Security Council Briefing Paper: Syria

Hope College United Nations 2013

Syria and its Neighbors

In March of 2011, the Arab Spring overtook many Arab countries. The citizens of authoritarian governments took to the streets demanding change in the way their governments were run. The movement first started in Tunisia (New York Times, 2012). By March 15, 2011 the movement had made its way to the country of Syria.

The first protests in the streets of Syria were criticizing the government for torturing students who put up anti-government graffiti (New York Times, 2012). The government, headed by President Bashar Al-Assad, responded with strong military force. Which included the use of tanks and open fire into crowds of protestors. In December of 2011, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navy Pillay, said international intervention needed to be taken before Syria fell into a civil war. (Bakri, 2011).

An exiled opposition Syrian government formed called the Syrian National Council. The council is made up of political factions, exiles, militant leaders, and many grass-root organizers. However, with strong ideological, racial, and religious divisions with in the organization, the international community does not recognize the group as the government in Syria. (MacFarquhan, 2012).

As a result of the government not stepping down on their position against the protestors, Syria has been expelled from the Arab League. This is the closest the League has come to taking a side in the Arab Spring protests. The League has taken a neutral side in many countries. As a result of the expulsion, the economic trade and investments between Syria and the Arab world have been severed. (New York Times, 2012).

In February 2012, the United Nations General Assembly approved a resolution condemning President Assad’s actions against the protestors. The Assad government is supported by the influential power of the Chinese and Russian governments. They believe that Syria should be left alone to deal with its internal problems by itself. (Gladstone, 2012). However, the Russian government has been providing weapons to President Bashar Al-Assad up until July 2012. (CNN, 2012).

The United Nations decided to send in a special envoy into Syria in April 2012, led by former United NationsSecretary General Kofi Annan. According to Annan, the Assad government agreed to a peace plan that included a cease-fire. (Associated Press, 2012). One week later, the Syrian government had not initiated any of the peace plan and seemed to have no intention to start. (Associated Press, 2012). In August of 2012, Annan resigned his post as special envoy leader after the failure of his initial peace plan in Syria. (Associated Press, 2012).

The United Nations also sent three hundred cease fire observers into Syria in April, along with Kofi Annan. By June the UN decided to suspend the cease-fire observers on the grounds of increased levels of violence in the country. (Kirkpatrick, 2012). A United Nations representative categorized the conflict in Syria as a civil war in June 2012 (Associated Press, 2012). This has also been echoed by international organizations in the heart of the conflict, like the International Red Cross. (MacFarquhan, 2012).

The conflict in Syria creates tensions with neighboring states like Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, and Jordan. Some Turkey activists have been helping the rebel opposition. They have been smuggling supplies, such as weapons, communication gear, field hospitals, and salaries for soldiers to help them face Assad’s military force.(MacFarquhan, 2012).

There have been many pressures to the United Nations to have stronger stance against the Assad government. Especially since Assad fired his prime minister in early August of 2012, the press believed that the authoritarian government could be weakening. (Cave, 2012).

The Syrian conflict has spilled over into its neighbor countries including Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Israel, and Lebanon. The secretary general is calling for an emergency Security Council session to assess the violence that has spilled over into the surrounding countries. With the possible threat of nuclear attack from neighboring states, there is significant danger to global security.

Sources and Additional Resources:

Arab League. (2012, February 13). Times Topics: Arab League. Retrieved from

Associated Press. (2012, May 29). Kofi Annan Meets Syria Leader Bahar Assad to Try and

Revive Ceasefire Plan. CBS News. Retrieved from

Associated Press. (2012, June 13). Syria In Civil War, UN Representative Says.Daily Maverick.

Retrieved from


Associated Press. (2012, August 2). UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan Resigns from Syria Mission.

Fox News. Retrieved from

Bakri, N. (2011, December 2).U.N. Says Action Needed to Prevent Civil War in Syria.The New

York Times. Retrieved from

Cave, D. (2012, August 6). Prime Minister’s Defection in the Dark Jolts Syrians. The New York

Times. Retrieved from

CNN Wire Staff. (2012, July 9). Russia Suspends New Arms Shipments to Syria.CNN.

Retrieved from

Erlanger, S. (2012, April 19). Pressure Builds for Tougher Line as Syria is Said to Shun Peace

Plan. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Gladstone, R. (2012, February 16). General Assembly Votes to Condemn Syrian Leader. The

New York Times. Retrieved from

Kirkpatrick, D.D. (2012, June 16). U.N. Suspends Syria Mission, Citing Increase In Violence.

The New York Times. Retrieved from

MacFarquhar, N. (2012, February 23).After a Year, Deep Division Hobble Syria’s Opposition.

The New York Times. Retrieved from

Macfarquhar, N. (2012, June 25). Turkish Border is Crucial Link In Syrian Conflict. The New

York Times. Retrieved from

MacFarquhar, N. (2012, July 15).Syria Denies Attack on Civilian, In Crisis Seen as Civil War.

The New York Times.Retrieved from

Tomasevic, G. (2012, August 6). Syria. Retrieved from

Additional Sources:

Questions to Consider:

  • Does the major power connected to Israel cause the Syrian conflict to be any different?
  • How does outside help need to be handled in Syria?