Draft Minutes ofMusic Committee Meeting: 12May 2014, 6.30 pm


Ronda Jones (Deputy Principal), Gai Berry (Band Program Coordinator),Holly Bury (Ukulele Coordinator), Helen Crimmins (Band Conductor/Musical Director),Jo White (Instrument Coordinator), Gareth Collins (Instrument Coordinator),Tracey Hek (P&C Communications), Anne Collins (Senior Band Coordinator), Amanda Thorp (Junior Band Coordinator), Anne Jackson, Julia Limb (Ukulele program), Meredith Page (Advanced Band Coordinator, minute taker).


Cathy Robinson (Intermediate Band Coordinator)

  1. Welcome and overview (GB)

Training band. New members have started lessons with tutors and most are happy with their times. The band will start rehearsals in T3.

  1. Report to date (GB)

Band program - update ontotal number of childrenand Instruments out for hire:

  • Advanced Band: 14 children and 5 hired instruments
  • Senior Band: 17 children and 12 hired instruments
  • Intermediate Band: 21 children and 17 hired instruments,
  • Junior : 22 children and 20 hired instruments
  • Training: 45 children and 45 hired instruments.[K1]

So, over 90 instruments out for hire.

  1. Finances (GB)

Update. There is approximately $5K in the bank, with a further $8K in outstanding invoices. So, about $13K once Term 2 hire fees are received.

The Committee discussed whether a submission should be made to the P&C for additional funds, given that Training Band numbers for 2015 are likely to be high.

AJvolunteered to review the Band Program’s finances before the next Music Committee meeting. She will look at the projected balance for December 2014 (ie, based on current balance, hire fees and the Big Gigs).After some discussion it was decided that once we know this figure (and have an idea of projected training band numbers for 2015), we can work out if a submission to the P&C for additional funds is needed (and if so, for how much), and/or whether to organise extra fundraising activities.


AJ to review the Band program’s finances and discuss with JW whether we need prepare a submission for the next P&C meeting (scheduled, Wed 21 May 2014 ).[K2]

AJ to report on the Band program’s finances at the next Music Committee meeting (early Term 3).

Unpaid Band fees.The Committee discussed how to chase these funds. Invoices may be missed in kids’ bags and not discovered until late or not at all. It was suggested that Parent Coordinators send an email to parents/carers afterinvoices have been issued. It was noted that parents/carers are already sent reminders from the school if fees are not paid. TH suggested that parents/carers are reminded that fees can be paid online by going to the school website (ie, via Make a payment on RPS Home page).

Tutors fees.AJ asked whether tutor payments could be streamlined so that all invoices could be sent at a similar time, or whether one payment could be made that covered all the costs. There was discussion about the tutors having different fees and therefore the need for them to send their own invoices. RJ also felt that there may be several issues for the school in invoicing on behalf of tutors, particularly the extraadministrative work involved. Members raised a few other problems with tutors fees including the administrative burden on tutors of counting up lessons at the end of term due to concerns of overcharging (HC), high numbers of unpaid invoices (HC), lack of regular invoicing and varying times of invoicing (all). Discussion continued – see below.

Exercise books for communication with tutors. GB advised that tutors would be issued with a book to note down any problems with instruments, so these are acted on early. HC has been using a book (for instrument problems and band changes), which Gai checks once a week, which was working well.


GB to email Parent Coordinators and suggest they advise parents:

-to look out for the invoice for Term 2 Band fees in their child’s bag.

-that fees can be paid online via the school website[K3]

-to ask their tutor to invoice them if they haven’t received an invoice for Term 1


-to email tutors to remind them to invoice parents

  1. Administrator position (RJ)

RJ advised that:

-the position description was adapted from that of the Band administrator at Balmain Secondary College

-the school had received many,many applications

-there is probably too much work for 1 day/week, and at a later date, the hours may be expanded.

-interviews will take place on Fri 16 May. RJ, HC and JW will be on the interview panel.


