Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on
13th December 2010
7pm, The Village Centre, Dickleburgh
PRESENT: Terry Clarkson (Chair), Chris Davy, Julie Munnings, Carl Roe, Trevor Leeder and John Adlam.
IN ATTENDANCE: Claire Sparkes (Clerk), Cllr Martin Wilby (District Councillor), Cllr Bev Spratt (County Councillor)
Helen O’Neil from 6 Vill Youth – Dickleburgh Youth Base is going from strength-to-strength. They successfully gained a grant from SNC Neighbourhood Fund for an equipment bank which has contributed to a growth in average attendance of 30 young people (aged 10-13 mostly) each Wednesday. The 14 year olds are hanging around the Church Rooms and 6VY are looking to set up a new session for the older children in Dickleburgh. Through training and other support measures 6VY are trying to promote the independence of DYB. The ‘van’ is hired from NCC Children’s Services to reach people who can’t be reached through existing youth work. Their biggest concern is the future of NCC Children’s Services and what will happen if NCC cuts their funding.
163. To consider accepting apologies for absence
· Richard Syrett had urgent work commitments.
· Apologies accepted.
164. To approve the minutes of the last two council meetings held on the 8th and 18th of November 2010
· Both sets of minutes were approved.
165. To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interest from members on any item to be discussed
· None received.
166. To receive the reports of the District and County Councillors
· The Chairman thanked both Councillors for their input to the Planning Committee meeting.
· District Cllr Martin Wilby
o Wind turbine planning committee meeting – well done to Cllr Clarkson for his presentation.
o SNC is holding a January conference on localism.
o The table tennis club is going really well.
· County Cllr Bev Spratt
o Salt bins – requested the parish council purchase more salt bins for the local community.
o Through the cuts NCC are hoping to keep rural buses and lollipop ladies.
o Performance indicators have been done away with and will have a consequent effect on jobs.
o Rectory Road closure – Local Cllrs reported to Cllr Spratt that there has been a significant and negative effect on the surrounding local roads.
o Norwich Road streetlights and safety improvements are still due to happen. No date has been set.
19.41 Cllrs Spratt and Wilby left the meeting.
167. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting – for information purposes only – incl.
· Update on the situation with the Dickleburgh and Rushall Playing Field including playing field drainage (Clerk and Cllr Leeder) – SNC has placed an order with Adventure Playgrounds on our behalf. The Clerk and Chairman have to sign the contract with Norfolk County Council, binding us to deliver £27,000 of play scheme by 31 March 2010. The Clerk has circulated the draft contract to councillors on the Property Working Group. The play contractors are due to start work on site on 10 January 2010. A site meeting has been arranged for 8 January 2010.
· Update on the Casual Vacancy (Clerk and Cllr Leeder) –Paula Mason has expressed an interest in filling the vacancy, she has a range of relevant experience. Another Casual Vacancy has arisen due to the resignation of Stuart Dean from the Council. This vacancy will remain unfilled until the May elections. Action – Clerk – agenda co-option of Paula Mason for the January meeting.
· Update on the Entry/Exit signs on the Village Centre Car Park (Cllr Adlam) – Not done due to adverse weather conditions.
· Update on a new noticeboard for Dickleburgh (Clerk) – No progress has been made.
· Update on the progress of the Unpaid Work Unit’s activities on St Clement’s Common (Clerk) – The UWU have completed their work on St Clement’s Common. In addition to Ben Potterton’s complaint about the work the Clerk and local councillors have also received good feedback on the work from other members of the local community.
· Update on getting a brown sign for Dickleburgh from the A140 (Clerk) – The Clerk has put a Brown Signs information pack into the Round Robin. This item will be on the January 2011 agenda.
· Update on dog bin emptying from the Village Caretaker (Clerk) – Brian currently empties the waste into his own black bin on a fortnightly basis (approximately). He would be happy to continue this arrangement unless the volume of waste became too much to manage. The volume of waste is low. The Council agreed the priority site is Townlands Meadow, without a post. It can be fixed to the black fence. Action – Clerk – to purchase and arrange fixing up of the dog bin.
· Update on the current boundary issue with the Norwich Road allotments (Cllr Adlam) – We need to find the original deeds to show us where the boundary lies.
168. To receive and discuss the Clerk’s Report where appropriate
· Received, included;
· Parish problems reported to the Clerk since the last meeting
o Ben Potterton – is concerned about the impact of the St Clement’s Common work on local wildlife.
o John Adlam - Harvey Lane is being severely damaged by the increased amount of traffic resulting from the Rectory Road closure. He said the box factory is clearly directing people to use the road which is massively contributing to the problem.
· Mobile Police Station Dates
· Email – 7 December 2010 - £60,000 grants up for grabs
· Email – 29 November 2010 – Saffron Housing Trust – Saffron Joint Estate Walkabouts
· Email – 30 November 2010 – Hopkins Homes – Land South of Beech Way, Dickleburgh – Action – Clerk – to invite Hopkins Homes to talk to us in February 2011considering the background that the plan is in development. Action – Clerk - the Clerk will urgently set up a parish development group meeting in the New Year. Action – Cllr Adlam – to put together some initial thoughts on plan headings.
