Pagonabarraga et al. Appendix 2

Parkinson’s disease with dementia – Short Screen (PDD-SS)

Items are administered to the subjects in the same order as presented below.

1. Immediate free recall verbal memory. (0-5 points)

Instruction: The subject is asked to listen to 5 words. Three trials are performed, and the subject is asked to recall as many words as possible after each trial.

Content: Racket, duck, street, grandfather, beach.

Score: 1 point for each word recalled. The highest number of words recalled after the first trial.

2. Alternating verbal fluency (0-3 points)

Instructions: The subject is asked to alternately generate as many different words as possible beginning with the letter ‘R’ and words describing articles of clothing during 60 seconds. Participants are instructed not to use proper nouns or to repeat the same word with a different ending (e.g., swim, swimming, swimsuit).

Score: 2 words will be recorded each time that an alternation is achieved (i.e. red, rice, skirt = 2 words; although three words have been provided, only one alternation has been made (in bold and italics). So, the number of correct words in this case would be 2.


-  0-2 words: 0 points;

-  3-5 words: 1 point.

-  6-9 words: 2 point.

-  > 9 words: 3 points.

3. Questionnaire (0-5)

Instruction: The subject is asked to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the following questions. Should the patient or his/her caregiver (when present) answer ‘yes’, ‘yes’ is considered the correct answer, even if there is discrepancy between them.


-  Is it difficult for you to follow a conversation when there is more than one person speaking at once?

-  Do you sometimes see people or objects or listen to voices or noises that seem strange or unreal to you?

-  When you are speaking, do you often lose the track of what you are talking about?

-  Have you lost your interests or do you feel indifferent or apathetic about daily activities or previous hobbies?

-  Do you sometimes get lost while walking somewhere that

is normally familiar to you?

Score: 1 point for each negative answer.

4. Clock drawing task. (0-4)

Instructions: The subject is asked to draw a clock face on a blank sheet of paper, and to set the hands at 2:50 hours.


-  All hour numbers are correctly placed.

-  There is a symmetric disposition of numbers.

-  Hour hand is shorter than minute hand.

-  The clock is set at the correct time.

Score: 1 point for each correct item.

5. Delayed free recall verbal memory. (0-5)*

Instructions: The subject is asked to recall as many words as possible from the list of 5 5 words presented at the beginning of the scale.

Score: 1 point for each word recalled.

Total Score (0-22)