10/29/15 Dragon Connection

Good morning, grateful Dragon Scholars. Please stand for the moment of silence. (silence) Teachers, please verify that students are in dress Code and have on their IDs. And now the pledges.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for ALL.

And now the Texas flag. Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge Allegiance to Thee, Texas, One State under God, One and Indivisible.

Please be seated.

Dragons, CREATE, BUILD, CONNECT. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness MONTH.




Wear Red, White, Blue on Election Day, November 3rd.

The next Presidents’ Round Table will meet Wednesday, November 4th, Room 101, at 8:30 am.

Wear your Camo on Camo Day, November 5th.

Tryouts for the Men’s Basketball program will be held on Saturday, November 7th, at a 8:00 a.m. Students interested must sign up on the list outside of room #916, or at the men’s basketball office door. Prospective players must come properly dressed with shoes and workout clothes. A completed physical form must be turned in prior to November 7th to be eligible to try out.

Key Club is trick-or-treating for UNICEF. Donations will be taken in 2nd period classes to end maternal and neonatal tetanus in developing countries. First place winner-kolaches & donuts, Second place-donut holes, Third place-candy.

RYLA 2016 is coming! If you are a junior with outstanding leadership skills, you need to apply to attend the RYLA Leadership Camp on the weekend of January 8-10. There is no cost for the retreat. Please see Mrs. Stanaland for more information and application instructions.

Flu Shots for Students have arrived.

Men’s Soccer team is selling tamales during the month of October. We will be selling Pork and Chicken tamales for $10 a dozen. See any soccer player to purchase your tamales. Pickup date will be November 20th at the stadium parking lot.

Braggin’ Dragon

Thank you to the following NHS Faculty and Staff who chaperoned the Homecoming Dance: Ms. C. Payne, Ms. Allbee, Ms. Luna, Ms. McClain, Ms. Wright, Ms. Bohanon, Ms. Garner, Mr. Wooten, Ms. Heath, Mr. McLain, Ms. Lanham, Mr. Luna, Ms. Dolese, Ms. Bray, Dr. Jones, Ms. Dinbali, Ms. Whitbeck, Officer Murray, Officer Hensley, Officer Meredith, and our Custodial and Maintenance Staff.