· Email – 15 November 2010 – South Norfolk Council, Meryl Harding
· Email – 4 November 2011 – Local Works – Sustainable Communities Act
· Email – 19 November 2011 – Local Works – Sustainable Communities Act, Thank You
· Letter – 9 December 2010 – Chris Walton, Head of Democratic Services, NCC - Norfolk County Council’s Big Conversation
· Letter – 23 November 2010 - Diss Town Council – SNC LDF Site Specific Policies
· Letter – 2 December 2010 – Reaching Communities Outline Proposal – Dickleburgh Playmakers
· Letter – December 2010 – Norfolk Teleshopping Service
· Dates of Parish Council Meetings 2010/2011
· Parish Crime Statistics – November 2010
· Dates for the Diary - Training Opportunities and Meetings for Clerk and Councillors
· November Round Robin, Contents;
o Diss, Thetford and District CAB Annual Report 2010
o Diss Town Council formal response to First Consultation Stage of SNDC LDF proposals.
o Home Options – Information for applications
o Norfolk ALC - LAIS 1311 – Local Council Precept Data
o Norfolk CC – Brown Tourist Signs Information Pack
o Journal of Local Planning – Sample 1st Edition (Subscription is £50).
o Rural Services Network – Building the Big Society.
169. To receive the Monthly Financial Report from the RFO including notification of payments made over the last month
· Received and approved.
· We haven’t yet had any invoice for the second phase of the streetlight project.
170. To approve grant payments for the financial year ending March 2012
· The following grants were approved as follows;
Applicant / Amount requested from DRPC / Details / PC PowerDickleburgh PCC / £550 / Total savings/reserves - £6,036.
For – General maintenance of the grass in the churchyard and graveyard.
Total cost of project - £1,200 / DRPC has the power to maintain closed churchyards under the Local Government Act 1972, s215.
Dickleburgh Parish News / £330 / Total savings/reserves - £372
For – printer maintenance , paper, ink and electricity
Total cost of project - £1,060 / DRPC has the power to support the production of the village newsletter under the Local Government Act 1972, s142
6 Vill Youth / £5,000 / Total savings/reserves - £6,456
For – 6VY Running Costs
Total cost of project - £33,947 / DRPC has the power to make this grant under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s.19, the power to provide a wide range of recreational facilities.
Dickleburgh Table Tennis Club / £250 / Total Savings/reserves - £0
For – child protection checks and training.
Total cost of project - £3055 / DRPC has the power to make this grant under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s.19, the power to provide a wide range of recreational facilities.
Rushall PCC / £330 / Total Savings/reserves - £9,231
For – Churchyard maintenance
Total cost of project - £500 / DRPC has the power to maintain closed churchyards under the Local Government Act 1972, s215.
Chruch Hill Surgery / £330 / Total Savings/reserves – not given
For Medicines delivery to Dickleburgh
Total cost of project – none given / DRPC has the power to make this donation under the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, s36. Expenditure under this power is limited to £6.44 per elector during the 2011/12 financial year amounting to £7200.
TOTAL / £7295
171. To approve 2011/12 budget and precept as recommended by the finance committee.
· The budget was approved and is attached to these minutes.
· The precept for the 2011/12 financial year is £36,596, a 5.5% reduction on last year.
172. Planning Applications as received from South Norfolk Council, incl;
· None received.
173. To receive consultees reports of planning decisions made by SNC
· Planning Application 2010/1667 – Blacksmiths Cottage Nursery, Langmere Road, Rushall – Retrospective application for change of use of existing building to use for a variety of lectures and community groups. Proposed extension of building – Approved with conditions.
· Planning Application 2010/1668 – Blacksmiths Cottage Nursery, Langmere Road, Rushall – Retrospective application for change of use of part of retail plant nursery (garden) to tourist attraction. Allowing public access to exotic animal collection and garden – Approved with conditions.
· Planning Application 2010/1690 & 1691 (LB) – White Horse Farm, Harleston Road, Dickleburgh – Demolition and replacement of outbuilding for use as garden store – Approved with conditions.
174. To receive an update from the PC Village Centre Committee
· There were no updates. The last meeting was cancelled due to bad weather. The meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday 16th December.
175. To agree a proportion of the playing field lettings to be received by the Village Centre.
· It was agreed that the PC would give 50% of the income from Scole Lads FC to the Village Centre Committee for hire of the changing rooms.
176. To approve renewal of membership to the SLCC.
· Approved at an annual cost of £106. Action – Clerk – to complete forms.
177. To approve the content of the rental agreements with Dickeburgh Bowls Club (bowls club) and Scole Lads Football Club (playing field and changing rooms) for the 2011/12 season.
· Approved.
· There have been no major changes to the agreements. However, the agreement with the Bowls Club has been extended to cover the next 3 financial years.
178. To consider a request from the community for a grit bin placed at the end of Catchpole Walk.
· Action – Cllr Clarkson – Will try and get sponsorship for 3 public footpath grit bins in the village which we will adopt and get filled with salt bins.
· The Gritting machine needs to visit more frequently and pay particular attention to the corner on Norwich Road by Bridge Farm. Action – Clerk – to contact NCC Highways about this.
179. To consider a request from Dickleburgh Bowls Club to financially support the removal of the conifer hedge and chain link fencing, followed by the erection of a new solid wood 2m fence.
· Action – Clerk – to work with Mick to find funding.
· Councillors did not really like the idea of a 2m fence and planning permission would be needed for this.
· Cllr Adlam has a good hedging contact which would cost less (Elveden Christmas Trees) than the fencing.
180. To consider a letter from Norfolk CC – Maintaining the street scene and public rights of way – could your council and community play a bigger part?
· To defer until the next meeting.
· Action – Clerk – to complete the form according to what we already do for discussion at the next meeting.
181. To approve the cost of chipping the scrub removed from St Clement’s Common.
· The Clerk has received 2 quotes – Dan Arbour £800+VAT, Waveney Tree Surgeons £500+VAT. Both will chip and leave cuttings on site. Neither can do the work before Christmas.