

5. 9/27 True Colors 5K

6. 9/27 Caracara Run 5K

7. 10/4 Precious Mammaries 5K

8. 10/11 Wild Shrimp Shuffle 5K/10K

9. 10/11 Witch Way 5K

10. 10/15 Pink Heals 2M

11. 10/18 Fall Into Winter 5K

12. 10/18 Ghostly Gecko 5K

WWW.  New Business

A.  Space Coast Classic

1.  Finisher shirts to be ordered; medals ordered

2.  Volunteers needed. Tab set up on website for volunteers to sign up

3.  Several sponsors on board (Morgan Stanley, Up & Running, Chick Fillet)

B.  SCM Update

1.  Marathon and Half Marathon sold out

2.  Still waiting on final numbers of camp participants for the Half Marathon

3.  (1) hand cycle entry for marathon—accommodating with a 7:30am start

4.  Carol submitted application to RRCA for 2015 to get the ½ and full marathon recognized as part of the State series for RRCA

5.  Still looking for a volunteer to work the pizza tent

C.  Eye of Dragon Update


2.  SCR vote to donate SCR membership as a door prize. Approved (don’t recall who accepted the motion and who approved)No updates

D.  Space Walk of Fame

1.  No updates

E.  Wild Shrimp Shuffle 5K/10K

1.  Marty requesting to have Wild Shrimp Shuffle added back into SCR race series

2.  Entry fee for 2014 is reduced 50% for last year participants who are registering this year

3.  Course has been re-done; easier to navigate with both races

4.  Encourages all SCR board members to participate this year to see the changes made.

F.  SCR Fun Runs

$1,000 for each scholarshipWebsite in process Concerns related to parking / safety concerns

1.  9/28/14 additional runners/walkers attending from RZ camp; additional South River Road water stops (miles 2 and 4) and adding a 3rd stop at mile 6 on the North end.

2.  Ed offered to reach out to Camp Director, Valerie to plan appropriately

3.  11/2/14 looking for volunteer to put out Sunday morning water at miles 2 and 4 on North end.

4.  Linda suggested we put the SCR canopy tent up Sunday morning in the park; hand out road safety info and SCR membership applications; speak to runners before heading out

G.  Club Volunteer Positions2015-2016 SCR Race TeamEnd of Year Banquet SCR Promotional Items Space Coast Velo Sport Contact—Safety of the Roads

1.  Sponsorship chair open Application approval

2.  Volunteer Coordinator-Barb Linton

3.  Sunday morning water volunteers Post information so that team announcement can be made at June social

4.  Identify 3/5 races to participate in; can’t be on another sponsored team

5.  Kaitlin has provided some ideas for uniform; need to look at jacket options June 6th, 2015Michael with Space Coast Velo Sport has reached out to SCR looking for a volunteer to represent the running community for road safety and awareness. Lights, goodie bags, hats, gloves

6.  Kaitlin is interested—will connect with Michael on this opportunity Re-stock new member packets

H.  SCR/ROY Awards Night

I.  June 6th, 2015 Gleason Park; 120 RSVP’s to date

J.  Loran will pick up key/let caterers inVoting to go out 4/26-5/10/15 for most improved; best finish photo; most inspiring athlete, etc…

K.  Additional awards this year (most inspiring athlete, most improved, best finish line photo, best 5K) 142 people voted for awards Volunteer of the year award and people choice award options MiscellaneousSCR Subsidy for Corporate 5KCode of Ethics Guidelines for New Members

SCR ROY Series medals MultiRace Sprint/Olympic Triathlon Cocoa Village 3/29/15

RD discretion to provide finisher medalsRequest for volunteers to man water station on run course

RD open to virtual race as options

L.  Ideas for medals: (3 SCR races; participation; challenge medal for total miles)

Notification to Sunday runners road & parking changes

1.  Space Coast Marathon website—advertising Excalibur. Ed to discuss with Don and DeniseJoan Meadows and Andrea Lucas volunteered to be SCR Team Captain

Received “Thank You” from MIHS for uniform sponsorship and Wildcats running club for (3) entry vouchers

2.  Proposal by Ed Springer for SCR to pay half the registration for first 2010 SCR members female and first 10 males who sign up for SCR team and a SCR visor. Second-Bob. Approved.

3.  SCR Facebook page to advertise Copy of the SCR Board Member Ethics was provided to each new member to review and sign.

M.  SCR Team CommitteeVolunteer Coordinator Update

1. Members interested: Carol, Marissa, Howard, Brittany, Bob Linda showed (2) different volunteer shirt options; selected the neon yellow; SCR logo (in blue) to be put on front and all 3 SCR race logos and Volunteer to be put on the back.

2. Ed motioned to approve $600 for the cost of the shirts. Cyndi seconded.


N.  End of Year Banquet Newsletter

1.  June 6, 2015May

2.  Brittany’s suggestions—“Awards Night” –People’s Choice, Most Improved, Best Picture Categories

3.  Ed asked for volunteers to assist with writing a monthly newsletter article; Michelle S. offered to help in the future.

K. Tooth Trot 5K

$5 SCR membership rebate for those who register at Tooth Trot

E-blast out to members

2016 race calendar conflicts for Tooth Trot

Virtual Race –Mark Petrilo

Mark offering a discount for group entries (does SCR want to promote?)

new race theme every month to benefit a national charity—currently being selected by Mark (i.e. February is American Heart Association; March is Make a Wish)

$25 Registration on line; download custom bib with name. Send

completion information back to Mark and receive a medal. Social Media

1. Use Facebook page for Newsletter links

2. Post volunteer needs

3. Correction needed in FL Running & Triathlon regarding SCR club information.

Loran to correct.

3. Offered discount for SCR members and kick-back to the club for SCR member entries.

Summer Social July 18th, 2015

Cocoa Beach Pool; Dick to contact caterers; Linda to get drinks

Series sign up; run all races sign up; SCR membership new & renewal

Proposed dates 6/27/15 or 7/11/15 at Cocoa Beach Pool Pavilion

Run All Races

Motion to approve “run all races” for 2015-2016 series made by Howard. Second, Dick. Approved.

Talk to RD’s to approve discount offering with their races

Carol to put together registration form Volunteer sign up; run the races sign up; announce SCR Race team; provide membership discount at the event for new and renewals

Meeting Adjourned: 8:34 p20324314320 pm

Next Meeting: Monday, March 14July 20, 2016, 7 pm @ Merritt Island Pro-Health & Fitness

Next Meeting: Monday, June 15, AprilMarchFebruary 20, 16 October 20, 220154, 7 pm @ Merritt IslandMerritt IslandVieraMerritt Islan d Pro-Health & Fitness

Minutes of January 19, 201February 15, 20165 SCR Board Meeting Page 1 of 3