VETO VI – SFU Fake Junta: Mike’s on Probation
(Hanson Ho, Mischa Makortoff, Sarah Crauder, and Victoria Paterson)
Toss Ups
1.He was quoted as saying: “the question is choose some point to quit or die onstage, and there wouldn’t be any point in that.” Ronald Reagan was still a registered Democrat when this man wrote his first book, “God and Man at Yale.” In 1965, he ran for mayor of New York as the candidate for the Conservative Party. Although he retired in June of 2004, he will continue to write his syndicated column published in the magazine he founded. FTP, name this man who, in 1954, founded the National Review.
answer:William F. Buckley Jr.
2.A TRAP instruction is sometimes used to switch to its namesake “mode.” In UNIX, its bottom layer consists of device drivers and process dispatching. It is responsible for process scheduling, and it only allows one process to have access to its eponymous “space” at a time. Using system calls, an application can access basic operating system services that it provides such as thread management, memory management, and inter-process communication. FTPE, name this integral part of an operating system that provides secure access to a machine’s hardware.
3.First published in 1857, the author had to win a trial in order for the work to be released. Set in a provincial French village, the title character, Emma, is a beautiful farm girl who cheats on her oblivious husband, Charles, first with Rodolphe Boulanger, a wealthy landowner, and then with Leon Dupuis, a law clerk who had earlier rejected her. She eventually commits suicide because she had spent all of her husband’s money, leaving him to discover the truth. FTP, name this happy novel by Gustav Flaubert.
answer:Madame Bovary
4.After the death of his father, a junior emperor in the Tetrarchy, his troops in Britain proclaimed this man emperor. He issued the Edict of Milan, and he later called and presided over the Council of Nicea. He chose to build his capitol on the site of Byzantium, far away from the corrupt Rome. FTP, name this ruler whose most important battle, the Battle of the Milvean Bridge, was fought and won under the sign of the cross after he had a vision the night before, known as the first Christian emperor.
answer:Constantine the Great (also accept Flavius Valerius Constantinus and Constantine I)
5.While visiting this city, you could check out the historical Fort Prince of Wales. It calls itself the polar bear capital of the world, and it was the last place Farley Mowat’s stopped before he flew into the wild to study wolves in the book Never Cry Wolf. It is also the home of the annual Great Hudson Bay Dip and Relay Race. FTP, name this Manitoba city, the closest major seaport to the cereal fields in central Canada, which shares its name with a former British Prime Minister.
answer:Churchill, Manitoba
6.Nick Harmer for Death Cab for Cutie. Canadian examples include Duncan Coutts for Our Lady Peace, Melissa Auf der Maur for both Hole and the Smashing Pumpkins, and Geddy Lee for Rush. Others playing it include Krist Novoselic for Nirvana, Bill Wyman for the Rolling Stone, and Sheryl Crow and Sting, both while doing lead vocals. FTP, name this, something you wouldn’t normally find on a White Stripes record, an instrument first mass-produced by Fender, handled by Paul McCartney after Stuart Sutcliffe quit the Beatles.
answer:bass guitar (accept equivalent)
7.A problem associated defining this concept is illustrated by the Gettier Problem. For Locke, this is “the perception of the agreement or disagreement of two ideas.” Descarte believes that this can be inductively built from the only certainty in the world – congito, ergo sum. The study of this is called epistemology. For Plato, this is attainable through understanding the Forms, while empiricists reject that this could come from anything other than experience. FTP, name this concept in philosophy, defined in layman’s terms as specific information about something.
8.A successfully measurement using it was first made in 1838, when Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel determined that 61 Cygni was about 3 parsecs away from Earth. Distance is equal to one over p, which is found by comparing a star to background stars at two points 6 months apart. FTP, name this measurement technique, which also names the alteration in the relative apparent position of an object produced by a shift in the position of the observer
answer: parallax
9.Brought up in a Jewish community in Newark, NJ, he wrote movie reviews for the New Republic before his first published book. His novella, Goodbye Columbus, won the National Book Prize in 1960. He is the creator of Nathan Zuckerman, a character who was either in or served as the narrator for works like the My Life as a Man, I Married a Communist, and the Human Stain. FTP, name him, whose first wife inspired the character of Mary Jane Reed in is work, Portnoy’s Complaint.
answer:Philip Roth
10.Foreign applicants arrived from places such as New Zealand, Australia, Kirby Overblow, Yorkshire, and Gainesville, Texas. It graduated more than 130,000 men, and organizing, housing, and administering this program stand as one of Canada’s most miraculous achievements. FTP, name this program in which farmers, students and salesman from the British Commonwealth graduated as pilots, navigators, air-gunners, air bombers, and flight engineers.
answer:British Commonwealth Allied Air Training Plan (accept Program instead of Plan)
11.Some believe that two artists went by this name – one is a contemporary of Pheidias, while the other, more celebrated one, came two generations later. The latter was the son of Cephissodotus, and preferred to work in marble. Modern knowledge of him has been greatly aided by the discovery at the Temple of Hera in Olympia in 1877 of his statue of Hermes bearing the infant Dioysus. The Aphrodite at the bath in the Vatican is most likely a copy of one of his most famous statues, Aphrodite of Knidos. FTP, name this Athenian sculptor of the 4th century BC, famous for his namesake “S-curve.”
12.This company’s is facing bankruptcy over its $3.4 billion tax claim for fiscal year 2000. Experts believe that the legal campaign against it stems from Putin’s fury over one of the executive’s fundraising activities during last year’s parliamentary elections and its advocacy for privately owned oil pipelines. FTP, name this company, the second largest oil company in Russia of which Mikhail Khodorkovsky (KOD-OR-KOVSKY) owns a 44% stake.
13.One of its islands was in Spanish possession until it was ceded to Britain in 1802, while another passed between Britain and France several times before Britain retained control in 1814. The islands were made into a single colony in 1889, and in 1958, it became independent as part of the West Indies Federation. FTP, name this commonwealth nation that became its own independent state in 1962, whose people enjoy the highest standard of living in the Caribbean due to its oil revenues.
answer:Trinidad and Tobago (prompt on Trinidad)
14.The official American association espousing this belief system was founded in 1941, though its roots trace back to the Middle Ages. Its adherents are committed to the application of reason and science to the understanding of the universe, and it deplores the explanation of the world in terms of the supernatural. Two of its most well known adherents in the 20th century include Paul Kurtz and Gene Roddenberry. FTP, name this secular belief system whose membership consist mostly of agnostics, sceptics, freethinkers, and atheists.
answer:secular humanism
15.It was discovered independently by Frederick Twort in 1915 and Félix d’Herelle in 1917. Harmless ones might integrate themselves into the chromosomal DNA of the host, while others establish themselves as plasmids. Consisting of an outer protein hull enclosing a core of genetic material of 500 to 650 kilo base pairs, it can also add new functions to the host’s genome through lysogenic conversion. FTP, name this type of virus that only infects bacteria.
16.This is likely the author’s last play. Its title character prefers manual labour to aristocratic waging of war, despite being a royal, whereas his father had led brutal campaigns against the Scots. His wife defects and successfully deposes him with her lover, Roger Mortimer. The play is noted for its on-stage execution of the king, who had his sexual preference mocked when they insert a red-hot poker into his rectum. FTP, name this play about a tragic homosexual English King, a work by Christopher Marlowe.
answer:Edward II
17.This work has three visual themes: train, trial, and field. It consists of 20-minute-long scenes separated by what the author called “knee plays.” Lasting over 5 hours, it has four inter-connected acts with no intermissions, but the audience was invited to freely wander in and out during the performance. There is no discernible plot, though the climatic scene featured a nuclear holocaust. FTP, name this work that premiered in Avignon in 1976, a minimalist opera written by Robert Wilson and Philip Glass.
answer:Einstein on the Beach
18.His first specimen collection was destroyed en route from Brazil to Britain. His namesake line denotes the zoological boundary between Asia and Australia. A debate continues to this day regarding his role in the development of the theory of evolution, which he hit upon in a bout of fever. While Charles Darwin may or may not have suppressed this man’s work, papers by both were read before the Linnean Society and Darwin’s ideas were granted seniority. FTP, name this man, heralded by some as the independent co-discoverer of natural selection.
answer:Alfred Russell Wallace
19.Approximately the size of Lake Ontario, its oxygen levels are 50 times that of normal fresh water lakes. It was only recently that it was found to contain two separate basins, although it was originally discovered in 1996 through a variety of airborne ice-penetrating radar observations and space-borne radar altimetry. Its highly pressurized environment is the result of the sheer weight of the continental ice cap sitting on top of it. FTP, name this sub-glacial lake located below a similarly named Russian research station in Antarctica.
answer:Lake Vostok
20.He sailed as a volunteer in the fleet under the command of Sir John Norris, but soon quit the navy and began a career in the army. In 1743, he fought in the Battle of Dettingen, coming back both wounded and as a hero. Two years later, this man returned from Flanders to England to put down the Jacobite Rebellion, and in 1746, he won a decisive victory over Bonnie Prince Charlie at Culloden Moor. FTP, name the third son of George II, nicknamed “the butcher” for his ruthless punishment of the rebels.
answer: Prince William Augustus (prompt on Duke of Cumberland, accept just William after prompt)
21.In 1984, Paul Fireman bought this company, which initially sold custom-made track shoes through the mail. In the 1980s, the company grew rapidly after the introduction of the first mass-marketed aerobic shoe – the Freestyle. In the 1990s, it made a huge splash by signing Shaquille O’Neal to a massive endorsement deal, and it currently markets shoe and clothing lines from both G-Unit and Jay-Z. FTP, name this shoe company, known to kids growing up in the early 90s as the original maker of the “Pump.”
22.This playwright, born in 1578 or 1579, started as a hack churning out plays together for theatre entrepreneur Henslowe. He soon moved up in the world, making significant contributions to the plays The Malcontent and Westward Ho, before writing, on his own, The Devil’s Law Case and The Duchess of Malfi. FTP, name this writer famous for violence and killings in his plays, who appeared in Shakespeare in Love as a small, creepy boy feeding live mice to a cat and telling Shakespeare he liked the murder, suicide, and blood best.
answer: John Webster
23.He spent three years with the Edmonton Eskimos as a running back, winning a Grey Cup in 1982. However, a knee injury prematurely ended his playing career, so he turned to coaching. Under this man, his former team won four consecutive Yates Cups, tying an Ontario University Athletics record. FTP, name this man, the former head football coach of McMaster University, currently the rookie head coach of the Hamilton Tiger-Cats.
answer:Greg Marshall
24.He became a private secretary and legal adviser to Belisarius in A.D. 527. Besides writing about the personal lives of the wealthy and powerful, he wrote about buildings and war history. He wrote of Theodora as an ex-prostitute, and Antonina as a manipulator of her husband Belisarius, and Justinian as a tyrant. FTP, identify the man who wrote On Buildings, the History of Justinian's Wars, and The Secret History, the primary source for our information about the rule of Justinian.
answer:Procopius of Caesarea
1.You may not know much about Peruvian operas, but do you know anything about Peruvian literature? FTPE, answer the following questions about a writer from Peru.
(10)This controversial and sometimes experimental Peruvian novelist wrote works such as Conversation in a Cathedral and The Time of the Hero. In 1990, he ran against and eventually lost to Alberto Fujimori for the Presidency of Peru.
answer:Mario Vargas Llosa (prompt on Llosa)
(10)Vargas Llosa’s work, the Feast of the Goat, is an account of this former dictator of the Dominican Republic.
answer:Rafael Leónidas Trujillo
(10)Vargas Llosa wrote his doctorial dissertation on this central figure in the magical realism movement, known for works such as Love in the Time of Cholera and One Hundred Years of Solitude.
answer:Gabriel García Márquez
2.Identify the movie given pictures of actors that appeared in it. (Moderator’s note: give the team the bonus in 3 parts, i.e. tear the paper into three pieces and give it to them one at a time)
answers: 1: Animal House2: Apollo 133: Mystic River
3.There’s more to Irish mythology than Roy Keane and the Pogues. FTPE, answer the following about an Irish epic.
(10)Also known as the Cattle Raid of Cooley, this is the central epic of the Ulster Cycle. It involves a bunch of maiming and slaughtering, all because some chick wanted a Brown Bull.
answer:Táin Bó Cúailnge
(10)Having not been affected by the debilitating pang that befell the warriors of Ulster, he alone withstood the invading army after the Brown Bull of Cualnge. This great hero of Irish myth is capable of the feat of the Gae Bulga, with which he killed his friend Ferdiad in a famous battle.
(10)She is the queen of Connacht who ordered the Tain. She kept pimping her daughter Finnabair around to whoever can kill Cuchulainn, though none was successful.
answer:Medb [mave]
4.FTPE, identify the following about things you surely have – brain cells.
(10)Also known as the cell body, this is the central cell of a neuron.
(5,5)One type of fibres branching out from a soma receives electrical impulses from other cells while another conducts current away from it. FFPE, name both of them.
answer:axons and dendrites
(10)These are the junctions located at the tip of the dendrites that electrical stimulations arrive through.
5.After losing the English Civil War, some members of the Stuart family passed the interregnum in the Restoration Navy. Identify two of them on a 15-5 basis.
(15) He became a Duke at the 10. In exile in France at 14, he became infatuated with ships when he observed the Restoration Navy in a local port. He served as Lord High Admiral during the interregnum.
(5) A Catholic, he became King of England and Scotland in 1685 when his elder brother died with no legitimate children.
answer:James II of England or James VII of Scotland (prompt on James VII) or James Duke of York
(15) A nephew of Charles I, he had several years army experience when he became admiral and flag officer for a voyage that captured many prizes and much loot on its way to Royalist controlled islands in the West Indies.
(5) He was the first governor of the Hudson’s Bay Company. A major port on BC’s north coast bears his name after it selected during a nation-wide competition in 1910.
answer:Rupert or Prince Rupert or Rupert Duke of Cumberland or Rupert Earl of Holderness
6.Answer these related questions about Canadian time zones on FTSNP.
(5) It is 5pm standard time in St. John’s. For five points, what time is it in Quebec City?
answer:3:30pm or 15:30 (prompt on 3:30) (accept equivalents)
(5) It is 10am standard time in Invermere. For five points, what time would it be in Kenora?
answer: 11am or 11 o’clock (prompt on 11) (accept equivalents)