Independent Learning – Business Studies

It is essential that students of Business develop an understanding of the world of business. There are TV programmes (e.g. “Dragons’ Den”) that focus on business issues as well as BBC news items that can be accessed on the BBC news website. Pupils should also spend time reinforcing knowledge gained in class by reading appropriate material such as business articles in quality newspapers (e.g. The Times) and browsing appropriate websites. Suggested material is listed below –

N.B. The WJEC have printed an A/S textbook to correspond with the new specification – it is entitled “A/S Business Functions and Opportunities” and is available direct from the WJEC at a price of £15.

WJEC Online Resource

The WJEC have created a detailed digital resource for pupils. The resources include notes on all areas of the specification as well as questions and research activities. The notes are identical to those included in the WJEC textbook. The resource can be found on the following link –

Reference Textbooks

There are also a number of other textbooks available within the classroom for reference. Examples include –

Hall, Jones, Raffo, Chambers & Gray: “Business Studies”

Alain Anderton: “A/S Level Business Studies”

David Browne et al: “Business Studies” (Heinemann)

AQA Business Studies textbooks – both A/S and A2

A – Z Business (a dictionary of business terminology)

AQA “Accounting

A – Z Accounting

David Horner “Accounting & Finance”

Revision Guides

There are a number of Business Studies revision guides on the market. Examples include –

Longman “Essentials”

CGP Revision Guides – A/S and A2 Level

Business Review

This is a Business magazine targeted directly at A Level pupils. It includes a number of articles on current issues within the world of Business as well as model answers to exam questions etc. There is a copy available in the classroom or pupils can purchase their own copies for an annual subscription of £11.50.


There are a large number of websites that are useful for finding information relating to Business. Some include case studies and quizzes etc. Among the most appropriate are: