CHENNAI - 600 073
************************************************************************************** F…82 /1-15/KV1TBM/2009-10/ Date: 24 / 08 / 09
A Vidyalaya Management Committee(VMC) meeting was held on 21.8.09 at 11.00 hours in the library.
The meeting was chaired by the Honourable Chairman Air Cmde Ashok Lal VM, Air Officer Commanding, AFS, Tambaram.
The following officers constitute the VMC:
No / Designation / Name / Remark1. / Chairman / Air cmde Ashok Lal VM
Air Officer Commanding
AFS, Tambaram / Present
2. / Nominee of Chairman / Wg cdr R . Murali
AFS, Tambaram / Present
3. / Two eminent Educationists / Gp.Capt. D. Victor
Chief Adminstrative Officer
AFS. Tambaram,Chennai. / Present
Dr.T.Bala Saravanan
Professor of Economics
SIVET College, Chennai / Absent
4. / An Eminent person in the field of culture / Kavinzhar Vivek, Lyricist / Absent
5. / Parents of the children studying in the KV / Wg cdr Binoy Chongthan / Present
Mrs Sabina Rahman / Present
6. / An Eminent Medical Doctor of the area / Gp captain N. Swain, SMO
Air Force Hospital, Tambaram / Present
7. / A representative of SC/ST / Mr. V.P. Mohan Kumar, BSNL / Absent
8. / Teacher representative / Mrs R . Uma / Present
9. / Co-opted Members / Mrs K . Jagadeeswari
Vice Principal
KV-1, Tambaram / Present
10. / Representative of CGEWCC
11. / Member Secretary / S. C. Kani, Principal / Present
The principal welcomed the Honourable Chairman and the distinguished members of the VMC. With the kind permission from the Chairman, VMC, the proceedings started.
Review of CBSE Results:
The Principal informed about the Class X & XII results and said that the results in Mathematics in Class X and Economics in Class XII were below the expectations. He assured that he would identify the weakness and take steps to rectify the deficiencies. The root cause of failure in all schools is the lack of basic concepts like Arithmetics .
The Chairman noted that the performance has improved consistently in CBSE exams for the past 3 years.
Wg cdr R . Murali,Nominee of Chairman, VMC enquired about the coverage of syllabus. The Principal informed that he has instructed the teachers not to complete the syllabus for the sake of completion. Most of the students should have understood the lessons after the lesson is taught.
Approval of Budgets : School Fund and VVN:
The Principal presented the School Fund budget. He explained that School Fund is mainly for salaries and is a Government Grant. There may be variation in the Budget based on the actual requirement but the Budget is prepared according to certain norms prescribed by KVS with the help of LDC and teachers since no UDC is available. The Chairman and other members approved of the School Fund Budget.
Then, VVN Budget was discussed. Wg cdr R.Murali asked for the reason for the abnormal increase in the Miscellaneous Income for this year and the decrease in income next year. The Principal informed that this year, the income is based on the accruals upto July including bank-interest, auction of condemned furniture etc. There may be a chance for clerical mistake also since the Ledger maintenance is poor in the school. But, for the next year, the estimate is correct.
Wg cdr R. Murali asked whether all the works planned in the Agenda are taken into account in the Budget. The Principal informed that there may be shortage of funds but in all heads, some minimum amount is kept which may not be utilised. Also, some amount may be saved since it is a rough estimate only.
VVN Total Income = 41.7 lakhs
Planned Expenditure = 41.7 lakhs
The Honourable Chairman and other members agreed to the proposal and the Budget was approved.
The VMC considered the proposal put up by the In-charges of the following departments:
Department / Amount(Rs)Furniture / 28,921
Junior Science Lab / 711
(Excluding consumables) / 832
Chemistry / 1,170
Computer / 3,92,872
Library / 8,963.77
Wg cdr R . Murali clarified whether there is any limit for condemnation. The Principal informed that condemnation can be made up to Rs.50,000 per department per sitting. This is done to avoid broken furniture being dumped in rooms wasting the space for useless storage.
The Principal informed that the furniture is very old and they are dumped in many rooms and outside. Since they cannot be repaired, it is better to dispose them off and bring the rooms to use. The Chairman and the members agreed to the proposal to condemn the furniture.
The Items of the Junior Science Laboratory, Sports Department and Chemistry were very old and cannot be brought to use. Hence, the VMC agreed to condemn them.
The Principal informed that he has repaired many computers after joining KV-1, Tambaram and brought them to use. He asked for a chance and time to get the computers, UPS & Invertors repaired. In case they cannot be repaired, the condemnation proposals will be put up before the VMC in the next meeting. The Chairman agreed and the VMC kept the proposal in abeyance.
Since the proposal for condemnation of Library Stock was not in proper proforma, it was not considered for condemnation.
The vice Principal made a mention of the recent stock-display of all the departments including the old and broken items that evoked great interest and curiosity among the students.
Minor Repair:
The Principal informed that Scouts and Guides Rajya Puraskar Testing Camp was scheduled in the last week of August and so, he started repairing the fans, lights, taps etc.
The Chairman emphasised that such repair work should be a continuous process and it should not wait for any event/programme. All members agreed to that. The Chairman proposed that toilets should be provided with mugs, liquid soaps etc for maintaining hygienic environment. Also, he proposed that toilets can be cleaned with flexible pipes fitted with valves. The Principal agreed to do whatever is possible.
Repair and Maintenance of Computers
The Principal informed that with out Annual Maintenance, if any computer goes out of order, it would take a lot of time to repair and that would cause a great loss to many students in terms of on-hand experience. Hence, he preferred maintenance of both Hardware and Software. The Chairman and members of VMC agreed to the proposal to go for AMC.
