PRESENT: Cllrs M Dixson, D Gill, Mrs B Bird, Mrs A Armor, Mrs L Reynolds

G Trickey, Ms S Hart, C Timbrell, S Duffill and Mrs S Webb Clerk. + 2 members of the public

Public Participation – The applicants of planning applications 15/03664/FUL – Proposed new dwelling at The Barton, Upper Common, KL & 15/03708/FUL Proposed new dormer bungalow dwelling at Land adjacent Barncroft, Upper Common, K L explained that they were father and son private individuals from Chippenham and not developers. Research has been carried out regarding the type of development that has occurred in Kington Langley over the past few years and their aim is not to spoil the character of the village. Pre-application consultation has taken place with a Wiltshire Council Planning Officer and a positive response from neighbours has been received.

Members mentioned the following:

·  That Kington Langley is classed as a small village under the recent Wiltshire Council Strategic Plan and only infill would be supported and not large developments.

·  It was noted that a recent application was submitted for 3 dwellings and one was to be affordable – this did not proceed.

·  The public footpath had been hatched in and is to be kept

·  The development framework boundary was questioned


001.15 /

Election of Chairman and Declaration of Acceptance of Office for 2015/2016 – It was proposed by Cllr Gill, seconded by Cllr Timbrell and carried that Cllr Dixson be elected Chairman for year 2015/16. There being no other proposals, Cllr Dixson accepted and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

002.15 /

Election of Vice-Chairman and Declaration of Acceptance of Office for 2015/2016 – It was proposed by Cllr Dixson, seconded by Cllr Gill and carried that Cllr Trickey be elected Vice-Chairman for year 2015/16. There being no other proposals, Cllr Trickey accepted and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

003.15 /

Apologies for absence – Received from Wiltshire Councillor Greenman.

004.15 /

Minutes – The Minutes of the Meeting of Kington Langley Parish Council held on the 13th April 2015 were signed by the Chairman and accepted as a true record.

005.15 /

Declarations of Interest – It was noted that Cllr Gill is the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee.

Cllrs Gill and Bird declared a personal interest in planning applications 15/03664/FUL and 15/03708/FUL. Did not vote.

On-line Declarations of Interest were reviewed and no changes to be implemented
006.15 /

Review of Councillors responsibilities – Changes to be implimented – Cllr Hart is now responsible for the Grass Cutting contract. Cllr Armor details to be amended and Police information to be added – ACTION CLERK

