Syllabus for Mr. Klotzkin’s World History Class
World History 5 Credits
Grade: 9
Students enrolled in this course will learn World History profoundly utilizing innovative educational methods that include replying to primary and secondary document based questions, using advanced technology to create multi-media projects, participating in cooperative learning, listening to guest speakers, partaking in educational trips, and making extensive inter-disciplinary connections between World History and other content areas. Topics covered in this course include Exploration, the Age of Absolutism, the Enlightenment, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, Revolutions in Europe and Latin America, Life in the Industrial Age, Nationalism in Europe, the growth of Western Democracies, and World War I and its aftermath.
- Chapter 14 The Renaissance and Reformation
Topics include Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution
- Chapter 15 The First Global Age: Europe and Asia
Topics include the Spice Trade, and early European settlements in Asia
- Chapter 16 The First Global Age: Europe, the Americas, and Africa
Topics include early European settlements in the Americas, the Columbia Exchange, Triangular Slave Trading, and the struggle for America by the European powers
- Chapter 17 The Age of Absolutism
Topics include Spanish rise and fall in power, France under Louis XIV, the English Civil War, the Glorious Revolution, the rise of Austria and Prussia, and the modernization of Russia under Peter the Great
- Chapter 18 The Enlightenment and the American Revolution
Topics include the spread of Enlightenment ideas and thinkers, the American Revolution and the new republic which incorporated these ideas, Britain’s attempts to continue the ideas of King-in-Parliament and mercantilism
- Chapter 19 The French Revolution and Napoleon
Topics include France before the Revolution, the multiple facets of the French Revolution, the rise and fall, and rise and fall again of Napoleon
- Chapter 20 The Industrial Revolution Begins
Topics include Britain’s early industrialization followed by the rest of Europe and the United States, the transition from agrarian societies to industrial economies, the hardships of factory workers, and the early unionization of workers
- Chapter 21 Revolution in Europe and Latin America
Topics include spreading of the Enlightenment ideologies, the revolutions in Europe and Latin America during the 19th century
- Chapter 22 Life in the Industrial Age
Topics include the spread of the Industrial Revolution, the growth of cities, the rise of Victorian Britain, changing values and attitudes, a new culture emerges
- Chapter 23 Nationalism Triumphs in Europe
Topics include the unification of Germany and Italy, the rise of nationalism changing Old Europe, changes in Russia
- Chapter 24 Growth of Western Democracies
Topics include Britain becoming more democratic, 19th century sees Europe undergo many reforms, France has divisions and then becomes more democratic, the United States expands across the continent
- Chapter 27 World War I and its Aftermath
Topics include the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the causes of the Great War, the ferociousness of the war, and Treaty of Versailles, its terms and future implications