The purpose of this self-assessment questionnaire is to outline the seriousness of domestic violence and woman abuse. This questionnaire is intended to help you become aware of some of the indicators of domestic violence/woman abuse. It is intended as an assessment tool, designed to provide an opportunity for women to consider their safety options by means of risk assessment

There are a variety of issues associated with abuse situations and this questionnaire presents some of the key behavioural indicators/situations that may be of help to you.


There are many forms of domestic abuse/woman abuse. These include physical, financial, cultural, verbal, and emotional. None of these are acceptable in any way.

Domestic violence/woman abuse involves situations of power and control. When women find themselves in situations of abuse, it does not mean that they are weak, but it is an indication that they definitely should consider their safety and the safety of their children.


Begin by answering these questions as openly and honestly as possible.

1.Has your partner ever threatened to harm you? YESNO

2.Has your partner ever threatened to harm himself?YESNO

3.Does your partner throw or break things to scare you?YESNO

4.Does your partner make excuses for his violent and/or abusive behaviour?YESNO

5.Does your partner blame you and say that you provoke his violent


6.Do you continually apologize in order to “not upset him?”YESNO

7.Does your partner often insult you or your children by calling you

names, etc?YESNO

8.Does your partner use your children against you in order to hurt you?YESNO

9.Does your partner make decisions in the home without your imput?Y ESNO

10.Do you have to let your partner know where you are at all times?YESNO

11.Do you feel comfortable/safe asking your partner for money?YESNO

12.Do you feel you can turn to your partner when you are upset?YESNO

13.Has your partner ever tried to prevent you from leaving your/his home?YESNO

14.Has your partner stopped you from seeing your friends and family?YESNO

15.Is your partner jealous of time spent with family or friends?YESNO

16.Does your partner get overly jealous when you are in the presence of

other men?YESNO

17.Does your partner tell you how to dress or does he get upset at the kind

of clothes that you wear?YESNO

18.Does your partner force or pressure you to have sexual relations against

your will?YESNO

19.To the best of your knowledge, has your partner ever abused/assaulted

any previous spouses/partners or children from another relationship?YESNO

20.Do you feel trapped in your relationship?YESNO

21.Have you ever called the Police because you were afraid of your partner?YESNO

22.Have you ever called anyone because you were afraid of your partner?YESNO

22.Do you have any fears for your safety or the safety of your family?YESNO

23.Has your partner every hit your children or his children?YESNO

24.Has your partner ever hit you?YESNO


If you answered yes to any of these questions you may be involved in or at risk of becoming involved in an abusive situation.

This is designed to help you become aware of abusive behaviour or high-risk behaviour that may put you or your family at risk

If you want or need help, there ARE places you can go and people you can talk to.

The following information may be of help to you:

The Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 416-863-0511

Parkdale Legal Clinic: 416-531-2411

Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Care

Centre of Women’s College Ambulatory Care Centre: 416-323-6040

Women’s Health in Women’s Hands: 416-593-7655, TTY: 416-593-5835

Education Wife Assault: 416-968-3422

Central Intake for Shelter:416-397-5651


This project received a grant from the Canadian Women’s Foundation, in partnership with The Body Shop STOP Violence Against Women Fund, The Canadian Pacific Violence Prevention Fund, the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation Fund, the Traders Challenge Fund, the White Ribbon Campaign Fund, the Zellers Friends of the Family Fund, and the CWF Violence Prevention Fund.