* Personal Information:

Name: kafa HmoudAbdallah al- Nawaiseh

Nationality: Jordanian

Place of birth: Al-Mazar –Karak-Jordan

Date of birth: 02-07-1976

Marital status:Single


Albalqa' Applied University/KarakUniversityCollege



Mobile: +962-0795-903522/ 0796945603

Fax: 00962-03-2386322



2011-2013: PHD- Business administration –:

University: Islamic OmDurman University – Sudan

2004-2005: MSc –management information system -

University: AmmanArabUniversity for Graduate studies

2003-2004: Higher Diploma -management information system

University: AmmanArabUniversity for Graduate studies

1994-1998: BSc –Business Administration–

University:Mu’tah University-Jordan

*Teaching/Administration Experience

Teaching Experience:

2010-until now: Teaching in AL- Balqa Applied University – Al - KarakUniversity College

2008-2010: Teaching in the ArabAcademy for Banking and Financial Sciences.

Administration Experience:

2007-2010 supervisorComputer lab (KarakUniversityCollege)

1998-2006: Administrative: (KarakUniversityCollege)

Al-Balqa' Applied University-Jordan.

* TECHNICAL SKILLS*Training Courses


SPSS Al-Balqa' Applied University

Financial Analysis Al-Balqa' Applied University

Alpha system Al-Balqa' AppliedUniversity

Computer applications in accounting Galaxy international group

English conversation language Al-Balqa' AppliedUniversity

KAB.I Know About BusinessBDC

*Courses I Teach/Have Taught

No / Course Name / University
Information resources management / The ArabAcademy
Functional information systems / The ArabAcademy
Management information system / The ArabAcademy
Marketing information system / The ArabAcademy
Analysis business requirements / The ArabAcademy
Management database system / AlBalqa Applied University
Management of medical record / AlBalqa Applied University
Health services management / AlBalqa Applied University
Principle of management / AlBalqa Applied University
Methods ofscientific research / Al Balqa Applied University
Total Quality Management / Al Balqa Applied University
Accounting Information Systems / Al Balqa Applied University
Human Resource Management / Al Balqa Applied University
Materials Management / Al Balqa Applied University
E-Commerce / Al Balqa Applied University
Knowledge management / Al Balqa Applied University
Communications skills / Al Balqa Applied University
E Government / Al Balqa Applied University
Communications skills / Al Balqa Applied University
MIS Project management / Al Balqa Applied University
Special topics in MIS / Al Balqa Applied University
Occupational Safety and Health / Al Balqa Applied University
E business / Al Balqa Applied University
ERP / Al Balqa Applied University
Computer applications in management / Al balqa Applied University

Note: Al Balqa Applied University (StateUniversity)

The ArabAcademy for Banking and financial sciences (PrivateUniversity)

*English Publications2015

Safety Requirements and Modern Technical Requirements in Human Information Systems in Amman Hotels. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences January 2015, Vol. 5, No. 1 ISSN: 2222-6990.

Farouq Alazzam , sattam alamro . MohammadAlsarayreh.kafa al nawaiseh

English Publications2014

The impact of human resource management functions in achieving competitive advantage Applied study in Jordan Islamic Bank . European Journal of Business and Management .ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) Vol.6, No.38, 2014. Kafa al Nawaiseh

English Publications2013

  • The impact of information technology on knowledge management processes – An Empirical Study in the Arab potash company .international Business research , ISSN 1913-9004 vol.6 ,NO.1 January 2013 .

Sattam Allahawiah, Hisham Al-Mobaideen, Kafa al Nawaiseh

* English Publications2011

  • Challenges encounter tourist guides while performing their job and extent of their job satisfaction Jordan as a case study .European journal of Economics, finance and administrative sciences ISSN 1450-2275 Issue 37(2011).

Mohammad ALsarayreh .Sameer ALamro,Ziad Alamaideh. Kafa Hmoud Al nawaiseh

  • Faculty members of both genders in Jordanian public and private universities and job satisfaction "comparative study. European journal of Economics .International Bulletin of business administration .Issue 12.

Sameer ALamro. Ahmad AL Sarayreh. Amal Yaseen AL Majali.Kafa Hmoud Al nawaiseh

*Arabic Publications2011

  • Impact of management information system in the use of quantitative methods in decision - making in Jordanian public shareholding companies. Scientific Journal,New horizons forbusinessstudies. Egypt.

Kafa Hmoud Al nawaiseh. Amal Yaseen AL Majali

اثر نظم المعلومات الإدارية في استخدام الأساليب الكمية في اتخاذ القرار في الشركات المساهمة العامة الأردنية- المجلة العلميةللاقتصاد والتجارة – جامعة عين شمس – مصر .