Also, the VMC agreed to the proposal of the Principal to buy a 5 KVA UPS for the Computer Lab since many computers need UPS.
The Principal expressed his plan to connect the computer labs directly through LAN. At present, they are in series-connection resulting in switching on many computers from Principal’s room, Office, two Computer Labs to get connected in the library. The VMC approved the proposal.
Other Proposals:
The Principal informed that he has brought the Primary Computer Lab to adequate standard but the students cannot sit and operate. He asked for approval to purchase computer chairs. The VMC has agreed to the proposal.
Also, the Principal proposed to maintain the Xerox machines and Duplicating machines through the companies which supplied the items since compatible spare parts may not be available with others. Also, in case of repair, they would lie idle for a long time wasting the money invested. The VMC has agreed to the proposal.
The Principal informed that students do not have any place to sit outside during lunch-break. He proposed to construct granite-benches around trees. The Chairman appreciated the proposal and the VMC members agreed to it.
The Principal informed that he would add some Play Ground equipments, if he finds some suitable equipment and if fund is available. Wg cdr R. Murali preferred quality plastic material to avoid rusting while the Chairman questioned its longevity. However, the VMC agreed to the proposal.
The safe drinking water supply using Aquaguard was discussed at length. The Chairman informed that the Aquaguard-mechanics do not come in time to maintain them. The Principal suggested to maintain them through AMC. He also informed that one cooler and an aquaguard is lying idle and he would try to repair/use them.
The Principal informed that students and teachers come with out taking break-fast sometimes. Canteen will help them to have some snacks. The Chairman enquired whether seating arrangement would be made for sitting and eating. The Principal informed that it is not possible. A vacant place under the stairs of Secondary Section is planned to be modified with a grill-door for preparing the food-items. The VMC agreed to the proposal.
In inkjet colour printers, the cost of the ink-cartridges is very high. Also, the ink becomes dry quickly wasting a lot of money. So, the Principal proposed to buy a laser colour printer. The VMC has agreed to the proposal.
The Principal informed that computers were purchased without essential software like Microsoft Office. He proposed to buy Microsoft Office, educational software like Microsoft Encarta, Dictionary, syllabus-based software, films from Children’s Film Society etc for use by students. The Chairman emphasized the need to ban/reduce the use of pirated software. The VMC approved the proposal.
The Principal informed that two toilets were broken and he repaired it. The VMC approved it.
Work through MES
The Principal informed that the Air Force Gate near the school opens at 8.00 a.m and closes at 8.40 a.m. Again, it opens at 2.30 p.m and closes at 4.00 p.m. Teachers and students who come before 8.00 a.m wait outside the gate and, whenever special classes are conducted after school-hours or on holidays, the teachers and students have to walk 1.5 km more to reach their destination. Even conducting competitive examinations conducted by CBSE, UPSC etc are forbidden because of security concerns. Hence, with the permission of the VMC, MES was approached for an estimate
The Garrison Engineer, MES has given the following estimates:
Opening a side gate & approach road / Rs. 2,93,189.50Cycle stand / Rs..7,52,930
Improvement in Sewage-system / Rs. 11,09,310
The Chairman, VMC enquired whether the new gate will affect the security of the Air Force Campus. Wg cdr Binoy Chongthan informed that KV-2, AFS, Tambaram is having two gates similar to the proposal by KV-1, Tambaram-one for civilians and the other for Air Force children. The Chairman agreed to go ahead with the proposal in constructing the gate and a road up to school-building costing Rs. 2,93,189.50 and the members of the VMC agreed to the proposal.
The Principal informed that there is an acute shortage of space in the cycle- stand since most of the students are coming by cycle. Hence, if it is taken up along with the proposal for a new gate, it would be better. The site for the cycle- stand is near the new gate and the approach road. The VMC agreed to the proposal to construct the cycle-stand costing Rs..7,52,930
The Principal informed that the sewage-system gets blocked due to the roots of the trees, particularly, during rainy season and it needs major repair. The VMC agreed to the proposal costing Rs. 11,09,310 and requested to take up the matter with the KVS(HQ).
Work through MES- New Proposal:
The Principal informed that the school was started in 1964 and the building is very old. In many places, lump of mortar and concrete is falling down exposing the steel-rods. Luckily, none is injured so far since it has not fallen on any body. In many places, there are cracks in the walls and some of the sun-shades may fall down. The electrical-wirings are made of old Aluminium-wires and the Mains/fittings are very old. Hence, he proposed major Special Repair through MES - both civil and electrical. He informed that he contacted the Garrison Engineer for that purpose and the Garrison Engineer has already deputed his Engineers for an estimate.
The Chairman agreed with the proposal and to go ahead. The members of VMC also concurred with him.
Any other point with the approval of the Chairman.
The Principal informed that during inspection, it was proposed by the Education Officer that library-work should be automated.
The cost of the software is Rs.40,000 (Approx.).
Creating Data base, labeling etc would cost Rs.10 per book.
The total cost may come to Rs.3 lakhs.
The VMC agreed to go ahead with the proposal if fund is available.
Gp captain N. Swain, SMO informed that those with fever should be monitored daily and the data should be passed on to Air Force Hospital.
Also, Gp captain N. Swain emphasised the need to maintain the toilets neat and clean. Some students do not go to urinals in time because of dirty toilets and that would cause great damage to their health. The Principal informed that the toilets are neat and clean. Gp captain N. Swain informed that the incident happened in some other school and the students should be counselled, particularly, girls. Mrs K . Jagadeeswari , Vice Principal agreed to that. The Chairman emphasized that exhaust fans in the toilets should work for maintaining proper health.