I hereby apply for membership in the Co-op Housing Development Group (CHDG) Inc. as part of the membership class indicated below as per the competency qualifications established by the Board of Directors on November 19, 2013 (attached hereto).

Supporters ($30.00)

Allied professionals ($40.00)

Developers ($50.00)

I understand that as per Section 6.01 of the Co-op’s bylaws, the membership fee is nonrefundable and that additional fees as approved by the Board of Directors may be payable from time to time and I hereby agree to abide by the bylaws of the co-op.




Signature: ______

Please remit payment together with completed application to:

Co-op Housing Development Group (CHDG) Inc.

c/o10 – 730 River Road

Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2M 5A4

Individuals applying for membership under the Supporters and Allied Professionals are only required to complete this page. If you are applying for membership under the Developer class, please complete the Developer Skills and Inventoryas well.

Name of Organization:

Primary Contact Person:

Contact phone number:



By signing this application for organizational affiliation, I acknowledge that:

a)This organization supports the objectives of the CHDG;

b)This organization will pay the $100 annual affiliation fee by enclosure or subsequent invoice;

c)This organization recognizes the non-voting status of organizational affiliation;

d)This organization consents to receive emails from the CHDG at the above address;

e)Unless the exemption clause at the bottom of this form is executed, CHDG shall have consent to name the organization as an affiliate on their website or in written material.

Certified this day of, 20 for affiliation in the calendar year.


SignaturePrint name

Exemption: By initialling below, I indicate that my organization does not consent to being publicly identified as an Organizational Affiliate of CHDG Inc.


Please remit payment together with completed application to:

Co-op Housing Development Group (CHDG) Inc.

c/o10 – 730 River Road

Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2M 5A4

This is Schedule A attached to and forming part of the Bylaws of the Co-op Housing Development Group (CHDG) as approved by the membership on November 19, 2013

CHDG Competencies for Membership

Supporters Class of Membership

Competency to hold membership as a supporter member of CHDG shall be deemed have been established by virtue of any of the following conditions:

(a)Employed by a government department, cooperative, or non-profit organization that regularly deals with housing cooperatives;

(b)Resides in a housing cooperative;

(c)Is an academic whose field of study or discipline includes housing cooperatives;

(d)A member of the general public who advocates for cooperative housing development.

Allied Professionals Class of Membership

A prospective member of this class of membership shall be deemed to be competent by virtue of being a member in good standing of a recognized and credentialed profession, including but not limited to:

(i)Member of the Manitoba Bar Association

(ii)Member of the Professional Property Managers Association

(iii)Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Manitoba

(iv)Member of Certified General Accountants Association of Manitoba

(v)Member of Certified Management Accountants Association of Manitoba

(vi)Member of Chartered Professional Accountants Association of Manitoba

(vii)Manitoba Association of Architects

Developer Class of Membership

A prospective member shall be deemed to be competent for membership when, upon review by a committee of CHDG of a portfolio composed of self-assessment, relevant references, and demonstrated project history, the candidate is found to be competent in one or more of the following areas:

(1)Business planning skills

(2)By-laws, Articles of Incorporation, & The Cooperatives Act

(3)Governance practices & Member Education

(4)Strategic Planning

(5)Cooperative Housing Finance