
The Scholarship Ministry Team will make scholarship applications available in March of each year. Applications may be obtained at the Main Office and on the Foundry United Methodist Church website (

-Applications must be completed legibly. Do not leave any items blank. If an item does not apply, mark it N/A.

-Illegible and/or incomplete applications will be rejected without review.

-Applications must be postmarked by August 2, 2015.

-Applications that are not postmarked by the deadline will not be accepted and will not be returned to the applicant.

-Mail completed applications to:

Foundry United Methodist Church

Scholarship Ministry Team

1500 16th Street NW

Washington, DC 20036


By the terms of the instruments establishing the Smith and Bauman Scholarships, they are intended for students who are members (or whose family are members) of Foundry United Methodist Church. Therefore, applicants must have been a member of Foundry United Methodist Church for one year prior to the application deadline of August 2.

Employees of Foundry United Methodist Church (full or part-time) during the calendar year prior to the application deadlines will not be eligible, regardless o their membership in the church. Children of employees will be eligible, if they, or their families, have been members of Foundry United Methodist Church for one year prior to the application deadline.

Specific eligibility requirements for each scholarship fund will be set forth in documentation accompanying the application for those funds.


Awards are for study during the academic year immediately following the award. Recipients will be notified of awards within approximately six weeks following the application deadline of August 2.

All applicants whose applications are reviewed will be notified by email; either that they have been granted a scholarship, or that they did not receive a scholarship. Award recipients will then be announced to the Foundry United Methodist Church community.

Awards not used for the purpose indicated in the application or during the academic year, or any portion thereof, for which the award is given, are forfeit and must be returned to the respective endowment funds from which they were granted. There are no secondary or alternative awards; nor is there a “waiting list” for awards should a recipient become ineligible.

Awards will be made directly to the institution listed on the application. There will be no direct grants of awards to the applicants themselves or their representatives.

Standards and Procedures

All information provided by the applicants will be held in strict confidence among the members of the Scholarship Committee. All application review is done anonymously. Personal data cover sheets are removed and applications are coded by the Coordinator of the Ministry Team. Each Ministry Team member then reviews and rates all applications. The full Ministry Team then meets and collectively reaches final award decisions. After the scholarships have been awarded, all applications, or copies thereof used by the Scholarship Ministry Team will be destroyed.

2016 Foundry Scholarships Application

Personal Data Sheet

Each scholarship application must contain this Personal Data Sheet.

This application is for which Foundry Scholarship?

_____ The Alida Smith Memorial Scholarship

_____ The Edward W. Bauman Scholarship

Applicant Full Name: ______

Permanent Address: ______




Current Address (If different from above):





Phone(s) ______

Email Address: ______

Date of Birth: ______/______/______Social Security Number: ______-______-______

When did you become a member of Foundry UMC? (Month, Year) ______, ______

If you are not a member of Foundry, provide the following information

Name of Family Member: ______

Family relationship: ______

Date of Membership (Month, Year) ______, ______

I certify that the information provided throughout this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

Applicant Signature: ______

Today’s Date: ______

Application Code: ______/______

The Edward W. Bauman Scholarship


Each scholarship application must contain this Personal Data Sheet.

The Edward W. Bauman Scholarship is awarded annually to a Foundry member who will be, in the upcoming academic year, or is currently, attending seminary, and who plans to enter full-time Christian ministry after graduation. Since the intent of the scholarship is to assist an individual who is entering the ministry, persons who are already in the ministry are not eligible.

The intention is that only one award will be given annually and, historically, that has been the practice; however, in rare circumstances the committee has made multiple awards.

While many factors will be considered in the selection process, e.g., scholarship, merit, financial need, and outstanding achievement, the award will be given to the person determined to be most deserving from an overall perspective.


  1. List all schools that you have attended, beginning with the high school from which you graduated.

Name of School / City and State / Years Attended / Degree / GPA
  1. What seminary will you be attending during the academic year following this application deadline?


