Monday, June 6
NoonRegistration Begins(Lark Hall)
1:30-3:00 PM President’s Welcome, Announcements and Introductions
Plenary: Dr. Annette Aubert
Mediating Christ: Emanuel Gerhart a Forgotten Defender of Mercersburg Theology
Response: Dr. Charles Yrigoyen, Jr.
3:00Break Coffee (Lark Hall)
3:15- 4:45 PM Break-Out Sections
- The Reading Groups with Dr. William Evans on The Incarnate Word
- Books You Don’t Want to Be Without, Byron Borger
- Mediating Theology 101, Dr. Linden DeBie
5:30 PMSocial Hour(Refectory)
6:30 PM Dinner(Refectory)
8:00 PMWorship
Preaching: The Rev. Dr. John Cedarleaf
Celebrants: The Rev. Dr. Carol Lytch; TheRev. Dr. Chris Rankin
Tuesday, June 7
9:00 AMPresident’s Announcements and Introductions
Plenary: Dr. Lee Barrett
Mercersburg Theology: Heir of Liberalism or Precursor of Neo-Orthodoxy?Response: Rev. Dr. Monica Dawkins-Smith
11:00 AM Break and Coffee (Lark Hall)
11:15 AM New Book and Series Update: Dr. Bradford Littlejohn
Mediating Christologies: Zanchi and Hooker, Dorner and Nevin.
12:30Lunch (Refectory)
2 -3:00 PM Workshops
- Responses to Dr. Barrett (Last Name begins with A-M)
- Responses to Dr. Aubert(Last Name begins with N-Z)
3 – 4:00 PMWorkshops
- Responses to Dr. Barrett (Last Name begins with N-Z)
- Responses to Dr. Aubert(Last Name begins with A-M)
5:30 PMSocial Hour (Refectory)
6:30 PMDinner(Refectory)
8:00 PMEvening Plenary
Keynote Address: Dr. Peter Leithart
What Is the Church Catholic?
Wednesday, June 8
9:00Morning Prayer
The Rev. Dr. Monica Dawkins-Smith, Preacher
Dr. Anne Thayer, Worship Leader
10:00President’s Closing Announcements and Introduction of Ecumenical Guests
Closing Panel: The Rev. Jennifer Biemiller, Church of the Brethren
The Right Rev. Dr. Nathan Baxter, Episcopal
The Rev. Aaron Anderson, Presbyterian Church in America
Convocation Speakers
Dr. Annette Aubert is a historian and theologian of 19 century Protestant religion and is avisiting scholar and lecturer of church history who teaches at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Her current research focuses on the influences of German theological ideas on American divinity schools. She is the author ofThe German Roots of American Nineteenth-Theologyand other writings on modern andtransatlantictheology.
Dr. Lee Barrettis the Mary B. and Henry P. Stager Professor of Theology at Lancaster Theological. He holds B.A., M.A., M.Div., and Ph.D. degrees from Yale University.Lee’s interests include the relationship between the doctrinal traditions of the Christian churches and contemporary culture. He has authored essays concerning the present-day implications of the theology of the Reformed tradition, and the thoughts of Søren Kierkegaard. Lee is particularly interested in the theological significance of literature and the visual arts.
Dr. Peter Leithartis President of the Theopolis Institute, Birmingham, Alabama, and an adjunct Senior Fellow at New St. Andrews College. He is author, most recently, ofTraces of the Trinity: Signs of God in Creation and Human Experience. (And has another book coming out this spring: Delivered from the Elements of the World: Atonement, Justification, and Mission.)
Registration Form
Regular Registration $165$______
Spouse Registration $125 $______
Student Registration $50 $______
Student w/meals $100 $______
Student Membership $20 $______
Regular Membership $35 $______
Life Membership $300 $______
Endowment Fund Contribution $_____
Life Members 2nd Mile Giving $______
(Contributions to the endowment fund)
Make check payable to Mercersburg Society
Spouse name (if attending)
A block of rooms has been reserved in Richards Hall on the LTS campus at $70 per night for private ensuite.
Contact Rose in the business office by May 19 to reserve a room at the seminary. Her email address is and her direct phone number is (717) 290-8725
Other lodging can be secured at various motels in the area.
Meal information: Registration includes dinner on Monday, lunch and dinner on Tuesday. All meals will be served in the refectory. Participants are on their own for breakfast both days. The meal registration deadline is May 23.
The Mercersburg Convocation
June 6,7,8, 2016
Incarnation & Trinity: Mercersburg’s Continuing Importance
Lancaster Theological Seminary
555 West James Street
Lancaster PA 17603
Sponsored by
The Mercersburg Society