*Arabic Publications2009:

  • A perceived quality of information technology on the creative behavior of theusers of the system in the BalqaAppliedUniversity. Volume (36) - Issue (2) Journal of Studies/ Management Science-University of Jordan-July 2009.

Kafa Hmoud al Nawaiseh

اثر استخدام جودة تكنولوجيا نظام المعلومات الادارية المدركة على السلوك الابداعي لدى مستخدمي النظام في جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية

International Conferences 2016

Social Networking Sites and its Role in Achieving Competitive Advantage for business organizations,Conference on Modern Trends in Business - Amman Arab University -Period 5-6/4/2016

International Conferences 2015

  • The contribution of the National Center for tests to achieve quality assurance in higher education in Jordanian Higher Education InstitutionsFifth International Arab Conference for Quality Assurance in IACQA'2015 University of Sharjah of the United Arab Emirates during the period 3-5 / 3/2015
  • Compared to standards applied to ensure the academic programs at Jordanian universities main axes to ensure the quality of academic programs prepared by the Secretariat quality in the Association of Arab Universities.Fifth International Arab Conference for Quality Assurance in IACQA'2015 University of Sharjah of the United Arab Emirates during the period 3-5 / 2015

International Conferences 2014

The reality of the application of e-government institutions in Jordan - the Income Tax Department and Sales Case Study

International Scientific Forum: The quality of the public service under the e-governance in the case of the Arab countries on 29 to 30 October 2014 at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Commerce and Management Sciences University M'hamed Bougherra Boumerdes. Algeria

واقع تطبيق الحكومة الالكترونية في المؤسساتالأردنية– دائرة ضريبة الدخل والمبيعات دراسة حاله

الملتقى العلمي الدولي : جودة الخدمة العمومية في ظل الحوكمة الالكترونيةحالة البلدانالعربيةيومي 29-30 أكتوبر 2014بكلية العلوم الاقتصادية،التجارية و علوم التسيير جامعة أمحمد بوقرةبومرداس.

Kafa Hmoud al Nawaiseh

International Conferences 2014

Jordanian experience in e-government

Case Study - The central traffic management

International Conference: the transition to electronic management strategy: a tool for the development of performance and raise the competitiveness of the service institutions in developing countries - valuing the opportunities and meet the challenges on 29 to 30 October 2014 at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Commerce and Management Sciences Badji Mokhtar University of Annaba.Algeria

التجربة الأردنية في الحكومة الالكترونية - دراسة حاله - إدارة السير المركزية

المؤتمر الدولي : إستراتيجية الانتقال إلىالإدارة الالكترونية : أداة لتطوير الأداء ورفع القدرة التنافسية للمؤسسات الخدمية في الدول النامية - تثمين الفرص ومواجهة التحديات ، كلية العلوم الاقتصادية وعلوم التسير ، جامعة باجي مختار عنابه ، الجزائر يومي ٢٩-٣٠اكتوبر 2014.

Kafa Hmoud Al nawaiseh . Amal Yaseen AL Majali

International Conferences 2012

ضمان الجودة في مؤسسات التعليم العالي الأردنية

حالة تطبيقية جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية – الأردن

“Quality assurance in higher education institutions of Jordan, Practice case study: A l - BalqaAppliedUniversity - Jordan"

المؤتمر العربي الدولي لضمان جودة التعليم العالي

The International Arab Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (IACQA'2012)

الجامعة الخليجية، مملكة البحرين4-5/4/2012

. Amal Yaseen AL Majali.Kafa Hmoud Al nawaiseh

International Conferences 2011

معايير الاعتماد العام والخاص لمؤسسات التعليم العالي في الأردن

Criteria for Accreditation of Public and Private Institutions of Higher Education in Jordan.

HigherEducationInternationalConference – Lebanon-

October 31st until November 2nd, 2011

Amal Yaseen AL Majali.Kafa Hmoud Al nawaiseh

Additional Professional Activities:

- Participation in the twenty-fifth International Conference of the Arab Federation for Libraries and Information «I know« in Tunisia about standards «quality performance in libraries and information centers and Alarcevat. In the period from October 28 to 30, 2014

Membership of committees

-Member of the Faculty Council.KarakCollegeUniversity

-Member of the disciplinary committee of students. KarakCollegeUniversity

-Member of the Quality Committee. KarakCollegeUniversity

-Member of the Committee equation materials. KarakCollegeUniversity

-M member of the committee comprehensive practical exam for students

-Member of the Arab Federation for Libraries and Information.

-Member libraries Jordanian Society. Amman

-Member of the Renewable Energy Association. Al –Mazar

References :

Dr .Ekliaf Tarawenh – president of Jordan university

Dr. Sattam Al Amro - Associate Professor Balqa Applied University. Dean of al karak university College

Dr. Haroon Altarawneh - Associate Professor Balqa Applied University.

Dr. Bilal Alsakarneh - Associate Professor - University of Isra