  1. Please provide (1) the seminary’s mailing address and (2) registrar’s phone and fax number.





Registrar’s Information



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Application Code: ______/______

  1. What course of study are you pursuing? ______
  1. What area of Christian Ministry do you intend to pursue following graduation?



  1. When do you expect to graduate? (Month, Year) ______
  1. List your current community engagement/volunteer/community service participation:





  1. Please provide an official copy of your most recent academic transcript.
  1. Provide a letter from the seminary indicating you have been admitted/attending the seminary and are in good standing.

Financial Information

  1. List any financial aid for which you have applied or are applying for the upcoming academic year only.





  1. List the financial aid that you have received for the upcoming academic year only.





  1. Add any other pertinent information concerning your personal earnings, financial assets or obligations that would be helpful to the Scholarship Ministry Team in assessing your financial need:





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Application Code: ______/______

The Alida Smith Memorial Scholarship


Each scholarship application must contain this Personal Data Sheet.

Category for Application: ____ Financial Need ___ Achievement/Scholastic Merit ___ Both

Section I

  1. Academic status/grade level for the academic year beginning in the fall: ______
  1. Academic institution presently attending: ______
  1. Cumulative GPA: ______
  1. Standardized Admission Test Score: (Please specify test)______
  1. College or university you will attend next year: ______
  1. Course of study (major) you are/will pursue: ______
  1. Degree objective (e.g., AA, BA, BS, MA, PhD, etc): ______

Section II

If there is not enough space provided, attach a separate statement with the question number indicated on the attachment.

  1. School/church activities in which you have actively participated:





  1. List your current community engagement/volunteer/community service participation:





  1. Awards received or positions held in clubs; academic awards; personal achievements:





Section III

Please attach each of the following:

  1. Transcript that includes the most recently completed grading cycle.
  2. Copy of standardized test scores.
  3. Copy of acceptance letter if you are not currently enrolled at the academic institution you will attend next year.
  4. A statement, no longer than one 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper, in which you tell the Scholarship Ministry Team:

-Your personal academic goals AND

-How has your faith/faith community impacted your academic pursuits AND

-How will these scholarship funds help you in your academic pursuits

This is your opportunity for the Ministry Team to know more about you, your interests, your passions and your relationship to Foundry.

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Application Code: ______/______

Section IV

Only complete this section if you are applying based on financial need.

  1. List any financial aid that you have received for the upcoming academic year only.




  1. Add any other pertinent information concerning your personal earnings, financial assets or obligations that would be helpful to the Scholarship Ministry Team in assessing your financial need:




Parent/Guardian’s Confidential Financial Statement

Only dependent students (undergraduate or graduate) must provide the following information.

  1. Estimate of applicant’s expenses for the upcoming academic year (tuition, room, board, books)


  1. Household income before taxes (AGI) for the past two years (combine income of parent(s))

2015 Tax Year / $______
2014 Tax Year / $______
  1. What financial assistance did/will you provide the applicant during the following time frame:

2016 Academic Year / $ ______and/or percentage of expenses ______%
2017 Academic Year / $ ______and/or percentage of expenses ______%
  1. Number of other dependent children: ______Number not in college: ______

Number living at college: ______Number in college AND living at home: ______

  1. Applicant’s total income (AGI) for the last tax year filed: $______
  1. Estimated budget for the upcoming academic year:

Estimated Expenses / Estimated Income
Tuition/Fees / $ / Summer Earnings / $
Books/Supplies / $ / Other Earnings / $
Housing/Meals / $ / Spouse’s Earnings / $
Transportation / $ / Loans / $
Misc. Personal / $ / Other Financial Aid / $
Other (Specify) / Other (Specify)
$ / $
$ / $
TOTAL / $ / TOTAL / $

SIGNATURES: I/We certify that the information provided is with my/our consent and is accurate and complete to the best of my/our knowledge.

Mother: ______Date: ______

Father: ______Date: ______

Guardian: ______Date: ______

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