RJ will let the Committee know who is appointed through the standard communication channels.

  1. Finances – Tutor fees continued

After further discussion, which included the concerns of teachers about rescheduling make-up lessons, the administrative burden on tutors, the average number of lessons that go ahead per term, the Committee felt that some simple improvements to the tutor fee payment process could be made.

The Committee supported the following changes to tutor invoicing and payments:

-invoicing of parents/carers at the start of each term (ie, Weeks 1-3) for 8 lessons (based on average number that go ahead as scheduled per HC)

-providing a due date for payments (e.g. 2 weeks from issue of invoice)

-no make-up or rescheduling of lessons

-invoicing for any extra lessons at the end of term.


GB to follow-up with RJ to seek tutors feedback on this proposal

Streamlining tutor payments.Ideas for handling of tutor invoices and payments by the school were discussed, with a view to presenting these to RJ and SS for consideration. TH suggested that she could create a field in the online payment system (similar to the tick box of the Uniform Shop) whereby parents would see a list of the tutor’s names, then tick the appropriate name and make the specified term payment for that tutor. TH said that in theory, she could then run a report at the end of the payment period to work out how much had been paid to each tutor. The school could then draw cheques for each tutor, but this would only be for the money received by the school. This may mean some extra administrative work for the school, but perhaps not too much (?6 cheques a term).


The Committee to look streamlining payment options for tutors at the next meeting after the first set of Communication changes are implemented – see below

  1. Communication changes – subscriber groups (TH)

P& C newsletter subscriber lists. Parents/carers throughout the school will be emailed and asked to subscribe to P & C news next week. TH will then email all band members about subscribing to their child’s/ren’s band/s, to receiveall the news and information previously sent via email groups.

Parent Reps may need to remind parents to switch subscriber lists when children switch bands.

RTO.GC requested that the parent’s RTO (Really Terrible Orchestra) is added to the subscriber list.


TH to send a generic email to all parents/carers in the Band Program about the new communication method and how to subscribe to their child’s band news.

TH to advise Parent Band Coordinators when to send a follow up email to parents about subscribing to their child’s band news.

TH to addthe RTO as a subscriber group.

  1. Bands (HC)

Exciting to see progress of the bands.

Big Gig

–The Committee suggested: Sunday 15th June (TBC by RJ and SS)

–No solos, just the bands with Combined Band at the end

–GB asked for a volunteer to organise the event – cakestall etc.


HC to send Big Gig list of items to Parent Band Coordinators

HC to send updated lists of Band members to GB by middle of next week

Addit: MP will work with GB on organising the Big Gig (cake stall, set-up, program printing)

Events and opportunities

Events for the Bands (HC)

–Big Gig - June ( as above)

–Daceyville – August. We will need to complete a risk assessment form.

Fundraising (GB)

–Halloween disco. The P& C Fundraising Committee has given the opportunity of running the canteen to the Band Program, so profits will go to the Program. No baking, just helpers to work on the stall. Will sell chips, poppers, frozen oranges.

–RTO concert will be on 5th September (GC)

Instrument Maintenance (JW)

-Stocks are currently low, as expected with most instruments out for hire. We need to have some stock at hand for instrument problems or children changing their instrument.

-We may need to spend about $20K on instruments next year, as not many instruments are due for return by Year 6ers.

-The Committee discussed whether a preliminary request for funds should be put to the next P&C meeting. A decision was made to wait until AJ had reviewed finances. AJ to discuss with JW – see earlier action point.

-JW suggested improving attendance of a Band Committee Rep at P&C meetings and ensuring that the Band reports to the P&C regularly. Keeping the Band Program in the spotlight may help with any future submissions for funding.

-GC said that he had not received many requested to fix instruments.


[K1]MP: Not sure if I got this right

[K2]MP. Wed 16 June is the one after that

[K3]MP. This option should also be explained on the invoice. Can this be discussed with Avil?