007.15 / As the two members of the public were attending specifically for planning issues it was agreed to bring this item forward.
Wiltshire Council Decisions - None received
Applications for consideration
15/03500/TCA – Work to trees in conservation area – It was resolved to support this application
15/03664/FUL – Proposed new dwelling at The Barton, Upper Common, KL – Following discussions it was resolved to support this application. Enquiries as to the eligibility of CIL to be made – ACTION CLERK
15/03708/FUL Proposed new dormer bungalow dwelling at Land adjacent Barncroft, Upper Common, K L- Following discussions it was resolved to support this application. Enquiries as to the eligibility of CIL to be made – ACTION CLERK
15/03966/FUL Proposed two storey extension, removal of garage and alterations at Barton Cottage, The Barton, Upper Common, K L. – It was resolved to support this application.
15/04290/TCA Fell 3 Leylandi at St. Peter’s Church Yard, K L. – It was resolved to support this application.
Planning Correspondence
a)  Clarification on planning application 15/00174/FUL erection of two semi-detached cottages and demolition of existing garage at Old Chapel Field, Plough Lane, Kington Langley. – Information sought and circulated. – Noted
b)  KSM Neighbourhood Plan proposed designated area – Consideration was given to the proposed as it includes part of Kington Langley. – Information circulated. Following lengthy constructive discussions, it was resolved that Cllr Dixson draft a suitable reply to KSM Parish Council Chairman expressing that Kington Langley Parish Council does not wish a part of Kington Langley to be included in their plan but wish to support their endeavours to protect land west of the A350. – ACTION CLLR DIXSON
008.15 / Matters Arising and actions from last meeting.
a)  Chippenham Gateway - Land up for enquiry Days Lane/A350 – Being monitored On Going
b)  Proposed Distribution Centre (The Range) and Barrow Farm - The Wiltshire Core Strategy has now been adopted. The development at Barrow Farm and The Range are both outside the development boundaries. This has been brought to the attention of Wiltshire Council stating strong objections to the proposed developments at Barrow Farm and The Range, through the Parish Forum, The Motion added that the Parish Forum express its concerns in respect of the process Wiltshire Council has undertaken in conjunction with Chippenham Town Council and questions the validity of retrospectively redrawing the development boundary contrary to that discussed and approved in the public consultation. The motion was carried unanimously by 13 Parish Councils and the Chairman was asked to circulate its content to those involved in the process. The RANGE site has now been registered as an area of historic interest. ONGOING
c)  Damage caused by BT – Latest update from Mr Coles – nothing has been done. Further update to be requested – ACTION CLERK
d)  Hedges Plough Hill – Offending shrub now identified and dealt with. –CLOSED
A further problem has been identified and is to be investigated. – ACTION CLLR DIXSON/BIRD
e)  Trees adjacent to Barton Cottage - The trees adjacent to Barton Cottage were damaging a wall. Clarification awaited on ownership.
f)  Mr Hart to be contacted regarding an issue relating to his property – ACTION CLERK – Done - CLOSED
g)  Buses - One of the buses (early morning) is turning at Dovey’s Terrace which is a danger to on-coming traffic from Days Lane. Cllr Duffill has spoken to the bus company and this is to be corrected. - CLOSED
h)  Smelly Ditch – The ditch at Old Draycot Lane is very smelly. Problem identified and improvements to be requested – ACTION CLERK
009.15 / Wiltshire Council report - Cllr Greenman was not present
010.15 / Chairman’s report – Cllr M Dixson had nothing to report
011.15 / Village Hall – Cllr Gill reported that the AGM is to be held next week.
012.15 / Kington Langley Playing Fields – Latest accounts circulated. Nothing further to report.
013.15 / Community Assets – Nothing to report on Union Chapel and The Hit or Miss Public House. it or Mi
014.15 / School Parking – Cllr Dixson reported that he has been unable to contact the legal advisor recommended by Wiltshire Council who previously assisted with information. Therefore it was agreed that he contact a private solicitor for advice. A sum of £500 has been agreed for this service.
015.15 / Highway Matters
a)  Community Days – Cllr Armor sent issues of concern to the Highways Cabinet Member including Gullies not being emptied, irregular parish updates, Unreliable Community Days. Cllr Armor reported that the ditch at Moors Close is now on the list of things to do; also the 30mph sign is to be placed on the list. Kington Langley’s next community day is the 11th June. Kerb cleaning/spraying to be requested.
b)  Days Lane signage – Update on Neighbourhood Watch signs – Days Lane - Cllr Gill
c)  Resitting of Village Sign – Now re-sited
d)  Disrupted 30mph sign - outside Mangle Cottage, Middle Common. Now to be placed on the programme of works list together with photographs.
e)  Church Corner – Safety measures have been agreed and are to be taken forward.
f)  Kerbing – An issue has been raised exploring the possibility of extending the kerbing that starts at the School and finishes at the Chapel to the entrance of The Stables. Discussed at CATG meeting – estimated cost would be £4/6,000 – definitive costs to be established. – On Going
016.15 / Drainage Issues
Silver Street/Fairleigh Rise – This is no longer a problem – CLOSED
Moors Close – Update on blocked drains – Cllr Armor reported that the drain will be done when the tank is next in Kington Langley.
017.15 / Grass Cutting – An updated grass cutting schedule was circulated and it was noted that the Church Corner footpath is to receive additional attention.
018.15 / WC Area Board Community Awards 2014/2015 – Information received from Cllrs Bird. Information awaited from Cllr Trickey. – Nominations to be in by 25th May.
019.15 /
Finance – Report circulated.
a)  Receipts since 13th April 2015 - £9,519.00
b)  Payments approved at this meeting totalled - £1,844.41
c)  Transfer of £5,000 from deposit to current account was approved
d)  Bank Account balances as at 5th May 2015 – Deposit account £17,262.32, current account £3,471.64 – total £20,733.96
e)  Request for financial assistance from the Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust – This was not supported at this time – The good work of the Trust was noted and a donation may be considered at a later date.
f)  New Legislation – Transparency Code – The Clerk circulated an explanatory paper. The Government has introduced a new Transparency Code for Parish Councils with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000. Kington Langley comes into this bracket and certain information is to be published on a website annually. Kington Langley Parish Council is to abide by this code.
020.15 / Correspondence received/actions to take
a)  Notification of SLCC Regional Roadshow - noted
b)  Notification of road closures – circulated. noted
c)  Wiltshire Core Strategy Development Plan Document partial review and statement of community involvement – Information circulated. - noted
d)  Kington Langley Scarecrow Festival – Permission to use Middle Common on the 20th and 21st June 2015 – granted.
021.00 / Exchange of Information/Agenda items for meeting 8th June 2015 An opportunity for members to share information with the Parish Council
Cllr Bird reported that a recent Alms House vacancy had been filled.
Cllr Reynolds briefed all that £205 had been donated towards a defibrillator – The Clerk to note this and include on the next finance report.
Cllr Armor thanked the Parish Council for permitting the ‘Worm Charming’ event to go ahead on the Common
Cllr Duffill mentioned that there was a charity concert in St. Peter’s church on the 19th June. Tickets are on sale at the school.


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