Parent Notification of Student Performance

STAAR Grade 3 – 8 (STAAR / STAAR-A / STAAR-L )

First Administration of the Grade 5 Mathematics Assessment

Victoria ISD – School Name

Date: 4/196/2016

Dear Parents of [Insert name]:

On March 29, 2016April 2, 2014, the STAAR mathematics assessment was administered. The results of your child’s assessment are attached. Your child

did not meet the passing standard on the mathematics assessment

was absent/did not receive a score.

Under Texas law, as set forth in the Student Success Initiative grade advancement requirements, your child must meet the passing standard on this assessment and must participate in required additional instruction if he or she fails to meet the passing standard in order to be promoted to the next grade. Please note that these grade advancement requirements provide a system of support for student academic achievement. This system includes

§  three assessment opportunities;

§  completion of required additional instruction in the subject area for which the student did not meet the passing standard after each administration of the test;

§  a grade placement committee, consisting of the principal, teacher, and parent or guardian, that decides on an individual student basis the most effective way to support a student's academic achievement; and

§  accelerated instruction plans for the next school year for every student who does not meet the passing standard on the required grade advancement assessments after three opportunities.

The next assessment administration will be on May 9, 2016. Your child’s school will provide the following individualized intervention services in order to help him or her gain the reading skills necessary for successful performance on the assessment:

Supplemental (one-on-one or small group) reading instruction will be provided by

your child’s classroom teacher

other ______

This intervention will be provided

before school

during school

after school

in Saturday school

other ______

Please note that a progress report is forthcoming that will outline student needs and intervention in more detail. The campus will be closely monitoring your child’s reading progress. We encourage you to spend time each day at home reading with your child. You are also encouraged to meet with his or her teacher to learn more about how you can help your child gain the necessary mathematics skills in order to be ready to meet the passing standard on the STAAR mathematics assessment administered in May. The teacher’s conference time is [Insert conference time]. Please contact the school at [Insert phone #] to make an appointment.


[Insert name of campus principal]

[Insert name of campus]

Attachment: [STAAR/STAAR Spanish/STAAR A] Confidential Student Report

Form R.2